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关于取款的相关口语,我们一起来看看。以下是小编给大家整理的关于取款的银行英语情景口语对话,希望可以帮到大家 Dialogue 1 对话一

A:Hello, how can I help you today? 您好,今天我能帮您什么忙吗?

B:I'd like to withdraw some money from my account. 我想从我的账户里取点儿钱。

A:Please fill out this slip stating how much you wish to withdraw. 请填写这张单子,写明您需要取多少钱。

B:Well, actually, it's quite a substantial amount. Here's my Bank Book.Will that cause a problem?


A:On your account there is no limit to over the counter withdrawals, it won't cause a problem. Here's your money, 10,000 RMB. Please count it before you leave.


B:Yes, that seems to be all in order. Thanks very much. 好的,它们好像是连号的。非常感谢。 Dialogue 2 对话二

A:Hello Mr Waterstone, what can I do for you today? 您好,Waterstone先生,我今天能为您做点儿什么吗?

B:Hello Becky. Well you see, I have this thing here, called a Fixed Deposit Certificate, and I've just noticed the date on it.





A:Oh I see. You have two choices here you can either redeem or renew. 噢,我明白了。您有两种选择,您可以兑现,也可以续存。 B:I think I'll redeem, if that's not a problem. 如果没问题的话,我想我要兑现。

A:No problem at all Mr Waterstone. Any preference as to how you want the money?

完全没问题,Waterstone先生。对您要取的钱有什么特殊的需要吗? B:Anything you like, but not too many large notes. It's useful to have smaller notes.

怎样都行,但是别给我太多的大面额钞票。小面额的钞票更有用一些。 A:Here we go,Mr Waterstone. Here's your money and your interest note. 给您,Waterstone先生。这是您的钱和利息的单据。

B:Yes, yes. Everything's fine. Thank you very much Becky. 好。没问题。非常感谢你Becky。 Dialogue 3 对话三

A:IMBF Bank, Li Lan speaking,how may I help you? 这里是IMBF银行,我是李岚,我有什么可以帮您的吗? B:Hello Ms Li, this is Mr Peng. 你好,李女士,我是彭先生。

A:Hello Mr Peng, how nice to hear from you again. What can I do for you today?

您好,彭先生,很高兴又听到您的声音了。我今天能为您做点儿什么呢? B:We'll be coming in tomorrow to make a rather large cash withdrawal, it's for payroll.

我们明天要来取一大笔钱,是发工资用的。 A:I see. How much exactly? 好的。具体是多少钱?

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B:500,000 RMB. Do you need me to give you my account number? 500000元。你需要我的账号吗?

A:No, that's OK. I've got all of your information here on the screen in front of me. The money will be ready and waiting for you tomorrow. 不用,没问题。我面前的电脑屏幕上有您的全部信息。钱明天能够准 备好等您来取。

B:Thanks very much for your help, Li Lan. See you tomorrow. 李岚,谢谢你的帮助。明天见。 Dialogue 4 对话四

A:Good morning, Madam. What can I do for you? 早上好,女士。我能为您做点儿什么吗?

B:I'd like to withdraw 35,000 RMB from my Corporate Account. 我想从我的公司账户里取35000块钱。 A:Do you have an appointment? 您有预约吗?

B:Yes, my name is Ms Jane Reeve,R-E-E-V-E. 我有。我的名字是Jane Reeve女士,R-E?&V-E。

A:Ah, yes, Ms Reeve. I have all of your information here. Do you have the cash cheque?

啊,是的,Reeve女士。我这里有您的所有信息。您有现金支票吗? B:Here you go. 给你。

A:I'm sorry Ms Reeve, it says 45,000 RMB here. 对不起,Reeve女士,上面写的是45000元。 B:Oh, how silly of me. Can we correct it here? 哦,我真笨。我能在这里改吗?

A:Im sorry,we cannot make corrections on these. You'll have to bring another one with the correct amount, I'm afraid.

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