A. Exodus B. Commandments C. Amos D. Pentaeuch 17. Which of the following is NOT the content of the Ten Commandments?_______
A. Honour your father and your mother B. Do not commit suicide
C. Do not desire your neighbour’s wife D. Do not take the name of God in vain
18. When in Babylon the Hebrews formed synagogues to practise their religion? ______
A. in 169 B.C. B. in the 4th century C. in 76 B.C. D. in the 6th century 19. After the _______ century Nestorianism reached China.
A. sixth B. fifth C. second D. third
20. Which of the following emperors made Christianity the official religion of the empire and outlawed all other
religions? __________
A. Theodosius B. Augustus C. Constantine I D. Nero Caesar
21. Which of the following emperors issued the Edict of Milan and made Christianity legal in 313? __________
A. Augustus B. Thedosius C. Nero D. Constantine I 22. At the age of 30, Jesus Christ received the baptism at the hands of _________.
A. St. Peter B. St. Paul C. John Baptist D. John Wycliff 23. By 1693, the whole of the Bible had been translated in _________languages.
A. 228 B. 974 C. 1202 D. 154 24. The oldest extant Greek translation of the Old Testament is known as ________.
A. the Latin Vulgate B. the Aristeas C. the “Authorized” D. the Septuagint
25. When printing was invented in the 1500’s, the _______ Bible was the first complete work printed.
A. English B. Latin C. Aramaic D. Hebrew 26. When did the standard American edition of the Revised Version appear? _______
A. 1885 B. 1611 C. 1901 D. 1979
Division Three: The Middle Ages
27. In the later part of the 4th century, which of the following tribes swept into Europe from central Asia, robbing and
killing a large numbers of the half civilized Germanic tribes? ________ A. the Mongolians B. the Huns C. the Turkish D. the Syrians 28. The Middle Ages is also called the _________.
A. “Age of Christianity” B. “Age of Literature” C. “Age of Holy Spirit” D. “Age of Faith”
29. According to the code of chivalry, which of the following is not pledged to do for a knight? _______
A. To be loyal to his lord B. To fight for the church C. To obey without question the orders of the abbot D. To respect women of noble birth
30. In 732, who gave his soldiers estates known as fiefs as a reward for their service? _________
A. Charles Martel, a Frankish ruler B. Charles I, a Turkish ruler C. Constantine I, a Frankish ruler D. St. Benedict, a Italian ruler
31. When was the Church divided into the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church?_________
A. after 1066 B. after 1296 C. after 1054 D. after 476
32. Which of the following about the knight or noble in the Middle Ages in Western Europe is NOT
A. Almost all nobles were knights in the Medieval days. B. A noble began his education as a page at the age of seven. C. As a knight, he was pledged to fight for the church. D. At about fourteen, the page became a knight.
33. When was a noble crowned as a knight in the Middle Ages in Western Europe? _______
A. At the age of 14.
B. When he was taught to say his prayers, learned good manners and ran errands for the ladies. C. At a special ceremony known as dubbing. D. When he was pledged to fight for the church.
34. Which of the following is NOT true about what the monks must do before entering the monastery according to the
Benedictine Rule?
A. They had to attend service 6 times during the day and once at midnight.
B. They could promise to give up all their possession before entering the monastery. C. They were expected to work 5 hours a day in the fields surrounding the monastery. D. They had to obey without question the orders of the abbot.
35. Under feudalism, what were the three classes of people of western Europe?________
A. clergy, knights and serfs B. Pope, bishop and peasants C. clergy, lords and peasants D. knights, nobles and serfs
36. By which year the Moslems had taken over the last Christian stronghold and won the crusades and ruled all the
territory in Palestine that the crusaders had fought to control? ________ A. 1270 B. 1254 C. 1096 D. 1291
37. Which of the following was crowned “Emperor of the Romans” by the Pope in 800? ______
A. St. Thomas Aquinas B. Charlemagne C. Constantine D. King James
38. Who was the ruler of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex and contributed greatly to the medieval European
culture? _________
A. Charles I B. Constantine I C. Alfred the Great D. Charles the Great 39. Does Song of Roland belong to which country’s epic? _________
A. English B. Germanic C. Hebrew D. French 40. Who is the author of the Opus Maius? ________
A. Roger Bacon B. Dante Alighieri C. Chaucer D. St. Thomas Aquina
Division IV: Renaissance and Reformation
41. Where did the Renaissance start with the flowering of paintings, sculpture and architecture? _______
A. in Greece and Rome B. in Florence and Venice C. in Milan and Florence D. in Italy and Germany
42. When did the Renaissance reach its height with its center moving to Milan, then to Rome, and created High
Renaissance? ___________
A. in the 11th century B. in the 15th century C. in the 16th century D. in the 17th century 43. Which of the following works is written by Boccaccio? _______
