术语 terms
室外给水设计规范 code for design of outdoor water supply engineering 给水系统 water supply system 用水量 water consumption
居民生活用水 demand in households
综合生活用水 demand for domestic and public use 工业企业用水 demand for industrial use
浇洒道路用水 street flushing demand, road watering 绿地用水 green beit sprinkling, green plot sprinkling 未预见用水量 unforeseen demand
自用水量 water consumption in water works 管网漏损水量 leakage 供水量 supplying water
日变化系数 daily variation coefficient 时变化系数 hourly variation coefficient 最小服务水头 minimum service head 取水构筑物 intake structure 管井 deep well, drilled well 大口井 dug well, open well 渗渠 infiltration gallery 泉室 spring chamber 反滤层 inverted layer
岸边式取水构筑物 riverside intake structure 河床式取水构筑物 riverbed intake structure 取水头部 intake head 前池 suction intake cannal 进水流道 inflow runner 自灌冲水 self-priming 水锤压力 surge pressure 水头损失 head loss
输水管(渠) delivery pipe
配水管网 distribution system, pipe system 环状官网 loop pipe network 枝状管网 branch system
转输流量 flow feeding the reservoir in network 支墩 buttress anchorage
管道防腐 corrosion prevention of pipes 水处理 water treatment 原水 raw water
预处理 pre-treatment
生物预处理 biological pre-treatment 预沉 pre-sedimentation 预氧化 pre-oxidation
粉末活性炭吸附 powdered activated carbon absorption 混凝剂coagulant 助凝剂coagulant aid
药剂固定储备量 standby reserve of chemical 药剂周转储备量 current reserve of chemical 混合 mixing
机械混合 mechanical mixing 水力混合 hydraulic mixing 絮凝 flocculation
隔板絮凝池 spacer flocculation tank 机械絮凝池 mechanical flocculating tank 折板絮凝池 folded-plate flocculating tank 栅条(网格)絮凝池 grid flocculating tank 沉淀 sedimentation
自然沉淀 plain sedimentation
平流沉淀池 horizontal flow sedimentation tank 上向流斜板沉淀池 tube settler
侧向流斜板沉淀池 side flow lamella 澄清 clarification
机械搅拌澄清池 accelerator 水力循环澄清池 circulator 脉冲澄清池 pulsator 气浮池 floatation tank
气浮溶气罐 dissolved air vessel 过滤 filtration
滤料 filtering media
初滤水 initial filtrated water
滤料有效粒径(d10) effective size of filtering media
滤料不均匀系数(K80) uniformity coefficient of filtering media 均匀级配滤料 uniformly graded filtering media 滤速 filtration rate
强制滤速 compulsory filtration rate 冲洗强度 wash rate
膨胀率 percentage of bed-expansion
冲洗周期(过滤周期、滤池工作周期) filter runs 承托层 graded gravel layer 表面冲洗 surface washing
表面扫洗 surface sweep washing 普通快滤池 rapid filter 虹吸滤池 siphon filter 无阀滤池 valveless filter V型滤池 V filter
接触氧化除铁 contact-oxidation for deironing
混凝沉淀除氟 coagulation sedimentation for defluorinate 活性氧化铝除氟 activated aluminum process for defluorinate 再生 regeneration
吸附容量 adsorption capacity 电渗析法 electrodialysis (ED) 脱盐率 rate of desalination
脱氟率 rate of defluorinate 反渗透法 reverse osmosis 保安过滤 cartridge filtration 污染指数 fouling index
液氯消毒法 chlorine disinfection 氯胺消毒法 chloramines disinfection
二氧化氯消毒法 chlorine dioxide disinfection 臭氧消毒法 ozone disinfection
紫外线消毒法 ultraviolet disinfection
漏氯(氨)吸收装置 chlorine (ammonia) absorption system 预臭氧 pre-ozonation 后臭氧 post-ozonation
臭氧接触池 ozonation contact reactor 臭氧尾气 off-gas ozone
臭氧尾气消除装置 off-gas ozone destructor
臭氧-生物活性炭处理 ozone-biological activated carbon process 活性炭吸附池 activated carbon adsorption tank 空床接触时间 empty bed contact time (EBCT) 空床流速 superficial velocity
水质稳定处理 stabilization treatment of water quality 饱和指数 saturation index (Langelier index) 稳定指数 stability index 调节池 adjusting tank 排水池 drain tank
