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高三英语外研通用总复习题库:必修 Modle My Firt Ride on a Train

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Module 3 My First Ride on a Train

I. 单项填空

1.The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without________his notes. A.bringing up C.looking for

B.referring to D.trying on

答案 B [句意:董事长在商业会议上讲了将近一个小时而没有参考他的发言稿。refer to“参考,参阅”。bring up“抚养”;look for“寻找”;try on“试穿”。] 2.If we sit in________front of the bus, we'll have________better view. A./;the

B./;a D.the;the


答案 C [考查冠词。句意:如果我们坐在汽车的前面,我们就会看到较美的风景。此处指汽车里面的前面,故第一个空用the,view“风景、自然景色”,此处表泛指,故填a。]

3.Some youngsters know what to________at the university.They have made up their minds about their future. A.take in C.take off

B.take up D.take over

答案 B [take up“从事”;take in“吸收,欺骗”;take off“脱衣,起飞”;take over“接管”。根据句意“一些青年知道在大学里从事什么”可判断答案为B项。] 4.—I haven't heard from Henry for a long time. —What do you suppose________to him? A.was happening C.has happened

B.to happen D.had happened

答案 C [do you suppose 在此处为插入语,不影响谓语动词的时态和变化,解题时可把它删掉。]

5.________role Zhao Wei played in the film Hua Mulan!No wonder she has won an Ornamental Column Award(华表奖). A.How interesting a C.What interesting

B.How an interesting D.What interesting a

答案 A [role为可数名词,排除C项;how interesting a role=what an interesting role意为“多么有趣的一个角色”。]

6.After his journey from abroad, Richard returned home,________. A.exhausting

B.exhausted D.having exhausted

C.being exhausted

答案 B [exhausted“感到筋疲力尽的”,说明主语(人)的状态;exhausting“令人筋疲力尽的”,说明主语(物)的性质或特征。]

7.He was________at the sight of the________that the earthquake caused. A.frightened and shocked;destroy B.frightened and shocked;damage C.frightening and shocking;ruin D.frightening and shocking;harm

答案 B [考查词义辨析。句意:看到地震造成的破坏,他既恐惧又震惊。第一空用frightened与shocked表示内心的感受;第二空处考查cause damage(造成损害)这一固定短语。]

8.You can see the ancient ruins________a distance of 10 miles. A.in




答案 B [句意:在十英里远的地方你就能看到古代的遗迹。at a distance of“在……远的地方”。]

9.Having found many of her clothes_______,she decided to buy some in fashion on the Internet. A.out of work C.out of control

B.out of place D.out of date

答案 D [考查词组辨析。out of work“失业”;out of place“不适宜”;out of control“失去控制”;out of date“过时”。句意:发现许多衣服都过时了,她决定在网上买一些时尚的。]

10.________terrible weather it was when tsunami and earthquakes happened in Indonesia. A.How

B.How a


D.What a

答案 C [weather为不可数名词,前面无冠词,排除B、D两项,how修饰形容词或副词,而what修饰名词。]

11.________it is to sit down and have a good chat with your close friends!

A.What great funny C.What great fun

B.What a great fun D.How good fun

答案 C [考查感叹句。句意为:坐下来和亲密的朋友们聊聊天是多么惬意啊!fun是不可数名词,应由what引导感叹句,且fun前不加冠词。] 12.—Which________will you enter for in the sports meeting?

—I’m considering.It’s hard to choose from. A.affairs C.competitions

B.events D.sports

答案 B [event在此意为“赛事,比赛项目”。affair事件;competition竞赛;sport运动。] 13.He made another wonderful discovery,________of great importance.

A.which I think is C.which I think it is

B.I think which is D.which I think it

答案 A [考查定语从句和插入语的用法。此题后句为which引导的定语从句,which在从句中作主语,I think是插入语,不影响句子结构,所以答案选A。] 14.Near the window was a________table,with four small chairs surrounding it.

A.small wooden round C.small round wooden

B.round wooden small D.wooden small round

答案 C [考查形容词作定语排序。多个形容词修饰名词时,排列顺序通常是:(限定词+)性质特征+尺寸+形状+年龄+颜色+来源+材料+用途。]

15.From the address________on the envelope,we see that the letter is from America.



C.to be marked D.having marked

答案 B [考查非谓语动词。mark与address为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用动词-ed形式作定语。C项不定式常用来表示动作将要发生。] II. 阅读理解

My oldest daughter is on vacation this week.She called last night to tell us that she arrived safely in North Carolina.She said,“Don't get mad but I lost my wallet.”Then she quickly added,“But it's been returned to me!”

She had left the highway to get gas and some food.Her boyfriend was in a hurry to get going because they had a few more hours to drive before reaching their destination.She placed her wallet on the car roof, put the little dog in the back seat, and quickly jumped into the car.Off they went, with the wallet still on the roof!

They were about a half hour away and they came to a toll booth.She reached in her purse for her wallet and couldn't find it.She had a lump in her throat as she remembered leaving it on the roof.

She started to cry.Then, almost immediately, her cell phone rang.It was the local police.They said someone had dropped_off her wallet and she could come to pick it up. She did and all the vacation money was there.Nothing was missing.She asked for the name of the person who returned it but the police said they couldn't give the information out.

I told my daughter,“It was an anonymous act of kindness and whoever did it is smiling, knowing that you got your wallet back and were able to enjoy your vacation.”

Honest people do exist!This is proof! Notes: toll booth收费所

1.Where is the destination of the author's oldest daughter? A.North Carolina. C.South Carolina.

B.North Chicago. D.South San Francisco.

2.What does the underlined phrase mean? A.pick up

B.lay down D.desert

C.throw away

3.Who found the lost wallet? A.The worker in the toll booth. B.The local policeman. C.Someone unknown.

D.The boyfriend of the author's oldest daughter. 4.What can we infer from this passage? A.The author doesn't only have one daughter. B.They brought a little cat with them. C.They haven't stopped during their driving. D.The wallet was put on the back seat. 5.What does this passage want to tell us? A.We should keep our wallet safe. B.We shouldn't cry when facing troubles.

C.Parents will get mad at us when we do something wrong. D.There are honest people in our world.

【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者的大女儿在旅行途中由于着急赶路,不小心把钱包丢了,后面被人捡到送回警察局的故事。文章借此告诉我们诚实的人是存在的。 1.A [细节理解题。由第一段第二句“She called last night to tell us that she arrived safely in North Carolina.”可知,他们顺利到达了North Carolina。其余说法错误。]

2.B [词义猜测题。由语境可知,当时有人将钱包留在了警察局,警察通知他们去取。其余说法不合逻辑。]

高三英语外研通用总复习题库:必修 Modle My Firt Ride on a Train


