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-剑桥国际少儿英语KB4 Unit1-8 学生用书听力文本Listening Script

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Pupil's Book Unit 1 Page 8 2.

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NARRATOR: Simon and Alex are in their Art class.They're making bowls and they can't stop.They're busy. SIMON: Oooh.My bowl's terrible!

NARRATOR: Alex is careful and slow.His bowl's good.

NARRATOR: Stella and Lenny are in their Maths lesson.Stella's very happy because she loves Maths and thinks it's easy.Lenny doesn't think Maths is easy.He thinks it's difficult.

LENNY: I can't do this Maths problem.It's difficult. STELLA: Come on, Lenny.You can do it.It's easy.

NARRATOR: ... It's 73-72.What an exciting game!Meera's got the ball and she's running with it.Meera's quick.The boy's slow. GIRL: This is really boring.I don't like basketball. Pupil's Book Unit 1 Page 10 9.

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SIMON: Hey!The school show's really exciting, Dad.

MR STAR: Yes, it is ... and it's good to see your teachers.Who are they all?

SIMON: Well, the man who's talking to Mum is my Maths teacher.He's called Mr Newton.

MR STAR: Right.Is the man who's singing your Music teacher?

SIMON: No, he's Mr Burke, our sports teacher.Miss Flower's our Music teacher.She's the woman who's wearing the long green skirt.They do the 'After school club'.

MR STAR: The 'After school club'?What's that?

SIMON: It's a new club where we can do lots of exciting things on Thursday afternoons.... And can you guess who my Art teacher is? MR STAR: Ooh, Simon, that's difficult.Is it the woman who's playing the guitar?

SIMON: Very funny, Dad.No, that's Mrs Robinson, our English teacher.Our Art teacher's over there.He's the one who's carrying the


MR STAR: Is his name Mr Strong?Ha ha ha. SIMON: No, Dad.His name's Mr Turner.

Pupil's Book Unit 2 Page 16 2.

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SIMON: Look, this is the new activity centre which is opening in the village next to ours.

SUZY: What does 'activity centre' mean?

SIMON: It's a place where you can learn to do lots of exciting sports.Look.It's got rock climbing.I'd like to learn to climb. STELLA: Hmm.It's not nice when it's cold, wet and raining.

SIMON: No, it's OK.They've got a climbing wall inside and outside. SUZY: Look!There's a lake too.

SIMON: Yes, you can do water sports.You can learn to sail and fish, and you can go swimming there when it's hot.

SUZY: I don't want to sail or climb.What can I learn to do? STELLA: Hmmm.Let's see.You can learn to skate, Suzy.

SUZY: Hmm, skating.That's exciting, but I haven't got any skates. STELLA: That's OK.They've got skates at the centre.And they do dancing.I can learn to dance.

Pupil's Book Unit 2 Page 18 8.

Listen and check. MR STAR: Hello.

GRANDPA: Hello, son.Where are you?

MR STAR: Hi, Dad.I'm inside, watching Simon and Alex.They're climbing really well.Simon's climbing quickly and he's near the top of the wall.Alex is climbing slowly and carefully.Where are you, Dad? GRANDPA: I'm outside with Suzy.She's learning to skate. MR STAR: How's she doing?

GRANDPA: Well, she isn't doing badly.She doesn't want to fall, so she's skating slowly.

SUZY: Look at me, Grandpa!I can skate really well now, but I'm tired.Let's go inside and watch Simon.

GRANDPA: Good idea, Suzy.See you in a minute, son. We're coming in now.

Pupil's Book Unit 3 Page 26 2.

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ALEX: You weren't at school last week, Simon.Where were you? SIMON: I was at home because I wasn't well. ALEX: What was the matter?

SIMON: I was ill.Last Monday I had a temperature.It was 39 degrees. ALEX: Wow.What was the matter?

SIMON: I don't know.I drank lots of water, but on Tuesday I was worse and I had a bad headache too.

ALEX: Were you better on Wednesday?

SIMON: No, I wasn't.I had a terrible cough, so I saw the doctor.He gave me some medicine.

ALEX: Were you better after you took the medicine?

SIMON: No, I wasn't.On Thursday I went to the hospital with Mum and had some tests.

ALEX: So, what was the matter?

