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They handed in their exercises just in time for the teacher to correct.(作状语) It is for you to decide.(作表语) It’s time for you to go to bed.(作定语) Here’s a book for you to read.(作定语)

7. in this case 假如这样的话;既然这样(P32) in that case 如果是那样的话 in any case 无论如何,总之 in no case 决不 as is often the case情况经常是这样 in case +clause

Please take an umbrella in case it rains/in case of rain.请带雨伞以防天下雨。

8. However, not all characters are used to describe objects.(P38) 然而并不是所有的汉字都是用来描述物体的。 all,both,every用于否定句时,表示部分否定概念。

Not all the students work hard. 并不是所有的学生都认真学习。 = All the students don’t work hard.

Not every student works hard. 并不是每一个学生都认真学习。 Not both the twin brothers work hard. 双胞胎兄弟并不都认真学习。 【拓展】None of the students work hard. 所有的学生不都认真学习。 No student works hard. 每一个学生都不认真学习。

Neither of the twin brothers works hard. 双胞胎兄弟都不认真学习。



1. stand for 代表,代替,象征,支持 2. have effective methods for / of studying English 有效学习英语的方法 3. share (in) sth with sb 和某人分享/分担… 4. be made up of = consist of 5. mix … with … 6. be different from / differ from be similar to be the same as 7. contribute to


把…和…混合,汇合 与…不同 与…相似 与…同样的


捐赠;作出贡献 控制


make a contribution to 8. take/in control of 9. replace…with/by

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10. despite this fact = in spite of this fact

11. have an impact /effect/influence on 12. take control of = have power over 13. undergo huge changes 14. take the place of 15. lose face


对…有影响;对…起作用,产生效果 接管

经历巨大的改变 代替 丢脸,失面子 和某人说句话 考虑

采取行动解决问题 进行调查 从事研究 为…建立标准 关心,担心 曾经;同时 禁止做某事

依靠,依赖;由…而定,取决于;信赖 耗费了我许多时间 融洽相处;进展,有起色 没有必要做什么. 吸引某人的注意力 (勇敢地)面对… 浪费时间做某事 直视着某人的眼睛

16. have a word with sb 17. take my concerns into consideration 18. take actions to solve problems 19. do research be engaged in research 20. set a standard for 21. care about

22. at one time 23. ban doing sth 24. depend on/upon

25. take up a lot of my time

26. get along/on (well) with sb/sth 27. There is no need to do sth. 28. get one’s attention

29. face up to/face sth/be faced with sth 30. waste time doing sth 31. look directly into one’s eyes

Unit 3 Back to the past (Module 3)


1. one main similarity between Pompeii and Loulan (P42) 庞贝和楼兰两者间一个主要的相似之处 similarity between A and B similarity to sb / sth in sth

2. as it was 事实上;象现在这样(P42) as it were 宛如,好像,仿佛;可以说 as it is



streets just as they had been


在某方面和某人或某物有相似之处 A和B在性格上的差异

a difference in character between A and B

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they are kept exactly as they were 2000 years ago (P43) 他们在2000年前的样子被原封不动地保存下来

3. There was an ancient water system that ran through the middle of the city. 有一条古老的供水系统贯穿城市中心。(P43) run through 贯穿;跑着穿过

4. prevent the city from being buried by sand 阻止这座城市被风沙覆盖的命运(P43) prevent/stop/keep … (from) doing sth 阻止…做某事 be buried in sth/bury oneself in (doing) sth.

5. (be) in good condition 完好无误(P51)

The house is in a good / bad condition. 房子条件良好/不好。


be in condition 身体很好 ◆ be out of condition on condition that 条件是


He is in no condition/out of condition to travel. 他的健康状况不宜于旅行。

They will give us the money on condition that we pay it back within six months. 他们给我们提供资金有一个条件,即我们在六个月以内偿还。

on no condition 绝不要

On no condition must you tell him what has happened. 你无论在什么情况下都不可告诉他所发生的事。

6. have no food to eat

没有食物吃(P51) 没有地方住(P51) 没有房间住 某人有事要自己做 某人有事要别人做

have no place to live (in) have no room to live in sb. have sth. to do

7. require sb to do sth 要求某人做某事(P52) The rules require us all to be present. Students are required to attend classes.

