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初中英语早读材料 60个中考必备句型

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1.What about/How about +sth./doing sth.?某物/做某事怎么样? How about this book?这本书怎么样? What about going to the zoo?去动物园怎么样? 2.What does sb. look like?某人长什么样? What does your mother look like?你妈妈长什么样? 3.It takes sb. some time to do sth.做某事花费了某人多长时间

It took me one hour to finish the task.完成这项任务花费了我一个小时的时间。 4.It's time to do sth./ It's time for sth. 到了该做某事的时候了 It's time for me to go home.我该回家了。 It's time for lunch. 吃午餐的时间到了。 5.Would you like to do sth.?你愿意做……吗?

Would you like to see a film with me tonight?今晚你愿意和我去看电影吗? 6.Would you mind doing sth.?你介意……吗?

Would you mind opening the window?你介意打开窗户吗? 7.Would (Could) you please...?请你……好吗?

Would (Could) you please help me with the housework?请你帮我做家务好吗? 8.That's why...那就是……的原因

That's why I like reading novels.那就是我喜欢读小说的原因。 9.It's one's duty to do sth.做某事是某人的职责

It's our duty to protect the environment.保护环境是我们的职责。 10.It's+adj.+of sb. to do sth. 某人做某事是……的 It is very nice of you to help me.你能帮我真是太好了。 11.Why don't you do...?/Why not do...?你为什么不……呢?

Why don't you go to sleep now?/Why not sleep now?你为什么现在不去睡觉呢? 12.What do you think of...?/How do you like...?你认为……怎么样? What do you think of your teacher?/How do you like your teacher? 你认为你的老师怎么样?

13. What do you mean by...? 你做某事是什么意思? What do you mean by saying that? 你那样说是什么意思? 14.What are you supposed to do...?你应该做……?

What are you supposed to do before you join the club?在加入这个俱乐部之前你应该做些什么?

15.It is said that...据说……

It is said that you won first prize.据说你得了一等奖。 16.It is one's turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事了 It is your turn to clean the room.轮到你打扫房间了。 17.sb. find(s) it +adj.+to do sth.某人发现做某事…… I find it difficult to sing the song.我发现这首歌很难唱。 18.The +比较级, the +比较级 越……,越……

The harder you work, the better your grades are.你学习越努力,成绩就会越好。 19.get +比较级+and+比较级 变得越来越……

The air here gets cleaner and cleaner.这里的空气变得越来越干净。 20.It seems that...似乎……/It seems +(adj.) to do sth.做某事似乎…… It seems that he will win.似乎他要赢了。

It seems difficult to finish that task.完成那项任务似乎是困难的。 21.It looks like...看起来……;It sounds like... 听起来……

Your bag is cute; It looks like a koala. 你的包真可爱,它看起来就像一只考拉。 It sounds like a good idea. 听起来是个好主意。

22.What's wrong/the matter with sb./sth.?某人/某物怎么了? What's wrong/the matter with your legs?你的腿怎么了? 23.There is something wrong with... ……有问题

There is something wrong with my bike.我的自行车出故障了。 24.Shall we do sth.?我们做某事好吗?

Shall we go to the zoo today?我们今天去动物园好吗? 25.So+助动词+主语 ……也一样

He likes oranges.So do I.他喜欢橘子,我也喜欢。 26.So+主语+助动词 的确如此

—He is honest, so we should learn from him.他很诚实,所以我们应该向他学习。 —So we do.的确如此。

27.What if...?假如……怎么办?

What if we lose our way?万一我们迷路了怎么办?

28.Nothing is +比较级+than to do sth.没有比做某事更……的了 Nothing is more important than to be an honest person. 没有比成为一个诚实的人更重要的了。

29.What's the population of...?……的人口数量是多少? What's the population of the world?世界的人口数量是多少?

