前言: Preface:
Turbine is an important equipment of thermal power plant. Through turbine,thermal energy of steam transforms into mechanical energy, to provide power for generator. Condenser is an accessory of turbine. Inside a condenser, exhaust steam of turbine transforms into condensed water, which reduces its volume and pressure. Then enthalpy difference between turbine inlet and outlet is increased, and working capacity is improved. Condenser also provides necessary condition for water & steam circulation of system. Working performance of condenser directly affects the heat economical efficiency of the system. Main indexes to measure working performance of condenser are terminal temperature difference and vacuum.
Condenser is a surface type heat exchanger. What flows inside shell pass is exhaust steam and condensed water of turbine, while cooling water flows inside tube pass. After the heat is absorbed by cooling water, steam is condensed into water. Cooling water is discharged out of condenser after its temperature rise. Surface type heat exchanger has the problem of scaling on heat exchanging tube, so does condenser. Scaling on inner wall of condenser copper tube may seriously influence heat exchanging
effect, and largely reduce heat economical efficiency of the system. The effect of scaling in condenser is mainly reflected by increase of terminal temperature difference and decrease of vacuum. To the system, major effect is increase of steam rate and coal consumption, and drop of economical efficiency. 水垢的形成: Formation of scale:
Ca(HCO3)2= CaCO3+CO2+H2O
During the operation of turbine unit, there must be large quantities of cooling water, to cool turbine exhaust steam through condenser. Temperature of circulating cooling water is 15℃ to 35℃, which is suitable for reproduction of algae and microorganism. During recycle, much water is evaporated, and make-up water contains impurities and salt compound. So salt in cooling water is constantly concentrated and calcium bicarbonate concentration in water becomes higher, but free CO2 volatilizes constantly, which makes Ca(HCO3)2 decompose into CaCO3. CaCO3 is finally separated out and becomes scale.
Ca(HCO3)2= CaCO3+CO2+H2O
Formation of carbonate scale seriously influences the heat exchanging effect of metal. What’s more, temperature of circulating water is suitable for the reproduction and growth of algae and microorganism, and the algae falling out is likely to form viscous aggregates, so quality of circulating cooling water deteriorates constantly.
Circulating water flows inside copper tube of condenser, absorbing lots of heat, which ensures normal operation of turbine. According the principle of fluid mechanics, flow of fluid inside tubes is divided into two basic types, namely laminar flow and turbulence flow. Boundary layer of laminar flow is close to tube wall, so the flow rate is low. Therefore, CaCO3 and viscous aggregate in water is likely to remain on inner wall of tube, and then becomes scale. 水垢的危害: Harm of scale:
1、 凝汽器铜管内壁形成水垢后,换热效果下降,导致真空下降,能耗上升,严重时要降低
1. After scale forms on inner wall of condenser copper tube, heat exchanging effect will be reduced; this causes drop of vacuum and rise of energy consumption. In serious conditions, generating load should be reduced or the unit should be shut down for cleaning. According to relevant information, when thickness of scale in heat exchanger of cooling water device reaches 2.16mm, heat transfer coefficient drops 51% in average, and operation efficiency drops 50%. In that case, it needs only 25 days to form scale. Such short period and low heat transfer efficiency makes condenser operate in low efficiency for a long time.
2. It increases flow resistance of cooling circulating water system, reduces flow of cooling water, and increases energy consumption of circulating water pump.
3. Due to low thermal conductivity of scale, there is a sharp drop in heat transfer coefficient of condenser, and a decrease in vacuum of condenser. According to testing data of different turbines, once vacuum degree drops 1%, steam rate increases by 1% ~ 1.5%. When steam flow is stable, output of turbine unit will be decreased. According to relevant information, when thickness of scale in heat exchanger of cooling water device reaches 2.16mm, heat transfer coefficient drops 51% in average, and operation efficiency drops 50%. In that case, it needs only 25 days to form scale.
Effect of scale in condenser on vacuum degree
机组容量(Mw) Unit capacity 100 50 1.2~2.0 0.8~1.2 26.7 ~ 33.3 20.0 ~ 40.0 水垢厚度(mm) Scale thickness 真空降低(kpa) Vacuum drop 真空度降低(%) Vacuum degree drop 3 ~ 5 2 ~ 4 3 ~ 7.5 2 ~ 6 汽耗增加(%) Steam rate increase 注:真空度降低1%,汽耗增加1~1.5%,当蒸汽量不够,降低汽轮机出力1~2% 。
Note: when vacuum degree drops 1%, steam rate increases by 1%~1.5%; when steam volume is in short, turbine output will be decreased by 1% ~ 2%.
4. Sticking of scale, especially sticking of slime will cause local corrosion, or even crack and perforation on the lower part of the equipment.
Scale in copper tube of condenser will cause block in the tube, and seriously influence the operation of equipment.
5. Damage of copper tube of condenser will cause serious leakage of condenser. If the condition is serious or treated improperly, it will cause explosion of boiler water wall tube, and severely endanger safe operation of boiler.
After copper tubes of condenser are changed into screwed ones, there is no need to add external force during the operation of turbine. Water flow becomes turbulent flow, for screwed tube changes the flow condition of water inside the tube and strengthens heat exchange. In the mean time, it destroys the formation mechanism of scale and slime, and prevents them from remaining on the tube wall, finally ruling out the possibility of scaling.
High temperature zone
Laminar flow layer
Medium zone
Low temperature zone
Viscous flow layer
Viscous flow
Laminar flow
Heat exchange