Definition of Logistics物流的定义
There are many different definitions for logistics in different countries and periods, and they have always changed with the development of society. Some definitions are typical.
The Council of Logistics Management defined the logistics in 1992 as the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.
And the definition from the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics is that logistics involves “managing the flow of items, information, cash and ideas through the coordination of supply chain processes and through the strategic addition of place, period and pattern values.”
In practice, the terms “logistics” and “supply chain management” are now used
interchangeably. Actually logistics and the Supply Chain are equivalent terms, so the Institute of Logistics (1998) gave the following definitions:
Logistics is the time related positioning of resource or the strategic management of the total supply chain. The supply chain is a sequence of events intended to satisfy a customer. It can include procurement, manufacture, distribution, and waste disposal, together with associated transport, storage and information technology1.”
In some developed countries, the productivity had risen and the total quantities of products became saturation in the early 1990s, also there were many products which can not be distributed because of the competition. It was difficult to develop the technique as well. People had to find a new way to solve the problems. They intend to expand the market and reduce the cost through the improvement of distribution. It was the initial concept of logistics.
The earliest concept of logistics came from Arch W. Shaw’s ?Some Problems in Market Distribution? (1915). They called it “Physical Distribution” (PD) at that time. The definition focused mainly on the distribution.
In the late 1980s people have already had a general and deep comprehension about logistics. PD as a definition could not characterize the whole frame of logistics. The logistics included not only the physical distribution but also production logistics, returned logistics, material reuse and the contents like that. Logistics as a suitable definition occurred instead of PD.
物流的概念最早来自于拱W. Shaw的?若干问题的市场分布?(1915)。他们在那个时候把它称为“物流配送”(PD)。的定义中,主要集中在分布。
Logistics Engineering means the management process of choosing the best scheme under the guidance of theories about system engineering and planning, managing, controlling the system with lowest cost, high efficiency and good customer service for the purpose of improving economy profits of the society and enterprises2. In this definition we also integrate the logistics and the flow of information as a system and regard the process of producing, distribution, and consumption as a whole activity. 物流工程是指有关系统设计和规划,管理,控制系统,成本最低,效率高,良好的客户服务,为提高社会和企业2的经济利润为目的的理论的指导下选择最佳方案的管理过程。在这个定义中,我们还整合了物流和信息作为一个系统流和把生产,配送的过程中,和消费的整体活性
Contents and Characteristics内容及特点
The object of Logistics engineering is to solve the problems in logistics system: the first task is to make system plan and design with the theory of facility design; and the second one is to manage and control logistics system so as to reduce the cost and improve the efficiency.
物流工程的目的是解决在物流系统中的问题:第一个任务是使系统的规划和设计,设施设计的理论,而第二个是管理和控制物流系统,以降低成本,提高效率。 Facility Design设施设计
Facility design has been often used in industry department such as factory including layout design, the system design of materials handling, building design, information system design and etc.
设施的设计已在行业主管部门,如被经常使用,包括工厂布局设计,材料处理系统的设计,建筑设计,信息系统设计等 Logistics Management物流管理 Logistics System Design物流系统设计
In external logistics system, the design implies the decisions about spots of the
networks for materials distribution. But in internal logistics system, the main target is to improve the economy profits of the production system.
Functions of Logistics Systems物流系统的功能
1. Members in logistics system should collaborate with the active partners and integrate the serial activities of supply chain to improve the management and strengthen the integrated service capability.
2. It is helpful for building the rapid response system. The time to prepare and the cost will be reduced and the supply chain will accrue. The enterprise will be more competitive.
3. A good logistics system can reduce the level of organization, work out the
personal potentiality of the employees, encourage the team spirit and make sure of maximization of the corporate comprehensive interests3. It can also form the active corporate culture oriented by the customer demands and supported by the technological innovation.
Significance of Logistics.物流的意义。