排泥池 sludge discharge tank
浮动槽排泥池 sludge tank with floating trough 综合排泥池 combined sludge tank
原水浊度设计取值 design turbidity value of raw water 超量泥渣 supernumerary sludge 干泥量 dry sludge 浓缩 thickening 脱水 dewatering
干化场 sludge drying bed
室外排水设计规范 code for design of outdoor wastewater engineering 排水工程 sewerage engineering, wasterwater engineering 排水制度 sewerage system 排水设施 sewer facilities 合流制 combined system 分流制 separate system 城镇污水 urban wastewater
城镇污水系统 urban wastewater system 城镇污水污泥 urban wastewater sludge 早流污水 dry weather flow, DWF
生活污水 domestic wastewater, sewage
综合生活污水 comprehensive sewage 工业废水 industrial wastewater 入渗地下水 infiltrated ground water 总变化系数 peak variation factor 径流系数 runoff coefficient 暴雨强度 rainfall intensity 重现期 recurrence interval 降雨历时 duration of rainfall 汇水面积 catchment area
地面集水时间 inlet time,concentration time 截流倍数 interception ratio
排水泵站 drainage pumping station 污水泵站 sewage pumping station 雨水泵站 storm water pumping station
合流污水泵站 combined sewage pumping station 一级处理 primary treatment 二级处理 secondary treatment
活性污泥法 activated sludge process, suspended growth process 生物反应池 biological reaction tank 活性污泥 activated sludge 回流污泥 returned sludge 格栅 bar screen
格栅除污机 bar screen machine
固定式格栅除污机 fixed raking machine 移动式格栅除污机 mobile raking machine 沉砂池 grit chamber
平流沉砂池 horizontal flow grit chamber 曝气沉砂池 aerated grit chamber 旋流沉砂池 vortex-type grit chamber 沉淀 sedimentation, settling
初次沉淀池 primary sedimentation tank 二次沉淀池 secondary sedimentation tank 平流沉淀池 horizontal sedimentation tank 竖流沉淀池 vertical flow sedimentation tank 辅流沉淀池 radial flow sedimentation tank
斜管(板)沉淀池 inclined tube (plate)sedimentation tank 好氧 oxic, aerobic 厌氧 anaerobic 缺氧 anoxic
生物硝化 bio-nitrification 生物反硝化 bio-denitrification 混合液回流 mixed liquid recycle
生物除磷 biological phosphorus removal
缺氧/好氧脱氮工艺 anoxic/oxic process (ANO) 厌氧/好氧除磷工艺 anaerobic/oxic process (ApO)
厌氧/缺氧/好氧脱氮除磷工艺 anaerobic/ anoxic/oxic process (AAO,又称A2/O)
序批式活性污泥法 sequencing batch reactor (SBR) 充水比 fill ratio
总凯氏氮 total Kjeldahl nitrogen 总氮 total nitrogen 总磷 total phosphorus 好氧泥龄 oxic sludge age 泥龄 sludge age 好氧区 oxic zone 缺氧区 anoxic zone 厌氧区 anaerobic zone
生物膜法 biofilm process, attached growth process 生物接触氧化 bio-contact oxidation
曝气生物滤池 biological aerated filter (BAF) 生物转盘 rotating biological contactor (RBC) 塔式生物滤池 biotower
低负荷生物滤池 low-rate trickling filters 高负荷生物滤池 high-rate trickling filters
五日生化需氧量容积负荷 BOD3-volumetric loading rate 表面负荷 hydraulic loading rate 固定布水器 fixed distributor 旋转布水器 rotating distributor 石料滤料 rock filtering media 塑料填料 plastic media
污水自然处理 natural treatment of wastewater 土地处理 land treatment 稳定塘 stabilization pond 灌溉田 sewage farming
人工湿地 artificial wetland, constructed wetland 污水再生利用 wastewater reuse 深度处理 advanced treatment
再生水 renovated water, reclaimed water 膜过滤 membrane filtration
颗粒活性炭吸附池 granular activated carbon adsorption tank 紫外线 ultraviolet (UV) 紫外线剂量 ultraviolet dose 污泥处理 sludge treatment 污泥处置 sludge disposal 污泥浓缩 sludge thickening 污泥脱水 sludge dewatering 污泥干化 sludge drying 污泥消化 sludge digestion 厌氧消化 anaerobic digestion 好氧消化 aerobic digestion 中温消化 mesophilic digestion 高温消化 thermophilic digestion 原污泥 raw sludge



