Greeting (1 min) Introduction (8 mins)
介绍本课程的特点,对学生提出课堂及课后作业的要求,及学完本教材后所应掌握内容。说明考试形式及对上课纪律的要求。 Presentation (15mins) 1. Play the audio
2. Useful sentences patterns(该处会有相当部分内容出现在Practice部分教师巡回指导后做说明)
1) A: Good morning. I don't think we have met before. May I introduce myself? I'm Tom.
B: Nice to meet you. My name is Bella.
2) A: Hi! Nice to meet you. Nice day, isn't it?
B:Yeah, couldn't be more pleasant. Nice to meet you, too. 与原句意思相近的表达还有:
It's wonderful to see you. It's lovely to meet you. 与之对应的回答有:
Same here. Likewise. Same to you.
与陌生人搭讪时,老外通常喜欢用天气作为开场白,最后结尾时会说Nice meeting you.(很高兴理解你。)或者Nice talking with you.(很高兴与你交谈。)
千万要注意这句与Nice to meet you.是有区别的,后者主要用于开始一段对话,Nice meeting you.则意味着结束一段对话。 3) A: Harry , how're you doing? B: Good, how're you doing? A: I'm doing fine.
4) A: Long time no see. How are you doing? B: Fine.
除了How're you doing?之外,老外还常说:
How have you been? How's it going? How are you getting on? 问候家人还能够用:How's your family?
此外,如果想表示自己最近状态非常好,还能够说: Everything is going pretty well. 一切顺利。 Things just couldn't be better.好得不能再好了。
5)A: I can't believe you are leaving now. I won't be able to see you in two months.
B: Oh, come on. Give me a hug. 6)A:Baby, give me a hug.
B: I'm going to miss you so much.
Give me a hug一般仅限于很亲密的朋友或家人之间,当然,拥抱时不一定要先
这么说,有时对方仅仅张开双臂,说一句Come here,也是要拥抱一下的意思。
Give a squeeze. Give me a bear hug.
与此类似的一个表达是Give me five!意为“击个掌吧!”它是Give me five fingers!
的缩略形式,意指双方举手相互击掌,用于打招呼或者相互庆贺。因为是举手击掌,所以也称为high five。
7)A:How are you doing? I haven't seen you for ages. B: Not bad. How about you?
8)A: I haven't seen you for ages. Fancy meeting you here. B: Yeah, It's been a while. Where have you been? “好久不见”除了上面说到的两种说法,还能够说: I haven't seen you in a while.
It's been a while since I've seen you. 表达初次见面的惊喜能够说:
Good to see you again. It's nice to see you again. Great to see you again. 表达不期而遇则能够说: What a small world!
9) A: You are such a nice person. Nice to meet you. B: My pleasure.
10)A: It's time for me to get going. Glad to see you. B: My pleasure, too.
初次见面,礼节是很重要的。如果他人问候说“很高兴见到你。”,除了用My pleasure.回答外,我们还能够说My honor.或者It's my honor.
“很高兴见到你”一般用在两人刚见面的时候,或者交谈了一会儿要分别的时刻。比较正式的说法有: I'm honored to have known you.
I'm so pleased to make your acquaintance.
11)A: l haven't seen you for a long time. What's new with you?
B: Nothing. Just as usual.
12)A: Hi, Martin. What a coincidence! What's new with your life?
B:Hello. You know, our football team won the champion last week.
老外与好朋友相遇时,还会用下列表达来询问近况: How's everything? What's happening? How have you been?
有时,好友相遇也会用What's up?来打招呼,但是在使用时需要注意,What's up?有时也用来询问发生什么事情了,相当于What's going on?或者What happened?
13)A : Helen. How have you been these days? B: Oh, so far so good.
14)A:I'm hearing that you moved to a new place last week. How's it going with your new life?
B: So far so good. Anyway, that's really a nice place. 当他人询问最近生活怎么样时,我们还会说“我很好”,而老外则一般会回答
说:I'm on top of the world.或Couldn't be better.其中on top of the world是一个习语,字面意思是“世界点”,常引申为“幸福到极点,欣喜若狂”;与此类似的表达还有over the moon。 想表达自己当前生活一般,没什么可抱怨的,老外一般会说: Not bad. Just so so Can't complain.
15)A: Henry, What have you been up to? B: Oh, not much.
16)A: What have you been up to?
B: You know, just getting prepared for the coming mid-term exam.
What have you been doing lately? What's been going on?
What are you doing with yourself these days? up to单独使用的时候,有“直到,多达”的意思,如: