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US Center for Disease Control…”和文章的最后一段“Experts fromthe mainland and Taiwan are pushing for greater cooperation in the field”,均可找出答案。答案为B。

2.细节题。从文中第三段“The disease's infectiousness(传染性)is being weakened as it passes from one group to another.”可直接找到答案。答案为B。

3.从文章的倒数第二段的第一句“We have cooperated with the US Center…”和倒数第一段的第一句“Experts from the mainland and Taiwan are pushing for greater

cooperation in the field”可以得出结论。A.“about half of the patients with SARS died”是一个错误信息,通过文章的几句话,“So far,over 83% of the patients have recovered and been released from hospital.”“So far,a little over 20 peoplehave been affected,with no deaths reported.” 可以推测出来。B.“When the passage was written there were about 2,960 people with SARS in Guangdong.”这是个错误 信息。文章的第一段第一句话告诉我们“…worlide…”表明是世界共有2,960,而不是 广东一个地方。C.是一个错误信息。第五段第二句话“So far,a little over 20 people have been affected.”已经有20多人患病。答案为D。

4.词语理解题。从第三段中可以看出,“…there is no reason to panic”中的“panic”表示“慌乱,害怕”,“scare”的意思是“恐惧,害怕”。答案为C。 Passage 3

.“45,000 children and teachers a year…”这是一个错误答案。从文中最后一句话“…and at least…over the past 19 years…”可知是在过去十九年中,而不是一年。B为错误答案,从第五段的最后一句“regardless of their background”可以看出。D是错误答案,从文中的第四段的最后一句可以看出。C是正确答案,从“What made it really bad was when I started mixing…”得出结论。答案为C。

2.通读全文可以了解该文章主要介绍“Lapalala Wilderness”。答案为D。 3.三个人有“Walker,Conita,a neighbour”。答案为C。 Passage 4

1.细节题。从第一段“…he helps the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) find out the world's most wanted cyber criminals”可找出答案。答案为A。

2.细节题。从第二段的第一句话“Jonathan first made headlines when he and another Swede,Fredrik Bjoerck,found out the maker of the ‘Melissa’virus in March 1999.”可以找出答案。答案为B。

的一些经历积累了知识,所以我们说,“experience is knowledge.”答案为B。 4.总体说来Jonathan是一个“regular kid”,但是他又做了一些不寻常的事情。答案为D。

Passage 5


2.作为现年54岁的戈尔年龄并不大,A是不对的;从“…their party had lost a top candidate”也可以判断出B是不正确的;从戈尔的话“…it probably means that I will never have another opportunity to run for president.”来分析,他还是很想当美国总统的。再说,又有谁不想当总统呢?从“There are a lot of people within the Democratic Party who felt exhausted( by the 2000 race)…who fell like,OK,‘I don't want to go through that again.’And I'm frankly sensitive to that feeling.”可以很清楚地推断出正确答案为C。

3.从好多人对戈尔的赞扬以及戈尔的话“…in the full understanding that…”可以看出戈尔做出的决定是通过深思熟虑的,因此,他也是很冷静的(calm)。答案为D。 Passage 6


2.细节题。第三段的第二、三句:“厨房内甲醛气体的标准比联邦当局要求从事化学生产的 标准的两倍还要高。气体来自哪里?厨房内的新柜子和铺满地板的地毯。”另外从最后一段 的分析可看出,此类问题是由于新建房屋的密封性好所致。所以,选项A“缺乏新鲜空气” 为正确答案。而选项B、C、D均与文章内容不符。答案为A。

3.词语题。这一段指出:The Ouchidas是室内空气污染的受害者,国家开展的节能运动使人

们忽视室内空气污染问题,这是造成这种情况的部分原因。然后指出:室内空气污染问题早 在节能运动前就存在,只是节能使这种问题在有些情况下变得更严重。据此,答案为C。 4.细节题。最后一段第二句明确指出:“因为在以前能源便宜时,房屋的建造者不必担心未 封闭的裂缝。”应选择选项B。其他三项都不符合题意。答案为B。

5.主旨题。综观全文,尤其是作者在最后两段的分析,可以看出本文只是以节能所造成的问 题为例,旨在阐述早已存在的室内空气污染问题。所以选项C为正确答案。实际上该题就 是“Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?”的另一种表达形式。答案为C。Passage 7

