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A. Goethe B. Defoe C. Schiller D. Kant 13. The Lakers refer to _________.

A. Wordsworth and Coleridge B. Byron and Shelly C. William Blake and Keats D. None of the above 14. The later Romantics in music refer to _________.

A. Schuman and Chopin B. Verdi and Wagner C. Beethoven and Mozart D. Haydn and Bach

15. In Capital, Marx, after long and careful study, discovered that _________. A. it is men’s social being that determines their consciousness B. activity is basic

C. socialism would be realized through class struggle

D. surplus value is the source of the wealth of the capitalist class 16. The essence of Darwin’s theory of evolution is _________.

A. immutable fixity of species B. natural selection C. artificial selection D. none of the above 17. \ _________.

A. Dostoyevsky B. Gogol C. Corky D. Chekhov 18. Which of the following was not written by Charles Dickens?

A. David Copperfield B. Hard Times C. Vanity Fair D. Oliver Twist 19. The author of \ _________.

A. Henry James B. Virginia Woolf C. T.S. Eliot D. D.H. Lawrence 20. One of the chief representatives of the Theatre of the Absurd is _________. A. Kinsley Amis B. John Osborne C. Allen Ginsberg D. Samuel Beckett

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1. Socrates was _________.

A. the teacher of Aristotle B. the student of Plato C. the teacher of Plato D. the student of Aristotle 2. One of the contributions the Romans made to European culture was _________. A. the Roman empire B. the slave system C. the production of the great epic writer D. the Roman law 3. The Book of Daniel describes _________.

A. the struggle of the Jews against the Syrian rule B. the prisoners in Babylon C. the story of Noah’s Ark D. the rule of King Solomon 4. The Old Testament was originally written in _________.

A. Hebrew B. Aramaic dialect C. Greek D. Latin

5. Which of the following is not included in the Code of Chivalry? A. Loyalty to his lord. B. Fighting for the church. C. Protection of the people.

D. Respect for women of noble birth.

6. The goal of the Crusades was_________.

A. to re-control Jerusalem B. to open path to Byzantine C. to regain the Holy land --- Palestine D. to open trade route to the east 7. The essence of Renaissance philosophy was _________.

A. the emphasis on the greatness of man B. the glorification of God

C. the emphasis on the giving up of worldly pleasure D. the importance of wealth

8. Leonardo da Vinci, in his lifetime, put down his observation in notebooks running up to _________ volumes.

A. 1, 000 B. 5, 000 C. 3, 000 D. 4, 000

9. \ A. John Locke B. Francis Bacon

C. Isaac Newton D. Gotffried Wilhelm yon Leibniz 10. The most important point in Descartes’ philosophy is _________.

A. I think therefore I am B. I use my senses therefore I am C. I doubt therefore I am D. None of the above

11. The most important forerunners of the Enlightenment were _________. A. Voltaire and Rousseau B. Diderot and Montesquieu C. John Locke and Isaac Newton D. None of the above 12. Which of the following remarks was made by Rousseau?

A. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. (The Declaration of Independence 美国的《独立宣言》)

B. The thirst after happiness is never extinguished in the heart of man. (Rousseau 卢梭) C. Love truth, but pardon error. (Voltaire 伏尔泰)

D. Liberty consists in the freedom to do everything which injures no one else. (Declaration of the

Rights of Man and of the Citizen(1789) 法国的《人权宣言》)

13. Romanticism was a movement in Europe _________. A. in the late 19th century and early 20th century B. in the 19th century

C. in the late 17th century and early 18th century D. in the late 18th century and early 19th century

14. The two most important works of Victor Hugo’s are _________. A. Atala and Rene (Chateaubriand夏多布里昂)

B. Ivanhoe and The Heart of Mid – lothian

Walter Scott的《艾凡赫》又译《撒克逊劫后英雄传》以及《中洛辛郡的心脏》

C. Notre Dame de Paris and Les Miserables

D. Eugene Onegin and Boris Godunov


15. The man who applied Darwin’s evolution to society was_________.

A. Yah Fu B. Thomas Huxley C. Alfred Russel Wallace D. Herbert Spencer

16. According to Marx,the most important thing about Feuerbach was _________. A. he proclaimed materialism

B. he supported Hegel

C. he supported the utopian socialists

D. he put forward the idea of class struggle

17. \

A. van Gogh B. Paul Gauguin C. Claude Monet D. Gustave Courbet 18. Which of the following works is not written by Thomas Hardy?

A. Far from the Madding Crowd. B. The Return of the Native. C. Tess of the d'Urberyvilles. D. A Tale of Two Cities. 19. William Butler Yeats was a(n) _________ poet. A. English B. Scottish C. American D. Irish

20. \ A. Ezra Pound B. William Faulkner C. James Joyce D. Ernest Hemingway

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1. Which of the following is not true about Aristotle?

