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一.Write “T” (true) or “F” (false) in the brackets for each of the following statements according to what you’ve learned in the course book.

( )1. Knowing a word means that you know the pronunciation and meaning of it. ( ) 2. Students’ errors are a very useful way of showing what they have and have not learnt. So instead of seeing errors negatively, as a sign of failure, we see them positively as an indication of what we still need to teach.

( ) 3. Testing implies evaluation based on a collection of information about what students know and can do.

( ) 4. Classroom climate is strongly affected by the teachers’ attitude and behaviour. ( ) 5. In the Communicative Approach, a teacher is described as an “instructor” and students as “listeners” in class.

( ) 6. The students’ native language has no particular role in the Communicative Approach. The target language should be used not only during communicative activities, but also in explaining the activities to the students or in assigning homework.

( ) 7. Words which we want students to understand, but which they will not need to use themselves. We call this passive vocabulary.

( ) 8. Students’ errors are a sign of failure, so we must correct every mistake they make. ( )9.Culture is received greater attention in the Communicative Approach.

( )10.Spoken language is generally produced in informal, simple or common vocabulary.

( ) 11.All new words in a lesson are equally important.

( )12.Classroom climate is strongly affected by both the teachers’ attitude and the students’ behavior.

( ) 13. Vocabulary can be divided into productive and receptive.

( ) 14. Communicative competence refers to knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of the language.

( ) 15. Post-reading work usually contributes to the development of all the language skills and may involve using other skills than just reading.

( ) 16. Written language is generally produced in fairly simple sentence structures. ( ) 17. In the Communicative Approach, both teachers and students have multiple roles. ( ) 18.Spoken language is sometimes produced in incomplete sentences. ( )19.The skill practised in the pre-reading stage is anticipation.

( ) 20.Communicative activities can be divided into functional communicative activities and social interaction activities.

( )21. One way to teach reading is following the framework: presentation, practice and production. Each stage has a different goal and deals with different reading strategies. ( )22. Students are given the structure in context and are asked to work out the rule for themselves. They are given guidance from the teacher in using evidence from the context to work out the usage of the structure. This is called the inductive method.

( ) 23. Reading is an active process, during which the reader tries to understand the meaning of a given text.

( )24. If the aim of activity is to check that students can use the verbs correctly, you have to correct any major errors, especially those involving the verbs you have taught, or the activity will lose its point.

( ) 25. The skill practised in the pre-reading stage is inference.

( ) 26. Words which we want students to understand, but which they will not need to use themselves. We call this active vocabulary.

( ) 27. The typical example of functional communication activities is role play. ( ) 28. The target language should be used not only during communicative activities, but also in explaining the activities to the students or in assigning homework.

( ) 29. You glance quickly through a text in order to find a specific piece of information, this skill is called scanning.

( ) 30. Types of mistakes are slips, errors and attempts.

( )31. Only the new teachers benefit a lot from lesson planning, while the experienced teachers not.

( )32. Threats are always constructive measures against indiscipline in class. ( )33. Poor pronunciation doesn’t cause problems for the learning of other skills.

( )34. Students need to be given detailed grammar rules if they want to learn a foreign language successfully.

( )35. Knowing grammar is not enough for real communication. ( )36. English-English explanations are the best for vocabulary teaching. ( )37. If we don’t use words, we will forget them.

( )38. Group word is not much useful in designing the speaking tasks. ( )39. Research has shown that good listeners are good predictors.

( )40. A successful speaking task is that students talk a lot in the foreign language. ( )41. Both teachers and students need to know that there is a difference between active and passive vocabulary.

( )42. Motivation is one of the most important variables in language learning. ( )43. ESL/EFL reading textbooks should have a great variety of authentic materials. ( )44. Current methodology acknowledges that mechanical writing activities do not by themselves motivate students.

( )45. One important purpose of assessment is to evaluate the existing curriculum.

二.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the course book

1. In real life, there are two ways in which we often listen, they are______________ and _______________.

2. A good speaking syllabus should include topics, ___________, ________, functions and ____________________.

3.One way to help students use natural intonation is to practise saying the sentence in sections, starting with the end of the sentence and gradually working backwards to the

beginning. This technique is known as ____________.

4. Teaching is a three-way relationship between ___________, the materials he or she is using, and _______________.

5. The teacher divides the whole class into pairs. Every student works with his or her partner, and all the pairs work at the same time, it is sometimes call __________________. With pairs of students speaking in turn in front of the class is called ________________.

6. The background knowledge needed to interpret a given text is called ___________ . 7. _____________ usually contributes to the development of all the language skills and may involve using other skills than just reading.

8. Activities that are truly communicative have three features: ____________, choice, and ________. 9.Some









______________,_____________, curriculum and ____________. 10.Basic question types are________, _________ and _________.

11.When we write a comment on observation, we can follow the SSSS+S process: sympathise, __________, ________,________ and _________.

12.Controlled practice can be divided into two types, they are ____________ and


13. The rule is given first and explained. The students then have to apply the rule to given situations. This is called _______________.

14. In real life, language is used to perform certain _______________; in traditional pedagogy, the teaching focus is on_________ rather than functions. 15.James Asher was the founder of_____________.

16. The skill practised in the pre-reading stage is ____________.

17. A lesson should involve the__________, and ____________ of both learners and teachers. It can be regarded as a process of ________________

18.Three approaches towards reading and listening are _________________,

_________________ and ________________________.

19.There are a variety of elements that contribute to the qualities of a good language teacher. These elements can be categorized into three groups: ethic devotion, ___________________ and_______________.

20.In the past half century, language teaching and learning practices have been influenced by three different views of language , namely, the structural view, ____________and


21.Reading is an ________ process, during which the reader tries to understand the meaning of a given text.

22. Lesson planning should be done at two levels: _______________ and _______________.

23.The process of writing is generating ideas, _________, ___________ and ____________.

24. Role play is a way of bringing situations from real life into the classroom.When we do it, we ask students to imagine. They may imagine:__________, _____________or both. 25.The teacher divides the class into small groups to work together, it is called _____________.

26. Littlewood (1981) proposed two main categories of communicative activities, namely: _______________ and _____________________.

27.Vocabulary can be divided into two kinds, they are______________ and _____________.

28.Communicative competence is the ability not only to apply the grammatical rules of a language in order to form grammatically correct sentences but also to know _______ and ________ to use these sentences and to ________.

29. Knowing a word means that you know_________, __________, ___________ and _____________.

30. An important feature of today’s language classroom is that students do not always study as one big group. Rather, for much of the class time, students are broken down to groups of different sizes. The most common student groupings are_______, ________,________ , and__________.

31.The interactional view considers language as a_________ tool , whose main use is to build up and maintain___________ relations between people.

32.There are three ways to show the stress pattern of words , phrases and sentences . They are: using__________, using the__________ and using the blackboard.

33. Communicative competence includes the knowledge about the___________ and the knowledge about how to___________ the language appropriately in communicative situations.



