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see people pressing the mobile to his ear and shouting loudly in public as if there were no one else present. It is more than likely that you have noticed that the mobile phones ring continuously on a formal occasion, People around them have to listen to the noise and they can not concentrate on what they are doing.

Exercise Twelve

以健康的生活方式(A healthy lifestyle)为题,参考以下提示,在25分钟内写一篇不少于100词的信。请以Linda为寄信人,James为收信人。


2)就如何合理安排时间,缓解压力给出建议。 参考范文

A healthy lifestyle Dear James,

I am glad to get your letter. Do you still feel stressful? As far as I know, a lot of people live in a way that is wearing themselves out. In fact, life does not have to be like that, It is wise to bear an important principle in your mind---managing time. To make it simple, decide what you want in your life, and put that first. Whatever makes you feel good about yourself and your life, just do it! Take a nap, or a walk. Take time to play the piano. Stop bringing your briefcase home from the office. Fill more of your time with want-to-dos instead of have-to-dos.

Each of us has to make choices and accept trade-offs. Anyhow, we should do something for ourselves. I hope you can manage your life! Stay cool!

Yours faithfully Linda

Exercise Thirteen

以《教育——为走上社会作准备》(Education——Preparation for Society)为题,参考以下提示,在25分钟内写作一篇不少于100词的作文。

1) 教育的目的是为了孩子适应生活。 2) 许多高学历的人不愿意做“低贱”的工作。 3) 对社会来说,所有工作都是必要的。

Education is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not

educate children for the purpose of educating them; our purpose is to fit them for life.

Because of the development in modern education, many people avail of the opportunities to receive college education. But there are not enough positions for

people with university degrees. Besides, some graduates refuse to do what they think “low” jobs-work with hands is thought to be indecent.

In fact, when we say that all of us must be educated, it means that we must be educated in such a way that, firstly, each of us should do whatever job is suited to his brain and ability, and secondly, that we must realize that all jobs are necessary to society.


教育不是目的, 而是达到目的的手段. 换句话说, 我们不是为了教育孩子而教育他们, 我们的目的是让他们适应生活.

由于现代教育的发展, 许多人获得了接受大学教育的机会. 但是获得大学学位的人却没有足够的岗位. 此外, 有些毕业生拒绝做他们认为低等的工作---手工工作被认为是不得体的.

实际上, 当我们说所有人都必须接受教育, 意思是我们应该按照以下方式接受教育:第一, 我们每个人都应该做适合我们大脑和能力的工作; 第二, 我们必须意识到所有工作对社会都是必须的.

Exercise Fourteen

以《打电话还是写信》(Making a Phone Call or Writing a Letter)为题,在25分钟内写作一篇不少于100词的作文。以下单词和词组供写作时参考。

Communicate , a phone call ,letter, handy, right a way ,prefer, expensive Making a Phone Call or Writing a Letter

When there is a need to communicate with people, we either make a phone call or write a letter. Some people like making a phone call while others prefer writing a letter.

The advantage of phoning is evident. It is handy and fast. We can contact

whomever we want to and talk with him right away. By making phone calls, people can discuss things as if they were in the same room. However, there are still some people who prefer to write letters. There is no doubt that letters are less expensive than long-distance calls. Besides it is a better choice for those who are not good at expressing themselves orally. However, it takes days, even weeks for a letter to reach its destination.

Both making a phone call and writing a letter are effective means of

communication. It seems advisable to make use of them both on different occasions.


当我们需要与他人联系时, 我们或者打电话, 或者写信. 有些人喜欢打电话而其他人喜欢写信.

打电话的好处是显而易见的. 它易操作又快捷. 我们可以立刻联系到我们想要联系的人并与之通话. 通过打电话, 人们可以像在同一个房间里讨论问题. 但是还是有些人喜欢写信. 毫无疑问, 写信比打长途电话要便宜. 同时对于那些不善口头表达的人来说写信是更好的选择. 但是一封信要到达目的地要花几天甚至几周.

打电话和写信都是有效的交流方式, 我们建议应该在不同的场合使用这两种不同的方式.

Exercise Fifteen

以《应聘信》(A Letter of Application)为题,参考以下提示,在25分钟内写作一篇不少于100词的作文。以Zhou Fang 为寄信任。


2)希望能得到这个职位。 A Letter of Application Dear Sir:

I was pleased to see your ad in the newspaper on December 25th for a sales engineer. In July

I will receive my bachelor ’s degree in Electronic Engineering from Nanjing University, and I

would like to be considered for the post.

