A role for the RNA-binding protein MOS2 in microRNA maturation in Arabidopsis
A role for the RNA-binding protein MOS2 in
microRNA maturation in Arabidopsis
Xueying Wu;Yupeng Shi;Jingrui Li;Le Xu;Yuda Fang;Xin Li;Yijun Qi
【期刊名称】《细胞研究(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2013(023)005
【摘要】microRNAs (miRNAs) play important roles in the regulation of gene expression.In Arabidopsis,mature miRNAs are processed from primary miRNA transcripts (pri-miRNAs) by nuclear HYL1/SE/DCL1 complexes that form Dicing bodies (D-bodies).Here we report that an RNA-binding protein MOS2 binds to pri-miRNAs and is involved in efficient processing of pri-miRNAs.MOS2 does not interact with HYL1,SE,and DCL1 and is not localized in Dbodies.Interestingly,in the absence of MOS2,the recruitment of pri-miRNAs by HYL1 is greatly reduced and the localization of HYL1 in D-bodies is compromised.These data suggest that MOS2 promotes pri-miRNA processing through facilitating the recruitment of pri-miRNAs by the Dicing complexes. 【总页数】13页(645-657) 【关键词】
【作者】Xueying Wu;Yupeng Shi;Jingrui Li;Le Xu;Yuda Fang;Xin Li;Yijun Qi
【作者单位】College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;National Institute of Biological Sciences, Zhongguancun
A role for the RNA-binding protein MOS2 in microRNA maturation in Arabidopsis