1.从文中的第二段可以看出:私立学校可以提供“better teachers,superior living facilities and more advanced teaching equipment”。答案为C。 2.从第一、二段中可以找到。答案为D。

3.从文中“However,adequate money doesn't guarantee good not well guided and properly disciplined,…”可以推出,作者提到引导学生和纪律的重要性,所以下文可能要谈论私立学校如何引导学生。答案为B。 Passage 8

1.这个故事的可笑之处就是这位小伙子的裤子经过三个人的手而剪短了。答案为B。 2.从他妈妈和姐妹们的行为来判断,他家里的人对他是非常好的,当然乐意帮他忙。答案C。3.从第二小节最后一句话可以直接看出答案。但考生容易错选D。她们想帮忙也没有必要 不讲话。况且,她们在厨房里忙完以后,只有她妈妈去到楼上帮他改裤子,他两个姐妹并没 有迅速去做此事。答案为B。


cry”是不合情理的;裤子已经短了,“worried”也没有用了,只有“sad”而已。答案为D。Passage 9

1.从文中的第一句话“Rush hour traffic is a problem in many big cities around the muters … in cars,buses,subways,…”可找出答案。答案为B。

2.从文章的第二段的第一句“In Tokyo,there's a big rush hour undergroundMost of the people in Tokyo take the subways”可以找出答案。答案为A。

3.从第三段可以找出答案。“In Seoul,many commuters prefer to take taxis to get to hail a cab,many people stand at crossroads and raise two fingers.”“to hail a cab”

表示“try to get a cab”。答案为B。

4.答案可以从第四段来找。“because it doesn't want to disturb the many historic sites…”答案B。5.从最后一段“They share the costs of gas and parking and take turns driving into the city”可以找出答案。答案为C。 Passage 10 1.“die out”表示动植物种类的灭绝。从文章的第一段“Every year more and more plants and animals disappear never to be seen again”可以找出答案。答案为D。

2.从文章的第三段“It is caused by factories that burn coal or oil or gas”可以得出答案。答案D。3.文章总的来说在描述酸雨对自然的破坏。答案为C。

4.用排除法来做,B、C、D在文章中均能找到,但A在文章中没有提到。答案为A。 5.从文中的第三段的最后一句可以找到答案:“The wind often carries the smoke far from the of the harmful substances in the smoke may come down with the rain hundreds of miles away.”答案为D。 Passage 11

1.从第一部分“Clean driving license”不应受罚过。答案为B。

2.她的年龄不够“Capes Taxis”的要求。她也不符合招收空姐的条件,但她符合C“Teaching at Instant Language Ltd”的要求。答案为C。 3.因为她不喜欢空姐的工作。答案为D。

、C在第二个广告中有要求;D在第三个广告有要求。答案为A。 Passage 12

1.从文中第七段“Psychologists and sociologists say parents can lose theirposition of authority in a family as a result and the effects of that can be farreaching”中找出答案。答案为B。


3.从文中第八段可以找出答案:“Children exposed to American pop culture that glorifies youth and sexuality often rebel when their parents…”答案为C。 4.通过全文可以得出结论。答案为D。 Passage 13


2.推断题。正如文章所述,水问题:选项A在世界的某些地方已是严重的问题;选项B被这个领域的一些专家夸大;选项C对建造水库的技术提出了质疑;选项D被不同级别的政府部门低估。根据文章首段第一句和第二句:虽然人类用水量还不到世界现有水的一半,但是一些地区的饥荒和困境却是缺水和干旱造成的。既然饥荒和困境因缺水和干旱而起,显然水问题已是一个不容忽视的问题。答案为A。 3.由第三段第1句可知,答案为C。 4.文中第四段作了具体阐述。答案为C。 5.由文中最后一句可知,答案为B。 Passage 14

1.从第二段一开始就提到了“the current tap water quality”,“it”就是指上文提到的自来水的质量。答案为B。


、B、C在文中都提到,但是D没有,说明它没有必要。答案为D。 4.根据文章中所提到的它们的顺序可以得出答案。答案为B。 5.这篇文章主要讲述北京和上海的水质量改善问题。答案为C。 Passage 15