A. In Aristotle the great humanist and the great man of science meet. B. Aristotle founded the school of the Stoics. C. Aristotle was tutor of Alexander.

D. Aristotle wrote many books on logic, politics, poetry, rhetoric and other subjects. 2. Which of the following statements is true about the Roman Empire? A. The Roman Empire had never been divided.

B. The Roman Empire was divided into East and West in 395 A. D. C. The Roman Empire was later called Byzantium.

D. The Roman Empire was conquered by the Turks in the 15th century. 3. The Bible has been regarded as __________.

A. a religious book B. literature

C. record of great minds D. all of the above 4. The Catholic Church should be characterized as__________. A. a loosely organized religious institution B. a highly centralized European organization

C. a highly centralized and disciplined international organization D. a highly centralized and disciplined western organization.

5. The Crusades were wars between __________. A. the Arabs and the Christian Pilgrims

B. the Turks and the Christians in Western Europe C. the Christians in Western Europe and the Moslems D. the Arabs and the Turks

6. St. Thomas Aquinas defended in his works __________. A. feudal hierarchy of society B. divine power of feudal rulers C. the Pope' s supremacy over secular rulers D. all of the above

7. The motto Montaigne put down in the essays was __________. A. What do I know?

B. I doubt therefore I think.

C. Give me a place to stand, and I will move the world. D. Only to stand out of my light.

8. Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese navigator who __________. A. discovered the Cape of Good Hope

B. discovered the route to India round the Cape of Good Hope C. explored the mouth of the Amazon D. was the first to visit Cuba and Haiti

9. Which of the following laws was discovered by Newton? A. Law of buoyancy. B. Law of falling bodies.

C. Law of relativity. D. Law of universal gravitation.

10. In Locke' s political philosophy, the chief reason for the institution of civil government was __________.

A. the protection of private property

B. the upholding of free thinking

C. the abolishment of the rule of the church

D. regulation of economy

11. Which of the following is not true about the developments of the Industrial Revolution? A. The substitution of water power for human power. B. The introduction of machine.

C. The beginning of the factory system.

D. The growth of modem capitalism and the working class.

12. \ A. Voltaire B. Rousseau C. Diderot D. Moliere

13. In the works of __________, one can see the spirit of the Age of Reason. A. Handel B. Haydn C. Bach D. Mozart

14. The poem of Byron' s that was translated into Chinese at the turn of the 20th century is __________.

A. Don Juan B. Defence of Poetry C. Ode to a Nightingale D. Isles of Greece

15. Throughout his life, Beethoven struggled to pass on through his music __________. A. the spirit of the French Revolution B. the spirit of Byronic heroes C. ideas of a moral nature D. the praise of natural beauty 16. __________ is considered to be the poet of the piano. A. Mozart B. Chopin C.Schubert D. Schumann

17. Which of the following works was not written by Charles Dickens?

A. A Tale of Two Cities. B. The Mayor of Casterbridge. C. David Copperfield. D. Pickwick Papers. 18. The author of the short story The Necklace was __________. A. O' Henry B. Jack London C. Mark Twain D. Maupassant

19. \was __________. A. William Faulkner B. Ezra Pound

C. T. S. Eliot D. William Butler Yeats

20. __________was regarded as the greatest Russian literary figure of the 20th century. A. Sholokhov B. Tolstoy C. Chekhov D. Gorky

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I. The contribution of ancient Greeks to world civilization is _________

A. Athenian democracy B. The Olympic Games C. The epics of Homer D. All of the above 2. Which of the following is true about Herodotus? A. He is called \

B. He wrote about the wars between Athens and Sparta. C. He contributed greatly to tragic art. D. He used clever parody in his writing.

3. Genesis of the Old Testament tells about __________

A. the fall of man B. the creation of the world C. Noah’s Ark D. all of the above. 4. The leader of the slave uprising in 73 B. C. was _________ A. Nero B. Moses C. Spartacus D. Abraham 5. The great contribution of St. Jerome was __________ A. the building of monasteries

B. the translation of Old and New Testaments into Latin C. the setting up of the church system D. none of the above

6. The main classes under feudalism in Western Europe were __

A. monks, lords and townspeople B. clergy, knights and peasants C. knights, peasants and townspeople D. clergy, lords and peasants 7. Which of the following is not true about Dante? A. Dante was a great Italian poet.

B. Dante wrote Beowulf.

C. Dante wrote his masterpiece in Italian.

D. Dante was a great political thinker.

8. John Wycliffe was twice condemned as a heretic because of __________ A. his teaching philosophy at Oxford

B. his vigorous attack on orthodox church doctrines C. his clerical associations and activities D. A&C

9. Scientists in the 17th century, such as Galileo and Newton, attached great importance to ________ A. deductive reasoning B. classical authority C. direct observation and experiment D. humanist learning 10. The method that Francis Bacon introduced in inquiry was _________. A. practical B. deductive reasoning C. induction D. experiment



