【期刊名称】《计算机技术与发展》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)002
【摘要】为有效地解决空中交通拥挤问题,研究了空中交通流量管理方法中的地面等待策略。通过地面等待来调节空中交通网络的流量,减少延误时间,从而减少经济损失,提高机场和空域资源的利用率。在空中交通流量管理的各种方法中,地面等待策略是一种比较有效的方法。针对多机场地面等待问题,提出一种以地面等待成本和延迟成本为目标函数的方法,并建立相应的数学模型,为实际的流量管理提供理论方法和依据。通过对机场数据的仿真计算,证明了该模型的有效性和可行性。%To solve the problem of air traffic congestion effectively,the ground-holding strategy in the methods of the air traffic flow management is studied. Regulating the flow of air traffic network by ground-holding reduces the delay time,thus reducing the economic losses,improving airport and airspace resource utilization. In the many methods of air traffic flow management,the ground-holding strate-gy is more effective method. Aiming at the multi-airport ground-holding problem,a method which is based on ground-holding cost and delay cost as the objective function is proposed,and a corresponding mathematical model is established,which provides a theoretical method and basis for the actual traffic management. The simulation of data of airport proves that the model is effective and feasible.