A. Decameron B. Canzoniers C. David D. Moses 44. Who is the author of the painting, Betrayal of Judas? ________
A. Giotto B. Brunelleschi C. Donatello D. Giorgione
45. Which of the following High Renaissance artists is the father of the modern mode of painting? _______
A. Raphael B. Titian C. da Vinci D. Michelangelo
46. Which of the following High Renaissance artists was best known for his Madona (Virgin Mary)?
A. Titian B. da Vinci C. Michelangelo D. Raphael
47. Which of the following paintings was based on the story in the Bible with Maria riding on a donkey ready to face
the hardship ahead? ________
A. Tempesta B. Sacred and Profane Love C. Flight into Egypt D. The Return of the Hunters 48. Who took up the translation of the Bible into English for the first time? ________
A. Jan Hus B. John Wyliff C. Martin Luther D. John Calvin 49. Who is the author Institutes of the Christian Religion?
A. John Wycliff B. Jan Hus C. John Calvin D.Erasmus 50. In whose reign did the formal break of the British with the papal authorities take place?____
A. Elizabeth I B. William I C. Edward III D. Henry VIII
51. After the formal break of the British with the papal authorities, who was the head of the church? _______
A. King B. Pope C. Bishop D. Queen
52. Which of the following works was written by Rabelais, in which he praises the greatness of man,
expresses his love of love and his reverence and sympathy for humanist learning? _______
A.Gargantua and Pantagruel B. Don Quixote C. The Praise of Folly D. Utopia
53. Whose motto put down in his essays “What do Know” is world famous?________
A. Cervantes B. Rabelais C. Montaigne D. Shakespeare
54. Which of the following works is worth reading for Montaigne’s humanist ideas and a style which is easy and
familiar? ________
A. Sonnets B. Decameron C. Rabelais D. Of Repentance 55. Which of the following is NOT French writer poet? _______
A. Cervantes B. Pierre de Ronsard C. Rabelais D. Montaigne 56. In 1516 who published the first Greek edition of the New Testament?_________
A. Bruegel B. Erasmus C. El Greco D. Rabelais 57. “To be, or not to be, -- that is the question ” from whose works? _______
A. Chaucer B. Dante C. Roger Bacon D. Shakespeare
Division Five: The Seventeenth Century
58. Who ever said that “The modern world, so far as mental outlook is concerned, begins in the 17th
A. Copernicus B. Francis Bacon C. Bertrand Russell D. Leibniz 59. The author of The Revolution of the Heavenly Orbs is _______?
A. Kepler B. Copernicus C. Galileo D. Newton
60. Galileo is the greatest name in the physics of the 17th century. His telescope magnified objects _______.
A. a thousand times B. a hundred times C. ten-thousand times D. five-hundred times
61. Which of the following statements about Newton’s contribution to the science is NOT true? _______
A. He discovered the law of the universal gravitation. B. He invented calculus.
C. He discovered that white light is composed of all the colors of the spectrum. D. He discovered the law of relativity.
62. Which of the following about Galileo is NOT true?_________
A. He invented the telescope and was the first to apply the telescope to the study of the skies. B. He discovered the law of inertia.
