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2020 中考 理科


一、浙江省2019年初中毕业学业考试 (湖州市)

陈琳准备在学校外语文化节上介绍巧克力脆饼(chocolate crunchies)的制作方法。请你帮她从A-E中选择相应的图片,填入46- 50题的各个步骤中,完成PPT演示文稿。

200g dark chocolate50g butter

4 spoons of cornflakes(玉米片)50g honey




2020 中考 理科


46. ________ 47. _________ 48. __________ 49. __________ 50. _______


假如你在友好学校Cloverport School夏令营期间观摩了当地小镇的一个节日活动,请根据其中的一项活动宣传单,完成一则英文报告,每空限填一词。

Rules for Teen Mr. Cloverport ◆Teen Mr. Clovcrport is open for ALL boys aged 13-16. ◆There will be a meeting and practice with the competition director after the day you fill out the form. ◆Clothes must be HOMEMADE. shop-bought clothes are not allowed. ◆NO SMOKING, NO DRINKING & NO RUDE LANGUAGE during the competition. ◆Winners should behave in a good manner while speaking for the Sacajawea Festival. ◆For more information, please call 903-5706. Hello, everybody! I'm so glad to experience the Sacajawea ________ in the town of Cloverport. It's a community festival to bring people together. Teen Mr. Cloverport is a competition for ________ from thirteen to sixteen years old. My new

2020 中考 理科

friend Tristan paid ________ dollars to enter it. He was really excited about it. They have to wear homemade clothes instead of those bought from a ________. I think the spirit of DIY really matters. To follow the rules, they are not ________ to smoke, drink wine, or speak rudely. They should be well-behaved. Thank you!


阅读下面短文,从方框中所给的A-E五个选项中选择正确的选项(其中一项是多余选项)。 A. Remember there is hope for everyone! B. Open your eyes and you are ready to go! C. Your mind goes blank! D. Be more silent! E. Well, don't do that! Public speaking is one of the top three fears among adults in both the UK and the US. Here are some suggestions that deal with some of the most common problems people experience with public speaking. Invite the attention in

Do you hate that moment when you stand up in front of a group to speak and everybody looks at you? ________. It's a sign that people are interested and want to hear what you have to say. Welcome those looks! Beat the brain freeze

Have you ever been in the middle of speaking and suddenly……brain freeze! ________. It is possible that you forgot something for the moment. And you are holding your breath! All you need to do is to trust yourself, clear your mind, focus and breathe. The thoughts will come rushing back to your mind in no time. Phew! Increase your confidence

Use this exercise to get in touch with the \confident (自信的) you\inside. Close your eyes and remember a special time you felt really relaxed and confident. Imagine the feeling of relaxation rushing through your whole body. It will pass information to your brain that you are confident and happy. ________

2020 中考 理科

Whether you are someone who just wants to move from good to great with your speaking, or someone who feels too afraid to stand up and speak, the great news is that you can move forward, be relaxed, and turn into a great speaker. ________

(2)Write down another suggestion on how to become a good speaker. (答案不多于5个单词)


阅读下面材料, 将图片所示步骤(A-D) 与第31-34小题相应的文字匹配, 并完成第35小题。

Some experts believe that burpee (立卧撑) is the best exercise in the world because this exercise is one that anyone can do very easily and extremely cheaply.

How to perform the basic burpee correctly:

31._________ the floor. 32._________ at your sides. 33._________

Bring your feat back to the squat position by placing your hands Begin in a standing position with your back straight and your arms Keep your back straight, squat (下蹲) down and place your hands on

on the floor. Then

jump straight up as high as you can after the squat position, holding your arms up directly over your head.

34.______ Move your feet back behind you, so that you move from a squat position to a

full--length leg extension. Keep both arms and legs straight and strong. 35. As a form of exercise, the burpee is ________________.

A. difficult and boring B. useful but difficult

2020 中考 理科

C. simple and inexpensive D. simple but expensive



Sleep plays an important role in our life. A lack of sleep can influence our ability to work and study.


Normal people need 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. But for teenagers, a healthy amount(数量) is about 8 to 10 hours. Sadly, only 1/3 of people manage that.


Tiredness usually reaches its highest twice a day, at 2 a.m. and 2 p.m. That explains whys students easily fall asleep in afternoon classes. So sleeping at noon for a while helps us work betterin the rest ofthe day.


People can make mistakes if they don't get enough sleep. Students cannot pay attention in classor do well in sports. Drivers who have fallen asleep while driving have caused 1%—10% of thetraffic accidents in our life. And we can imagine what will happen if a doctor feels sleepy at theoperating-table!


There are several ways that can help us sleep better, such as avoiding drinks that make usexcited late in the day, going to sleep at the same time each night, and sleeping in a comfortableplace that is dark, quiet and warm.

A. Bad influences B. Sleeping hours D. Good sleeping habits C. The most tiring moments Thepassagemainlyencouragesusto ____________________________. (不得超过5个单词)

2020 中考 理科


一、 46. C 47. E 48. A 49. D 50. B

二、 Festival;boys;ten/10;shop/store/market/supermarket;allowed 三、 (1)E;C;B;A

(2)Make a speech everyday.(答案不唯一,合理即可)

四、 31. B 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. C 五、



