Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998
学生姓名 学
学 号
计算机科学与技术学院 计算机科学与技术(软件工程)
专 业 题 目 指导教师
(姓 名) (专业技术职称/学位)
年 月
要: 随着生活水平的提高,娱乐已成为非常主流的话题,人们不仅需要通过音乐
关键字:音乐播放器,音频编码格式,TechSmith Screen Capture Codec,FFmpeg ,C#,Visual Studio 2008
Abstract:With the improvement of standards of living, entertainment has become very mainstream topics, it is required not only by music, edifying, and as more and more people tend to use music, video and other entertainment and relax, which greatly promoted the development of media software. This article aims to introduce the research knowledge of common digital audio encoding and decoding, and in conjunction with VS2008 prepared multifunctional music player, understand the functions of the music player to acquire related knowledge needed to develop music player, object-oriented software engineering methods are used, their development
includes the application interface design and code to run in the background tracks to realize multifunctional music player application on your computer, you can to a large extent, meet the needs of users. The system mainly includes: a music player, music file control, volume control, control, control, schedule control of lyrics, music editing function module.
Keywords: music player, audio coding format, techsmith screen capture codec, c#, visual studio 2008
目 录
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