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classroom, book, foot, look, good, bedroom, cookies, wood, etc

ou —blouse, house, mouth, mouse, south, cloudy, about, etc

ar — department, arm, car, park, March, apartment, far, marker, hard, party, etc or —morning, north, for, corner, short, shorts, story, horse, forty, etc

homework, work, doctor, world, word, etc ir — shirt, bird, skirt, thirsty, thirty, third, circle, first, girl, etc

ur — Thursday, purple, curly, hurt, nurse, hamburger, Saturday, etc

er — sweater, sister, teacher, letter, supper, computer, burger, under, corner, tiger, etc ear —ear, year, near, hear, dear, etc ay — X- ray, day, May, play, may, always, today, gray, okay, way, etc ow —tomorrow, know, below, slow, elbow, yellow, show, snow, bowl, etc cow, now, brown, flower, down, etc oa —coat, boat, goat, road, etc

C) 辅音字母组合

sh — cashier, she, sheep, shoes, fish, etc ch — chicken, teacher, chalk, chair, chant, children, much, China, etc

tr — waitress, tree, street, truck, traffic, strawberry , trick, etc

dr — drink, dress, drive, dream, draw, etc th — theatre, thirsty, three, think, third, Thursday, teeth, etc

mother, father, this, that, they, brother, these, their, etc

wh —where, what, white, when, why, etc ( 二) 词汇部分。

包括: 名词、动词、形容词以及常见词组、短语等。 各词类在复习时可按主题再进一步的划分, 如小学阶段



家具、形状、季节、节日、国家等; 动词可分为运动、休闲娱乐、

学习、家务、感官动词等; 形容词可分为描写外貌、性格、情


学生整理知识, 并丰富他们的积极词汇量, 如学生在描述人

物性格时, 可以有多个不同的形容词涌入头脑, 供其选择。这

样说( 写) 出来的词汇和内容都会比较丰富。 这种分类也是对学生学习策略的一个提示。策略研究的

结果表明分类记忆的词汇效果较好, 并易于提取。除此之外,



教材中出现的比较重要的词组和短语, 我们也可以一起

来整理记忆。如: 表示地点:

in /on /under the desk /table? in a river /tree? in the classroom/gym/library? in the top

in front of /behind the tree? in the sink in the bedroom/living room? on the ice / snow on the blackboard on a map on the right /left? 表示时间:

in the morning /afternoon /evening in winter /spring /summer /fall 表示动作:

open the window/book /door close the window/book /door

go to bed go to school go to sleep go for a walk go straight go up the stairs

go shopping go to the park /zoo /gym? go swimming go /walk /drive to work eat breakfast /lunch /supper have breakfast /lunch /supper

read a book read books

read the newspaper a pair of shorts /gloves? read my /your book

play basketball /sports /cards? play on the computer

work on the computer speak English /Chinese

teach English learn English take a picture take off take the bus by bus /bicycle? write a story write a letter watch TV watch a movie

fly a kite fly kites go on a trip go on trips have a good trip

help my /your mother wash my /your hands /face brush my /your teeth get up domy homework put on drawa picture walk home stand up wake up

listen to the radio /teacher turn right /left work hard drive a car ride a bicycle stay home look at live in arrive in? leave for ? etc ( 三) 语法部分。 1.词类与用法。 A.名词。

( 1) 可数名词有单数和复数两种形式, 要求掌握单数变



