Until we get to know someone, our brain relies on snap judgements to try to
categorize the person, predict what they will do, and anticipate how we should react.
You may have heard that you only have a few seconds to make a first impression,
but the truth is, your brain has made up its mind (so to speak) about a person within
milliseconds of meeting them.
According to research done by a Princeton University psychologist, it's an
in —evolutionary survival mechanism. Your brain decides from the information it has
whether you are trustworthy, threatening, competent, —other words, how you look
likeable and many other traits.
One way we can \of our body
language, especially in important situations. Whether you're applying for a job,
asking for a raise, or meeting with a new client, tweaking or just being mindful of
our body language can influence the other person's perception of us and the
outcome of the situation.
调整或对自己的肢体语言多加留意,因为这样会影响到他人对我们的印象以至这个场 景的最终结果。
15 Body language blunders to watch out for: 种需要注意的肢体语言错误:15这是
you come off lazy or arrogant. —1. Leaning Back too much
can seem aggressive. Aim for a neutral posture. —2. Leaning forward
can make you seem untrustworthy or overly —3. Breaking eye
contact too soon
nervous. Hold eye contact a hair longer, especially during a handshake.
眼神接触时间太短——会使你看起来不可信或过度紧张。应保持稍长时间的眼神接触, 特别是在握手的时候。
—4. Nodding too much can make you look like a bobble head doll! Even if you agree
with what's being said, nod once and then try to remain still.
即使你同意对方所说的,点一次头并试!点头太频繁——会让你看起来像一个点头玩偶 着保持静止就可以了。
feels aggressive. —5. Chopping or pointing with your hands
makes you look defensive, especially when you're —6. Crossing your arms
answering questions. Try to keep your arms at your sides.
交叉手臂——让你显得自我防御,尤其是在回答问题的时候。尽量保持你的双臂在身 体的两侧。
instantly telegraphs how nervous you are. Avoid it at all costs. —7. Fidgeting
can look rigid —8. Holding your hands behind your back (or firmly in your pockets)
and stiff. Aim for a natural, hands at your sides posture.
把手放在身后(或紧紧地攥在口袋里)——看起来会死板僵硬。换一个自然的,双手 保持在身体两旁的姿势。
is a natural cue that someone is lying or not —9. Looking up or looking around
being themselves. Try to hold steady eye contact.
can be interpreted as aggressive. There's a fine line between holding —10. Staring
someone's gaze and staring them down.
目不转睛地瞪着别人——这有可能会解读为有侵略性的眼神。保持眼神接触和瞪大眼 睛的区别只有一线之差。
can make people uncomfortable, and wonder if you really —11. Failing to smile
want to be there. Go for a genuine smile especially when meeting someone for the first time.
conveys fear or uncertainty. —12. Stepping back when you're asking for a decision
Stand your ground, or even take a slight step forward with conviction.
在询问决定的时候身体向后退——传递着惊恐和不确定的信息。脚踏实地,或者甚至 可以坚定地向前踏一小步。
looks like a begging position and conveys —13. Your fingers or holding palms up weakness.
is an aggressive posture, like a bird or a dog —14. Standing with hands on hips
puffing themselves up to look bigger.
15. Checking your phone or watch says you want to be somewhere else. Plus, it's — just bad manners.
So, what should you do? Aim for good posture in a neutral position, whether sitting
or standing. Stand with your arms at your sides, and sit with them at your sides or
with your hands in your lap. Pay attention so that you naturally hold eye contact,
smile, and be yourself.
If you discover you have a particular problem with one or two of the gestures on the
list, practice by yourself with a mirror or with a friend who can remind you every
time you do it, until you become aware of the bad habit yourself.