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高中英语必修三Unit5 知识点总结

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必修三Unit5 知识点整理

A. Words v. measure manage mix terrify --------- --------- --------- impress --------- --------- --------- broaden settle --------- confirm ---------

n. measurement management mixture terror wealth tradition mist impression --------- --------- distance broadness/breadth settlement extreme confirmation --------- adj. --------- --------- mixed terrified/terrifying wealthy traditional misty impressive slight official distant broad --------- extreme adv. --------- --------- --------- --------- wealthily traditionally --------- impressively slightly officially distantly --------- --------- extremely approximate approximately

B. Expressions

1. would do...rather than do ...=would rather do ...than do...=prefer to do ...rather than do ...宁愿做...而不愿做...

2. all the way 一路上,一直,自始至终 on the way to 在去...的路上,即将

by the way 顺便说一下 by way of 经由;通过....方法 in a way 在某种程度上 in the way 妨碍;挡道



in some way 在某些方面 lose one’s way 迷路

out of the way 不挡道 make one’s way to 前往... in no way 绝不 feel one’s way 摸索着走

3.chat about 聊及, 谈论 chat with.....与.....聊天=have a chat with sb. about sth.

4. surrounding adj.附近的,四周的 surroundings n.环境(复数) surround...with...用...把...围住 be surrounded by/with ...被...围住

5. make ...to one’s measure 量身定做 take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事

6. aboard 在船(车、飞机)上 abroad 在国外 go aboard 上船(飞机,火车) go abroad 去国外

7. settle down 定居;(使)平静下来;专心于(后接介词to) settle down to (doing) sth. 开始认真做某事

settle on 决定 settle in /into 适应(新的家、工作、环境等)

8. manage to do 设法做成某事=succeed in doing 辨析: manage to do 与try to do manage to do: 设法做成,动作一定成功了



try to do: 试图或努力做,动作不一定成功

9. catch sight of 看见,瞥见 come into sight 进入视野,出现在眼前,看见

lose sight of 看不见,消失 lose one’s sight 失明 out of sight 看不见 in/within sight 在视野内,看得见 at first sight 初见,乍见 at the sight of 一看见

10. gifted =talented 有天赋的,有才华的

be gifted in=have a gift/talent for 有...天赋/才能

11. within reach 在够得着的地方 within sight 可以看见;在视野内 within one’s power 力所能及 within limits 在一定范围内

12. be terrified of/that 惧怕.....害怕.... be terrified of doing sth 害怕做某事

be terrified at/by 因... 而害怕

terrifying adj.令人恐惧的;使人害怕的 terrified adj.感到恐惧的;感到害怕的

terror n. 恐惧;可怕的人或事

frighten sb into (doing)sth 使某人吓得做某事

13. be wealthy in =be in rich in 在...方面丰富,富有


高中英语必修三Unit5 知识点总结


