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The Little Girl Selling Matches One Christmas night, it is very cold.

In the cold and darkness, a girl is walking bare footed in the snow and wind.

Her feet are pale and frozen.There are some matches in the pocket of her apron.

\faint voice which nobody hears as they hurry by.

She doesn't sell any matches and no one gives her a copper coin. How poor the little girl is! She is cold and hungry and shivers onward with a pale face. Snowflakes fall onto her blond hair. There are lights at all the windows. The smell of roast goose is in the street.

She bears the hunger and sits down in the corner of a wall, she curls herself up in the apron.

The wind is getting stronger, the snow becomes a storm, she feels colder.

However she dare not return home because she didn't sell one

match, so she doesn't have a penny. If she goes back, her father will beat her. What't more, her house is also cold. Her little hands are almost frozen stiff. Oh! A matchstick is useful for her.

The little girl takes out a match and strikes it on the wall. The match gives out a flame. When she puts her hand over it, becomes a warm and bright flame. She seems to be sitting near a stove. The

flame is so nice and warm. When she wants to stretch out her feet to warm them, the flame goes out... also the stove disappears and she sits there with a matchstick.

She strikes another. The part of the wall lit up by the flame become transparent, like a thin veil. She seems to see a table cloth covering the table in a room, where there are exquisite bowls, plates and a fragrantly roasted goose. Look! The goose has a knife and fork in its back. The goose is staggering towards her. Just then, the flame goes out and the thick wall is back in front of her.

The little girl strikes the third match. Following the light, she seems to reach a Christmas tree, which is so big and nice. It is bigger and more beautiful than one she has seen in a rich man's house. The tree with thousands of candles and colorful pictures is blinking at her. She holds out her hands but the match gose out. The candle lights go up and become bright stars. One of them falls down and a red ray of light streaks across the sky.

\remembers what her grandma said when she was alive. She said:\will go to the heaven when a star falls down from the sky!\ ...



\world, you are the only one who took good care of me. I know, you will disappear if the match goes out, just like the missing warm stove, fragrantly roasted goose and nice Christmas tree.\

She wants to stay with grandma and then she strikes the last matches which give off a blazing light. In the light, the grandma looks so loving and kind. She smiles at her and hugs hes and takes her away. They fly higher and higher to the place where there is no cold or hunger.

In the morning of the New Year, the girl with red cheeks smiles, sitting in the corner of the wall, but she is dead. ...

在圣诞的晚上冻死了。 ...

The sun rises and shines on her little body. She is sitting there with some half-burnt matches. The people stand around her and say: \

such beautiful things. But she is happy in heaven with her grandma in the blessing of the New Year.


The Flea, the Grasshopper, and the Skipjack once wanted to see which of them could jump highest; and they invited the whole world, and whoever else would come, to see the grand sight. And there the three famous jumpers were met together in the room。

有一次,跳蚤、蚱蜢和跳鹅(注:这是丹麦一种旧式的玩具,它是用一根鹅的胸骨做成的;加上一根木栓和一根线,再擦上一点蜡油,就可以使它跳跃。)想要知道它们之中谁跳得最高。它们把所有的人和任何愿意来的人都请来参观这个伟大的场面。它们这三位著名的跳高者就在一个房间里集合起来。 \King, \ \对啦,谁跳得最高,我就把我的女儿嫁给谁!\国王说,\因为,假如让这些朋友白白地跳一阵子,那就未免太不像话了!\

The Flea stepped out first. He had very pretty manners, and bowed in all directions, for he had young ladies' blood in his veins, and was accustomed to consort only with human beings; and that was of great consequence。

跳蚤第一个出场。它的态度非常可爱:它向四周的人敬礼,因为它身体中流着年轻小姐的血液,习惯于跟人类混在一起,而这一点是非常重要的。 Then came the Grasshopper: he was certainly much heavier, but he had a good figure, and wore the green uniform that was born with him. This person, moreover, maintained that he belonged to a very old family in the land of Egypt, and that he was highly esteemed

there. He had just come from the field, he said, and had been put into a card house three stories high, and all made of picture cards with the figures turned inwards. There were doors and windows in the house, cut in the body of the Queen of Hearts。



