Son: Dad, give me a dime.
Father: Son, don't you think you're getting too bigto be forever begging for dimes?
Son: I guess you're right, Dad, Give me a dollar,will you?
A little kid fell in love with another little kid, aschool mate.
Sometimes the kids think they fall in love when theyhave
a crush on someone else in the class, when they’reeight
or ten years old or something like that. So theeight-year-old
kid came back home and asked his father, “Father,is it
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expensive to be married?” And the father said, “Yes, son, it is very expensive.” So the son asked,“How much does it
cost?” And the father said, “I don’t know, son. I’m still paying.”
Boy, why have you got cotton-wool in your ear? Is itinfected? \
yesterday that everything you told me went in oneear and out the other , so I amtrying to stop it.\
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“I'm sorry Madam but I shall have to charge youtwenty dollars for pulling yourboy's tooth .”
“Twenty d ollars! Why I understand you to saythat you charged only four dollarsfor such work!”
“Yesbut this youngster yelled so terribly that hescared four other patients out ofthe office .”
TWO TeacherWe all know that beat causes anobject to expand an cold cauese it
to contract. Nowcan anyone give me a good example?JohnWell in the summer the days are longand inthe winter the days are short.
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The lecturer on evolution had been going on fornearly two hours. then he started again, and saidhe:\had tails like ababoon, where are they?\
I'll venture an answer, said an old lady. \worn them off sitting here solong.\
A man was going to the house of some rich person. Ashe went along the road, he
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saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. Hesaid, \
apples; for the rich man will give me much food; hewill give me very nice food to
eat.\into the dust. He went on and
came to a river. The river had become very big; sohe could not go over it. He waited
for some time; then he said, \rich man's house today, for I cannot
get over the river.\eaten no food that day. He began to
want food. He came to the apples, and he was glad totake them out of the dust and
eat them. Do not throw good things away; you may beglad to have them at someother time.
【译文】 一个人正朝着一个富人的房子走去当他沿着路走时在路的一边他
他会给我很好吃的东西。”然后他拿起苹果一把扔到土里去。 他继续走来到
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