1.文章中“The news came the same day as warplanes dropped 480,000 leaflets over two cities…\480,000份传单,在两个城市的上空。“Bush spoke as more than 11,000 US soldiers prepared to head for the Gulf to join in US preparations for a possible invasion to Iraq.\布什声称11,000多美国士兵准备一场对伊拉克可能进行的入侵。答案为D。

2.文章第一句“Bush expressed dou on efforts by United Nations arms inspectors to get detailed information from Iraqi scientists, adding the presence of Iraqi officials as a reason for it\布什之所以不相信伊拉克科学家所说的话,是因为伊拉克的官方官员也出席了那场会谈,他认为那样会有一定的政治色彩。答案为C。

3.文中:那11,000多美国士兵只是在为战争作准备,准备动身去Gulf。暗示他们并没有到达中东地区。文章中:during a tour of his Texas farm,并未在California“in a socalled nofly area of southern Iraq\并不在北部,故C项也排除。“He is a man wholikes to play games and jokes\voluntarily disarm\暗示布什不认为Saddam会自动解除武装。答案为B。 Ⅰ.广告类 Passage 1

Among various programmes, TV talk shows have covered every inch of space on daytime television. And anyone who watches them regularly knows that each one isdifferent in style(风格). But no two shows are more opposite in content, while at the same time standing out above the rest, than the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey shows.

Jerry Springer could easily be considered the king of “rubbish talk”. The contents on his show are as surprising as can be. For example, the show takes the ever—common talk show titles of love, sex, cheating, and hate, to a different level. Clearly, the Jerry Springer show is about the dark side of society, yet people are willing to eat up the troubles of other people's lives.

Like Jerry Springer, Oprah Winfrey takes TV talk show to its top, but Oprah goes in the opposite direction. The show is mainly about the improvement of society and different quality(质量) of are from teaching your childrenlessons, managing your work week, to getting to know your neighbors.

Compared to Oprah, the Jerry Springer show looks like poisonous waste being poured into society. Jerry ends every show with a “final word”. He makes a small speech about the entire idea of the , this is the part where most people will learn something very valuable.

Clean as it is, the Oprah show is not for everyone. The show's main viewers are middleclass Americans. Most of these people have the time, money, and ability to deal with life's tougher problems. Jerry Springer, on the other hand, has more

of a connection with the young adults of society. These are 18-to-21-year-olds whose main troubles in life include love, relationship, sex, money and drug. They are the ones who see some value and lessons to be learned through the show's exploitation. 1Compared with other TV talk shows, both the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey are—— .

Amore interestingBunusually popular Cmore detailedDmore formal

2Though the social problems Jerry Springer talks about appear unpleasant, people who watch the shows ——

Aremain interested in them Bare ready to face up to them Cremain cold to them

Dare willing to get away from them

3Which of the following is likely to be a topic of the Oprah Winfrey show? AA new type of robot. BNation hatred.

CFamily income Street accident.

4We can learn from the passage that the two talk shows———— Ahave become the only ones of its kind Bexploit the weaknesses in human nature Cappear at different times of the day Dattract different people Passage 2

Advertising gives useful information about which products to modern advertising does more than gives news about products and 's advertisements,or ads,try to get consumers(消费者)to buy certain brands(品牌).Writers of advertising are so skillful that they can sometimes persuade a consumer to wear acertain kind of clothing,eat a special kind of cereal(麦片),or see a might never even want a product if they did not see or hear advertisementsfor it.

For example,you probably do not need the newest cereal in the probably many cereal brands on your kitchen may not have space on your shelf for if you see ads about a new cereal that is your extratasty and has a free prie in the box,you may want must get be effective,it must be exciting,entertaining,or provide some secret of writing good advertising copy is to offer a good idea as well as a idea is what the ad is really example is anad that says eating a certain cereal will make a person do well in cereal brand may sell better if consumers think it offers strength and energy.

1What is discussed in this passage? AThe content of modern advertising. BThe skills of modern advertising. CThe results of modern advertising. DThe writing of modern advertising.

2According to the passage,a good advertisement should ———— Abe both persuasive and effective