Sb. have sth. to be done (by sb.)

按规定我们都要到场。 学生必须按规定上课。

It requires that ... 有...的必要 require sth of sb 对某人有...的要求


The emergency requires that it should be done. 情况紧急,非这样做不可。

We did all that was required of us.

8. take place

发生,举行(P52) 就座,入座

代替某人;接替某人的位置 代替 丧失自己的地位

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take one’s place take sb’s place take the place of lose one’s place


in place of out of place in place


地方放得不对,不合适,不恰当;不协调,不相称 放在本来的位置;适当的;就地 首先,第一点 其次,第二点 最后

对日本宣战(P55) 宣布和平 声明反对某事 声明赞成某事 发表意见,表明态度 宣布某人无罪


in the first place in the next place in the last place

9. declare war against Japan declare peace

declare against sth declare oneself

declare in favor of sth declare sb (to be) innocent

She declared that she didn’t want to see him again.

10. lead to the US coming into the Second World War 导致美国参加第二次世界大战(P55) The path led them to a garden.

11. distinguished guests 贵宾,尊贵的客人(P56)

distinguish right from wrong /distinguish between right and wrong distinguish sb in a crowd

12. Not only was Rome a city and a republic, but it was (also) to become the capital of one of the largest empires in history. (P58)



lead sb. to do sth. = cause sb to do sth. 导致某人做某事


在人群中认出某人 把东西分成类

distinguish things into classes

not only ... but also 不仅…而且… She is not only smart but brilliant.

She not only wanted the diamond but wanted it desperately.


not ... but ... 不是…而是…


not that ... but that ...

13. In 221 BC, Emperor Qinshihuang united China, but his dynasty didn’t last long. (P58) 公元前221年,秦始皇统一中国,但秦王朝并没有维持很久。

last vi. (在时间上) 持续,继续;维持 (生命、保持充足的供应);


抗日战争持续了八年。 淡水够用吗?

The anti-Japanese war lasted eight years. Will our water last?

The patient is not expected to last much longer. 这位病人活不了多久了。

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I want a car that will last. 我需要一辆经久耐用的汽车。 她怀疑这场婚姻是否能持久。

She wondered if her marriage would last.

【拓展】够…之用(保持供应充足);经受住(坚持住或忍受足够长的一段) Twenty yuan is enough to last her for a month. 二十元钱足够她用一个月。 This bike will last me a lifetime.


She hoped to last the season without injuring her leg again. 她希望能够挺过这个季节,不要再弄伤腿了。


1. lost civilization 失落的文明 2. take over the city 接管该市 3. be buried alive 被活埋 4. be off to someplace 离开到某地 5. house many of the treasures 容纳许多宝藏 6. be gradually covered over by sandstorms 逐渐地被风沙淹没 7. the ruins of the Loulan kingdom 楼兰国遗址 8. the remains of buildings 古建筑的残存 9. painted pots 漆罐

10. prevent the city from being buried by sand 阻止城市被沙子埋没 11. a bunch of flowers 一束花 12. a herd of deer 一群鹿 13. a swarm of bees 一群蜜蜂 14. be involved in… 卷入…/参与… 15. make Professor Zhang chairman of the society 选张教授为该协会主席 16. either…or… 要么…要么… 17. neither…nor… 既不…也不… 18. in good condition 处于良好状态 19. a concerned citizen 一个忧心忡忡的市民 20. lead to the US coming into the Second World War 导致美国进入二战 21. set sail for 启航到… 22. sink with 1,177 men on board 1177人随船下沉 23. in memory of 为纪念… 34. overthrow the Qin Dynasty 推翻秦朝

25. another similarity between China and Rome 中国和罗马的另一个相似点 26. the route for trade between the East and Further 东西方的贸易路线 27. with the formation of the Sui Dynasty 随着隋朝的形成

28. once again reunite China 又一次重新统一中国

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