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book,written by a famous writer,is going to be published. to the sentence underlined,what's the way Kevin is treated?

is forbidden to do anything and others are very strict with him. can do whatever he likes and others just try to satisfy him. the persons here dislike him and would like to punish him. the persons here like him and would buy whatever he wants. can you imagine about the result of the article? is done and the bad persons are punished.

are very happy at the very end and a great Christmas is celebrated 's parents are divorced and Kevin has got a new mother.

little prince dislikes Kevin and go away with his family for Christmas. the following descriptions,which do you agree with most?

and Vera must be very cruel and clever,and make a lot of money finally. is bright,brave and gloomy.

is rich,beautiful and has a high social position.

Weinberg is a person in the film who helps Kevin a lot. can you infer from the title“Home Alone 4\ must be four persons alone at home. must be a series of TV play.

main character in it must be four years old.

should be altogether 4 performances,focused on one person. Passage 32

Tea drinking was common in China for nearly one thousand years before anyone in Europe had ever heard about in Britain were much slower in finding out what tea was like,mainly because tea was very could not be bought in shops and even those people who could afford to have it sent from Holland did so only because it was a fashionable of them were not sure how to use thought it was a vegetable and tried cooking the they served them mixed with butter and soon discovered their mistake butmany people used to spread the used tea leaves on bread and give them to their children as saniches.

Tea remained scarce and very expensive in England until the ships of the East India Company began to bring it direct from China early in the seventeenth the next few years so much tea came into the country that the price fell and many people could afford to buy it.

At the same time people on the Continent were becoming more and more fond of then tea had been drunk without milk in it,but one day a famous French lady named Madame de Sevigne decided to see what tea tasted like when milk was found it so pleasant that she wouldneveragain drink it without she was such a great lady that her friends thought they must copy everything she did,they also drank their tea with milk in this habit spreaduntil it reached England and today only very few Britons drink tea without milk.

At first,tea was usually drunk after dinner in the one ever thought of drinking tea in the afternoon until a duchess(公爵夫人) found that a cup of tea and a piece of cake at three or four o'clock stopped her getting “a sinking feeling\she called

invited her friends to have this new meal with her and so,teatime was born. of the following is true according to the text? Britons got expensive tea from India. reached Britain from Holland. 3

Britons were the first people in Europe who drank tea. was not until the 17th century that the Britons had tea. passage mainly discusses————. history of tea drinking in Britain

tea became a popular drink in Britain the Britons got the habit of drinking tea teatime was born

became a popular drink in Britain———— . the eighteenth the sixteenth century

the seventeenth the late seventeenth century

in Europe began to drink tea with milk because———— tasted like milk

tasted more pleasant became a popular drink

de Sevigne was such a lady with great social influence that people tried to copy the way she drank tea

may infer from the passage that the habit of drinking tea in Britain was mostly due to the influence of———— famous French ancient Chinese upper social in Holland Passage 33

Motherhood may make women smarter and may help prevent dementia(痴呆) in old ageby bathing the brain in protective hormones(荷尔蒙),. researchers reported on Thursday.

Tests on rats show that those who raise two or more litters of pups do

considerably better in tests of memory and skills than rats who have no babies,and their brains show changes that suggest they may be protected against diseases such as Alheimer's(早老痴呆病).University of Richmond psychology professor Craig

Kinsley believes his findings will translate into humans. “Our research shows that the hormones of pregnancy(怀孕) are protecting the bran,including estrogen(雌激素),which we know has many neuroprotective(保护神经的)

effects,”Kinsley said. “It's rat data but humans are mammals just like these animals are mammals,”he added in a telephone interview.“They go through pregnancy and hormonal changes.”

Kinsley said he hoped public health officials and researchers will look to see if having had children protects a woman from Alheimer's and other forms of age—related brain decline.

“When people think about pregnancy,they think about what happens to babies and the mother from the neck down,”said Kinsley,who presented his findings to the annual meeting of the Society of Neuroscience in Orlando,Florida

“They do not realie that hormones are washing on the you look at female animals who have never gone through pregnancy,they act differently toward if she goes through pregnancy,she will sacrifice her life for her infant—that is a great change in her behavior that showed in genetic alterations(改变) to the brain.” do scientists know“Motherhood may make women smarter”? researchers have told them. women say so.

know it by experimenting on rats.

know it through their own experience.

does the phrase“litters of pups”mean in the second paragraph? rats.

can protect the brain of a woman according to the paragraph? hormones of pregnancy. care of children.

4.“It's rat data but humans are mammals just like these animals are mammals.”What does the sentence suggest?

experiments on the rats have nothing to do with humans experiments on the rats are very important for animals experiments on the rats are much the same on humans

experiments on the rats are much the same on other animals title is the best for this passage?

You Want to Be Smarter? Makes Women Smarter Important Study Passage 34

Why a 15yearold American boy wrote a suicide(自杀) note and then crashed a small plane into a tall building is Bishop wrote a suicide note expressing his support for Osama Bin the boy flew a small plane into the 42storey Bank of America building in Tampa,Florida.