SIMON: Er, I had a cold ..., but I wasn't ill on Friday afternoon.I was fine!I ate a big dinner ... and then I had a really good weekend!

Pupil's Book Unit 3 Page 28 8.

Listen and check.

STELLA: I'm really tired this morning.

MEERA: Really?Why?Were you awake all night? STELLA: No, I had a terrible dream.

MEERA: Oooh, what was your dream about?

STELLA: I was a doctor in a big hospital.I had a long white coat ... and I had lots of doctor's things, but I didn't have time to stop! MEERA: Oh?How many people did you see?

STELLA: I saw lots.I saw a man who had a cough, but he didn't have a temperature so I gave him some medicine ...And there was a woman with a bad headache.And then, there was a girl who had a bowl on her head!

MEERA: A bowl on her head!How did you take it off?

STELLA: It was really difficult, but in the end I took it off and ... do you know who was under the bowl? MEERA: No.

STELLA: It was Suzy!

Pupil's Book Unit 4 Page 34 2.

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MR STAR: What did you do yesterday afternoon at the After school club, kids?

SIMON: Well, first we helped Mr Burke.Alex and I cleaned the chairs and then we carried them into the hall. MR STAR: And what did you do, Stella?

STELLA: I played chess with Meera and then we all started to think about our school show.

SIMON: Yes, Mr Burke wanted us to do a musical.We had to sing.And we danced!

MRS STAR: Did you dance, Simon?

SIMON: Well, I didn't dance, but I hopped, skipped and jumped to the music ... and Meera and Stella laughed a lot.

STELLA: Well, Simon, you were funny.Mr Burke watched us dancing and listened to us singing, but then he stopped us! MR STAR: So what now?

STELLA: Mr Burke doesn't want us to do a musical this year. SIMON: It's great!I don't have to sing and dance! Pupil's Book Unit 4 Page 36 9.

Listen and check.

NARRATOR: It's Saturday morning and the children are going to Alex's new flat.

LENNY: Which floor does Alex live on?

STELLA: I think he lives on the fifteenth floor. SIMON: Wow, the fifteenth floor.That's exciting!

MEERA: Yeah, he says he can see the city from his bedroom window.Oh, no!The lift isn't working!

LENNY: That's OK.There are some stairs.We can walk up. STELLA: Lenny, we have to walk up to the fifteenth floor!

SIMON: That's no problem.Lenny and I love climbing.Come on, Lenny.Let's see who gets there first! LENNY: Yeah!

STELLA: First floor, second floor, third floor, fourth floor, fifth floor ...I'm so tired!

ALEX: Hello.What's the matter?

EVERYONE ELSE: The lift isn't working. ALEX: But it's only the fifth floor!

LENNY: Yeah, but we went up to the fifteenth floor because Stella thinks you lived there!

ALEX: Well, it's good you didn't want to see my uncle.He lives on the twentieth floor!

Pupil's Book Unit 5 Page 46 8.

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ALEX: Hi, Simon.Did you finish your homework yesterday?

SIMON: Yeah, I wrote about Shackleton.Who did you write about? ALEX: Jacques Cousteau.He was a French explorer.Shackleton's adventures were more difficult than Cousteau's, but I think Cousteau is more famous.

SIMON: Really.What did he do?

ALEX: He sailed in his ship, theCalypso, and explored sea life.

SIMON: But Shackleton's life was more exciting.Why was Cousteau famous?

ALEX: Because he helped us to understand our world.He made 120 TV programmes and films and he was one of the first people to tell us to be more careful with the sea.

SIMON: Yeah, that's true.We have to look after our world. STELLA: Huh, our homework was more boring than theirs.

LENNY: Yes, but ours was easier than theirs, so I had time to watch TV after I finished mine. STELLA: Yeah!

Pupil's Book Unit 6 Page 52 2.

Listen and check.

GRANDMA: We want to buy a computer so we can use the Internet.I'd like to email my old friend in Australia.

SUZY: Do you know how to use a computer, Grandma? GRANDMA: No, not really.Can you show us, please?

STELLA: Yeah, first you have to turn the computer on.Push this button here.Then you have to turn on the screen.That's this button here.Now you hold the mouse in your hand and ... GRANDMA: What mouse?

-剑桥国际少儿英语KB4 Unit1-8 学生用书听力文本Listening Script