I believe I am a competitive candidate for your post because both my education and work

experience meet your requirement. Besides degree courses concerning electronics, I also took such

courses as Marketing, Consumer Behavior Strategies. Last summer, I participated in an electronic

project, from which I have gained practical experience in this field.

I would welcome an opportunity to join your company because your post is what I’ve been

preparing for. If you feel that I might be the right person for the job I would be ready for an

interview at your convenience. I am looking forward to your reply!

Sincerely yours, Zhou Fang 15求职信 亲爱的先生:

我很高兴在12月25日的报纸上看到你招聘销售工程师的广告. 七月份我将从南京大学

获得电子工程专业学士学位, 我希望你能考虑让我担任这个职位.

我相信我是一个具有竞争力的候选人, 因为我的教育背景和工作经历会满足你的需要. 除

了电子学位课程以外, 我还参加了市场销售. 销售者行为策略. 去年夏天, 我参与了一个电子项

目, 从中我获得了这一领域的实践经验.

如果能获得机会加入你们公司我会非常高兴. 因为你们的岗位正是我准备寻找的. 如果你

们觉得我适合这一份工作. 我随时准备在你们方便的时候参加面试. 我期待你们的回复.

你的 周芳

Exercise Sixteen

以《投诉信》(A letter of Complaint)为题,参考以下提示,在25分钟内写作一篇不少于100词的信。请以Liu Yuan为寄信人。

1)写信投诉公交车司机。 2)诉说事情经过。 A letter of Complaint Dear Sir:

I am writing to complain about one of your bus drivers, who were so rude to the passengers.

Yesterday, I was taking the bus No. 133 to school. It was about 9:30 in the morning. It was

not the rush-hour and there were not many passengers on the bus. But the driver drove so fast and

he didn’t slow down even when the bus turned round street corners. One of the passengers asked

him to drive slowly but he did not listen. When the bus reached the next stop, a man stood up and

walked toward the door. The driver stopped the bus so suddenly that the man could not keep his

balance and fell on the floor. The driver didn’t make an apology and asked him to get off the bus

right away.

I think that public bus system should serve the public whole-heartedly. The safety of

passengers should be the major concern. It is my sincere hope that proper measures ought to be

taken to prevent such incidents from happening again. Yours sincerely Liu Yuan 16抱怨信


我写信给你目的是投诉你们的一个公共汽车驾驶员, 他对乘客非常粗鲁.

昨天, 我乘133路公共汽车上学, 大概早上9:30.那不是上下班时间, 车上乘客不多. 但司机开得很快, 甚至转弯也不减速. 有一个乘客让他开得慢一点, 他不听. 当汽车到达下一个车站时, 一个人站起来走向车门口. 汽车司机停车太快那个人没有能够保持平衡,跌倒在地. 司机没有道歉反而让他立刻下车.

我认为公共交通系统应该全心全意为公众服务. 乘客的安全应该是他们主要关心的话题. 我真诚地希望采取有效的措施防止这种事情再度发生.

你真诚的 刘璇

Exercise Seventeen

以《我喜欢的旅行方式》(My Favorite Mode of Travel)为题,参考以下提示,在25分钟内写作一篇不少于100词的作文。

1)很多人喜欢参加旅行社旅游(package tours)而有些人喜欢自助游(traveling by oneself).


My Favorite Mode of Travel(2011考过)

With the improvement of people’s living standards, more and more people are making a holiday trip to places of interest. While many like to join package tours for convenience’s sake, I prefer to travel by myself.

I like traveling on my own not only because it costs less but because it gives me freedom. Traveling on my own, I’m my own boss and can decide when to start or where to linger I can adjust my own plan. By contrast, in a package tour you’re

deprived of such freedom as you are supposed to follow the agenda of the tour team.

True, you may encounter inconveniences if you travel alone; getting

accommodations for the night and finding a place for meals might give you headaches. But nothing can be compared with freedom-the freedom which is vital to a person who takes a holiday trip to be free from constrains of the routine life.


随着人们生活水平的提高, 越来越多的人在假期出去旅游, 参观名胜古迹. 尽管很多人为了方便选择跟团旅行, 但我更喜欢自己单独去旅游.

我喜欢独自出去旅游不仅因为它花费少而且因为它能给我自由. 独自出行我可以自我控制, 决定什么时候出发, 在什么地方逗留, 我可以随时调整我的行程. 相反, 跟团旅游你就没那么自由了, 你得服从整个旅行团的日程安排.

当然, 独自旅行时你也可能遇到些许不便, 寻找食宿的地方可能让你头疼. 但什么都无法和自由相比, 因为对于一个通过旅行来使自己摆脱日常生活束缚的人来说自由才是最重要的。