Police chief Bennie Holder said that there was nothing obvious to connect the incident with terrorism(恐怖事件).“From his actions,we can learn he was a very troubled young man,”said ,Ross Stewart,15,Bishop's classmate,remembers his as a“teacher's pet”and “a straight A”student who smiled a lot.

“He told me that he wanted to join the US Air Force because he wanted to do something good for his country,”said Gabriella Terry,Bishop's teacher,recalling a class discussion about the September 11 plane crash took place after Bishop took off without was taking a flying lesson at an airport,about 30 kilometres from Tampa,on January had been taking flying lessons since March 2001.

Only Bishop one in the building was damage was limited to the 28th floor and the neighbouring building reopened on January 7,except for the two offices directly is not clear yet whether Bishop was suffering with depression(抑郁).The incident came as a huge shock to a nation still covering from the World Trade Center attacks surely now Americans cannot help but wonder what could happen if a teenage boy can still fly a plane into a building. long did Bishop take flying lessons?

one month.

to the passage,we can learn that Bishop was ————. very clever but lonely student with depression favorite student in his student with poor progress incident now made all the Americans wonder.———— Bishop could fly a plane into a building Bishop became very mad

Bishop's suicide note was about Bishop crashed into a tall building the article,we can infer that ————. students can not learn to fly a plane Bishop wanted to join the Air Force

student at age 15 can take flying lessons

plane crash frightened all the Bishop's classmates Ⅷ.人物传记 Passage 35

In October,1961,at Crowley Field in Cincinnati,Ohio,an old,deaf gentleman named William stood up to throw the first ball of the World people at Crowley Field on that day probably did not remember Hoy because he had retired(退休)from professional baseball 58 years earlier,in ,he had been anoutstanding player and the deaf people still talk about him and his years in baseball.

William was born in Houckstown,Ohio,on May 23, became deaf when he was two years attended the Columbus Ohio School for the graduation,he started playing baseball while working as a shoemaker.

Hoy began playingprofessional baseball in 1886 for Oshkosh (Wisconsin) of the Northwestern 1888,he started as an outfielder(外场手)with the old Washington small figure and speed made him an outstanding base was very good at stealing bases during his the 1888 major league season,he stole 82 was also the Senators' leading hitter in was clever;he threw righthanded and batted left June 19,1889,he threw out three batters(击球手)at the plate from his outfield position. The arm signals used by judges today to show balls and strikes began because of judge lifted his right arm to show that the pitch was a strike,and his left arm to signal that it was a ball.

For many years,people talked about Hoy's last ball game in was playing for Los Angeles of the Pacific Coast Winter was a memorable game because Hoy made a wonderful play which won the was a very foggy night and,therefore,very hard to see the the ninth inning(棒球的一局),with two men out,Hoy managed to catch a fly ball to make the third out in spite of the Angeles defeated their opposition and won the game.

After he retired,Hoy stayed ran a dairy farm near Cincinnati for 20 also became a public speaker and traveled giving a few years before his death,he took 4 and 10 mile walks several mornings a December 15,1961,William Hoy died at the age of 99.

1In which order did the following things happen in Hoy's life?

aHoy worked as a shoemaker. bHoy began to run a dairy farm.

cHoy played a memorable game in the heavy fog. dHoy threw the first ball of the World Series. eHoy became deaf.


2We can infer from the last paragraph that Hoy————in his late years. Abecame famous

Bled a relaxed life Ctraveled around the world

Dwas in good physical condition

3This passage is mainly about——————

Aa deaf player devoted to the game of baseball Bbaseball game rules and important players

Cthe rise in the social position of the deaf people Dwhere the baseball judge hand signals came from 4What can be inferred from this passage?

AHoy was the greatest baseball player in his time.

BSpeaking and listening are not necessary in baseball games. CThe judge had to study the hand signals very seriously. DHoy's family encouraged him to become a baseball player. Passage 36

When I was asked to speak at the Community Book Club luncheon,I thought about several topics that might be of interests to a group of readers,and I considered doing a book review or discussing the life of a wellknown literary figure,but Ithought I would break with tradition today in order to share some anecdotes(秩序) from the life of a man,who,like you,enjoyed reading.

In spite of the fact that Thomas Alva Edison had almost no formal education,spending only three months in school,his mother taught him to read at quite an the ages of nine and twelve,he read such difficult volumes as Humes' History of England,Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,and Neon's Principia.

As a young man,Mr Edison decided to read all of the books in the Detroit public library,systematically(系统地) shelf by finishing the first fifteen feet,he decided to reconsider the task.

A few years later,in Cincinnati,his love for reading almost cost him his stayed at the library until very late,Mr Edison started home with a pile o

f old magaines for which he had paid the large sum of two that he might be a thief,a policeman ordered him to Mr Edison was too deaf to hear the policeman shot,and missed.

Inadditiontotheelectriclight,ThomasEdisonisknownforinventingthephotograph,microphone,mimeograph,electric storage battery,and photographic he was paid for an invention,he used the money for his two loves—more experiments and more books.

A friend described Edison's life in those busy days.“I went to visit Tom,\