C. He discovered the importance of acceleration in dynamics. D. He was the first to establish the law of falling bodies.
63. The first major advance of modern science occurred in ______.
A. anatomy B. astronomy C. printing D. geographical discoveries ________ and Newton invented independently the differential and integral calculus._______
A. Descartes B. Copernicus C. Leibniz D. Kepler
64. Engels said: “The revolutionary act by which natural science declared its independence… was the publication of
the immortal work…”, what does the immortal work refer to ?_______ A. Sidereus Nuncius
B. New Eassays Concerning Human Understanding C. New system of Nature
D. The Revolution of the Heavenly Orbs
66. Who ever said that “knowledge is power”? ________
A. Shakespeare B. Francis Bacon C. Thomas Hobbes D. John Locke 67. Which of the following works was not written by Francis Bacon? ________
A. Essay Concerning Human Understanding B. The Novum Organum (New Method) C. The New Atlantis
D. The Advancement of Learning
68. Which of the following philosophers believed that man is selfish by nature? _______
A. John Locke B. Descartes
C. Pierre Gassendi D. Thomas Hobbes
69. What kind of government formed in England after the Glorious Revolution and the enactment of the Bill of
A. constitutional monarchy B. republic
C. anarchy D. absolute monarchy
70. When did the Glorious Revolution in England break out? ________
A. 1660 B. 1649 C. 1688 D. 1689 71. Which of the following works is NOT written by John Milton? ______
A. Paradise Lost B. Areopagitica C. Samson Agonistes D. Andromaque
72. In 1644, John Milton wrote a protest against a parliamentary decree re-imposing complete censorship of the press.
This was his best known prose ______.
A. Andromaque B. Areopagitica
C. Paradise Lost D. Paradise Regained
73. Which of the following is NOT the content of the Bill of Rights which limited the Sovereign’s power in certain
important directions? ________
A. Parliament was responsible for all the law making.
B. The power of suspending the laws by royal authority was declared to be illegal. C. The King should levy no money at any time.
D. The King should not keep a standing army in time of peace without consent of Parliament. 74. Which of the following philosophers ever said “I think, therefore I am”? ________
A. Francis Bacon B. Pierre Gassendi C. Descartes D. John Locke 75. Which of the following works displays the grand style of Corneille’s work? ______
A. Le Cid B. Andromaque C. Tartuffe D. Le Misanthrope
76. Which of the following philosophers believed that knowledge of the universe and certain principle and laws of
physics is innate? ________
A. John Locke B. Pierre Gassendi C. Francis Bacon D. Descartes 77. Whose slogan is “I think, therefore I am”? _________
A. John Locke B. Pierre Gassendi C. Descartes D. Francis Bacon
78. Which of the following artists helped to bring the Roman Baroque style to its climax? ______
A. Rubens B. Borromini C. Caravaggio D. Bernini 79. Which of the following artists helped to spread the Baroque style to North Europe? ______
A. Rubens B. Velazquez C. Borromini D. Bernini
80. In painting of the 17th century, who won international fame and his style is basically classical, his figures are
frozen and their action stiff? _____
A. Christopher Wren B. Rembrandt C. Poussin D. Rubbens
81. In the middle of the 17th century, which country was the richest and the most powerful country in Europe?
A. Flander B. the Netherlands C. England D. France
III. 名词解释
1. Aeschylus
He was regarded as one of the three greatest tragic dramatists of ancient Greece. He has written more then 80 plays such as Prometheus Bound, Persians and Agamemnon. 2. Plato
He was the philosopher of ancient Greece, pupil of Socrates. He built up a comprehensive system of idealism philosophy. Of the Dialogues he wrote, 27 have survived, including The Apology, Symposium and The Republic.
3. The Edict of Milan
When Constantine I won the throne from his rivals, he believed that God helped him in winning the battle and issued the Edict of Milan in 313. This edict granted religious freedom to all, and made Christianity legal.
4. Middle Ages
In European history, the thousand-year period following the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century is called the Middle Ages. It is so called because it came between ancient times and modem times. In the Middle Ages, Christianity took the lead in politics, law, art, and learning for hundreds of years. It shaped people's lives. So this period is also called the “Age of Faith”.
5. The code of chivalry
A knight should pledge to protect the weak, to fight for the church, to be loyal to his lord and to respect women of noble birth. These rules were known as code of chivalry, from which the western idea of good manners developed. 6. Scholasticism
It was the study of general questions starting from ancient writings and Christian teaching. The Italian theologian Thomas Aquinas was the supreme figure in scholasticism in the Middle Ages.
7. The Reformation
It was a 16th century religious movement as well as a socio-political movement. It was led by Martin Luther and swept over the whole of Europe. This movement was aimed at opposing the absolute authority of the Roman Catholic Church and replacing it with the absolute authority of the Bible. The Reformers believed in direct communication between the individual and God, engaged themselves in translating the Bible into their mother tongues, urged the Church to have institutional reforms and were interested in liberating national economy and politics from the interference of the Roman Catholic Church and carrying out wars in the interests of the peasants and revolution in the