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系 部: 自动化工程系 专 业: 机电一体化技术 学 号: G1240111 姓 名: 杨 震 指导教师: 朱 红 娟

日 期:2015年3月6日



摘 要



第 2 页 共 67 页

Design of planetary gear reducer

And 3D modeling


Planetary gear reducer as transmission device is important, used in machinery, construction and other fields widely. It has the advantages of small volume, light weight, compact structure, large transmission ratio, high efficiency, stable motion characteristics. The design is based on the characteristics of planetary gear reducer structure design, 3D modeling and UG on it. The characteristics of various types of planetary gear compared at first, determine the design scheme and design direction, determine the overall structure design; secondly, according to the requirements of a given design, transmission ratio, input speed, input power and working condition of concrete structure design of the reducer: first, design the structure of high speed gear, and then the structure design of low speed gear the second on the planetary frame, and each portion of the shaft design of whole structure; finally completes the 3D modeling of UG, and the whole assembly of the model.

Keywords: planetary gear reducer, planetary gear, fixed axis gear, 3D modeling

第 3 页 共 67 页

目 录

第一章 绪论 ························· 6

1.1 本次课题的意义与目的·················· 6 1.2 国内外研究现状及发展情况················ 6 1.3 本次课题的主要设计内容················· 7

第二章 行星齿轮减速器方案确定 ·············· 8

2.1 基本参数要求及选择··················· 8 2.2 高、低速级齿轮的选择·················· 8 2.3 行星齿轮减速器方案确定················· 11

第三章 行星齿轮减速器高速级结构设计 ··········· 12

3.1 选取行星齿轮传动的传动类型和传动简图·········· 12 3.2 配齿计算························ 12 3.3初步计算齿轮的主要参数 ················· 13 3.4 啮合参数计算······················ 19 3.5 传动效率的计算····················· 20 3.6齿轮强度校核计算 ···················· 21

第四章 行星齿轮减速器低速级结构设计 ··········· 34

4.1 选择齿轮材料,确定热处理方法·············· 34 4.2 按齿面接触疲劳强度条件计算小齿轮直径de ········ 35 4.3 齿轮的主要参数和计算几何尺寸·············· 38 4.4 校核轮齿弯曲疲劳强度·················· 40 4.5 验算齿轮的圆周速度··················· 41

第五章 行星齿轮减速器轴及行星架的结构设计 ······· 42

5.1 输出轴的结构设计···················· 42 5.2 输入轴的结构设计···················· 45

第 4 页 共 67 页

5.3 中间轴的结构设计···················· 46 5.4 行星轴的结构设计···················· 47 5.5 行星架的结构设计···················· 48 5.6 箱体的结构设计····················· 49

第六章 行星齿轮减速器的三维建模 ············· 50

6.1 UG NX 6.0简介 ····················· 50 6.2 UG NX 6.0 的特点···················· 51 6.3 齿轮、轴、行星架、箱座及箱盖的三维建模········· 52 6.4 整体的三维建模····················· 61

第七章 结论 ························· 65 第八章 致谢 ························· 66 参考文献 ··························· 67

第 5 页 共 67 页



