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Radial stacking conveyor system with feeder

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Radial stacking conveyor system with feeder

申请(专利)号: GB20200012565

专利号: GB202012565D0 主分类号:

申请权利人: FORKER

STEPHEN 公开国代码: GB 优先权国家: US

摘 要:

A device conveying a solid material into a radially-arranged stockpile. The device has a a trailer chassis, with at least one wheeled axle at a first end thereof and, at a second end thereof, means provided for attaching the chassis to a tractor in a

mobile condition and for fixed mounting in an operational condition. A stacking

conveyor is mounted near the first end of the chassis. A power unit for generating electrical and hydraulic power is

positioned on the chassis. A feed system is mounted to the chassis and extends generally along the length thereof from the second end to the first end, to receive the solid material at the second end and transport the solid material to the stacking conveyor. 主权项:

申请日: 2019-02-12 公开公告日: 2020-09-23

分类号: 发明设计人: 申请国代码: GB

优先权: 20190212 US

2019017619; 20180213 US 201862629933

摘 要 附 图:

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Radial stacking conveyor system with feeder