30.sb. had better (not) do sth.某人最好(不)做某事

You had better go home before 8 p.m.你最好晚上八点之前回家。 You had better not eat too much fast food. 你最好不要吃太多快餐。 31.I don't think that...我认为……不……

I don't think that everyone is perfect.我认为每个人都是不完美的。 32.It is +adj.+ for sb. to do sth.做某事对某人来说是……的 It is good for you to keep a balanced diet.保持均衡的膳食对你有好处。 33.It is a good idea to do... 做……是一个好主意 It's a good idea to take a deep breath when you feel nervous. 当你感到紧张的时候,做一下深呼吸是一个好主意。 34.sb. can't wait to do sth.某人迫不及待做某事 I can't wait to meet you.我迫不及待要见到你。 35. as...as... 与……一样……

Mike is as tall as his father. 迈克和他的父亲一样高。 36. as soon as一……就

I will call you as early as I come back home. 我一回到家就给你打电话。 37. as...as possible 尽可能……

Please get up as early as possible. 请尽早起床。 38. 疑问词+动词不定式

I haven't decided where to go. 我还没决定去哪里。 39. ...is one of the +最高级+可数名词复数 最……之一

Tom is one of the tallest students in our class.汤姆是我们班最高的学生之一。

40. keep/make sth.+ adj. 使某物保持某种状态;keep sb. doing sth.使某人一直做某事 We must keep our room tidy. 我们必须保持我们的房间整洁。 My mother always keeps me studying. 我妈妈一直让我学习。 41. so...that...如此……以至于……; so that以便

She is so beautiful that many people like her. 她是如此漂亮以至于许多人喜欢她。 Jack gets up early so that he can catch the early bus. 杰克起得很早,以便能赶上早班车。 42. not...until直到……才

We can't go until Saturday.我们要到周六才能去。

43. used to do sth.过去常常做某事;be used to do sth./be used for doing sth.被用来做某事;be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事

I used to walk in the park after supper. 我过去常在晚饭后在公园散步。 This knife can be used to cut things/for cutting things.这把刀可以被用来切东西。

He is used to living in the countryside now.现在他习惯了住在乡下。

44. see/hear/watch/notice/feel sb. do sth./doing sth.看见/听到/看/注意到/感觉到某人做某事/正在做某事

I saw her clean the classroom. 我看到她打扫教室了。 I saw her cleaning the classroom.我看到她正在打扫教室。 45. either...or... 或者……或者……

Either you or I am going there tomorrow. 明天要么你去那里,要么我去那里。 46.neither...nor... 既不……也不……

The weather is neither hot nor cold.天气既不热也不冷。 47.not only...but also...不仅……而且……

She likes not only music but also sports.她不仅喜欢音乐,而且喜欢体育运动。 48. both...and... 两者都……

Both my teachers and my classmates come to help me. 我的老师和同学都来帮助我。 49. one...the other... (两者中的)一个……, 另一个…… There are two pens. One is yellow, the other is green. 那儿有两支钢笔。一支是黄色的,另一支是绿色的。 50. some...others... 一些……,另一些……

There are many books on the desk. Some are English books, others are Chinese books. 桌子上有许多书。一些是英语书,另一些是语文书。 51. be busy with/doing sth. 忙于做某事

He is busy with/doing homework.他忙于做作业。 52. spend...on/(in) doing sth.花费时间做某事

He doesn't spend much time on his study/(in)studying.他花在学习上的时间不多。 53. make/let/have sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 He makes me laugh.他使我大笑。 I let him go.我让他走开。

Please have him come here. 请叫他过来。 54. have nothing to do with... 与……无关

He have nothing to do with the accident. 他和这次事故没有关系。 55. prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.宁愿做某事而不愿做某事 prefer doing sth. to doing sth.喜欢做某事胜过做某事

I prefer to work rather than sit there doing nothing.我宁愿干活儿,也不愿坐在那里无所事事。

56. be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事

You're supposed to be polite to your teachers. 你应该对你的老师礼貌些。 57.ask/tell sb. how to do sth. 问某人或告诉某人如何做某事

My mother often asks me how to use the computer. 我妈妈经常问我如何使用电脑。 58. too...to...太……而不能……

She is too young to go to school. 她太小了,不能去上学。 59. be afraid of doing sth./that... 害怕做某事/害怕……

The little girl is afraid of staying at home alone. 这个小女孩儿害怕独自在家。 I'm afraid I can't go with you.恐怕我不能同你一起去了。 60. be glad that... 很高兴……

I'm glad that you can come. 我很高兴你能来。

初中英语早读材料 60个中考必备句型


