I. Answer the following four questions in English. (5’×4=20’) 1. What is Business English?
Business English must be seen in the overall context of English for Specific Purpose (ESP), as it shares the important elements of needs analysis, syllabus design, and materials selection and development which are common to all fields of work in ESP. As with other varieties of ESP, business English implies the definition of a specific language corpus and emphasis on particular kinds of communication in a specific context.
2. What is register(语域)?
Register consists of three elements: field(语场), tenor(语旨) and mode(语式).
3. What is the main content of Business English Correspondence(商务英语函电)?
Business English Correspondence includes establishing business relations(建立贸易关系); enquiries and replies(询价及回复); quotations, sales letters, offers and counter offers(报价、推销信、报盘及还盘); orders, acceptance and rejections(订单、接受和回绝); sales confirmation and purchase contract(销售确认书及购货合同); payment(支付); packing(包装); transport and insurance(装运与保险); complaint, claim and settlement(申诉索赔和理赔) and so on.
4. What do “7Cs” include?
7Cs: courtesy(礼貌), consideration(体谅), completeness(完整), clarity(清楚), conciseness(简洁), concreteness(具体), correctness(正确).
5. What are the Grice principles?
Maxim of Quality(质的准则), Maxim of Quantity(量的准则), Maxim of Relation(关系准则), Maxim of manner(方式准则).
6. What are the seven categories of advertisement translation strategies?
①Literal Translation(直译)/ Semantic Translation(语义翻译)/ Foreignization Translation(异化翻译);
② Free Translation(意译)/ Flexible, Dynamic, or Functional Equivalence(灵活对等、动态对等、功能对等翻译)/ Communicative Translation(传意翻译)/ Domestication Translation(归化翻译);
③ Creative Translation(再创型翻译/ 创译);
④ Supplementary Translation/ Over Translation(增补型翻译); ⑤ Condensed Translation(浓缩型翻译); ⑥ Zero Translation(不译); ⑦ Adaptation(编译).
7. What are the three types or forms of discourses according to Newmark?
Expressive(表达型), informative(信息型) and vocative(呼唤型).
II. Translate the following terms into English. (2’×10=20’)
D. D.; D/ D
demand draft consignment note
即期汇票 铁路运单
C.H. EF DLD EOD f. F.A. P/ A P. O. R C.O.D F.A. fad. CR sae D/A TNC D/A D/D SC TC T. C. SC U/A B.C. C/I BOT TAT DP TOD CP. SKD
clearing house Exchange Fund deadline date every other day
fairs face amount payment of arrival payment on receipt cash on delivery fixed assets free delivery cash receipts
stamped addressed envelope
deposit account transnational company document against acceptance
documentary draft supplier credit tariff circular traveler’s check sales contract underwritting account
bank clearing certificate of insurance balance of trade truck- air- truck document against payment
time of delivery commercial paper separate knock-known
票据交换所 外汇基金 最后时限 每隔一日 定期集市 票面金额 货到付款 货到付款 货到付款 顾定资产 免费送货 现金收入 已贴邮票 存款帐户 跨国公司 承兑交单 跟单汇票 卖方信贷 关税通报 旅行支票 销售合同 保险账户 银行清算 保险凭证 贸易余额 陆空联运 交单付款 发货时间 商业票据 部分散件