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作者:刘广川 靳娜 崔树平
[摘要] 本文針对眼科常见病临床表现多样、学科专业性强、多种全身性疾病有眼部表现的问题,通过充分调动全科规培医师的学习积极性,运用多种教学方法,在教学大纲规定的学习时间内,培训眼科临床上常规的基础检查和基本操作技能,弥补大学阶段“眼科学是考查课”的思想误区,降低全科医师在基层临床工作中漏诊、误诊情况的发生。经过3年的全科住院医师规范化培训,特别是通过眼科学的轮转学习,在眼科常见疾病方面完美的由理论学习向临床实践过度,培养出合格的面向基层的全科医师。在全面推进分级诊疗的医改行动中,在基层的全科医师能够做到眼科疾病早发现、早诊断,把需要转诊到上级医院的患者“转上去”,把经过上级医院诊治后处于康复阶段的患者“转回来”,保障首诊于基层医院的常见眼病患者可以得到及时的诊治。因此,通过应用多种教学方法,从而加强全科规培医师眼科轮转学习非常重要。 [关键词] 全科医师;临床规培;分级诊疗;眼科学;教学方法
[中图分类号] C975;R-4; ; ; ; ; [文献标识码] B; ; ; ; ; [文章编号] 1673-9701(2024)16-0148-04
Application of multiple teaching methods in ophthalmology training for general residents LIU Guangchuan1; ;JIN Na1; ;CUI Shuping2
1.Department of Ophthalmology, Bayannaoer Hospital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Bayannaoer; ;015000, China; 2.Department of Teaching, Bayannaoer Clinical Medical College, Inner Mongolia Medical University, Bayannaoer 015000, China
[Abstract] This article addresses diverse clinical manifestations of the common diseases in ophthalmology, strong professionalism, and multiple systemic diseases with eye manifestations. By fully mobilizing the learning enthusiasm of general practitioners, using multiple teaching methods, it aims to train the routine basic inspection and basic operation skills in clinical ophthalmology, to make up for the misunderstanding of the ophthalmology as an examination course at the university stage, and to reduce the occurrence of missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis of general standardized training practitioners in basic clinical work during the study time specified in the syllabus. After 3 years of standardized training for general residents, especially through the rotation learning of ophthalmology, the perfect transition from theoretical learning to clinical practice in