Unit 1教案模板
一、Teaching contents:
Words: tiger, rabbit, turtle, monkey, mouse. Sentence: I have a ……
二、Teaching games:
Flash cards, Touch and say, Who’s fast?
三、Teaching aids:
1. 单词卡 2. 头饰 3. 动物模型 4. sticker 若干
The first class Teaching The first step: Greeting. 和学生打招呼时procedures: Hello, hello, hello, hello. Hello 要顾及到班上所boys and girls! What’s your name? 有的学生,如果班Hello, Lily. Hello, Susan…… How 上人少就一一进are you today? 行打招呼;让学生My name is Stella. When I say 记住自己的英语“hello”, you should say “hello, 名字。积极和教师Stella”, OK? Let’s have a try. 配合打招呼的学生奖励sticker。 Now, I am a big knife. I will divide 最好教师给每一you into two groups. You are group 组取个比较个性one. You are group two.
的名字。 教师在做热身运The second step: Warming Up.
I’m so glad to see you. Now let’s 动示范后要问一do a warming up. 下学生看明白了First of all, look at me and listen to 没,如有必要可以me carefully. Finger Dance 进行第二次示范;做示范时语速要One finger, one finger, turn, turn, 慢,动作做到位。 turn, turn to a mouse. 热身运动不要求Two fingers, two fingers, turn, turn, 学生能够完全掌turn, turn to a rabbit. 握,只要起到调动Three fingers, three fingers, turn, 学生积极性就可turn, turn, turn to a cat. Four fingers, four fingers, turn, turn, turn, turn to a monkey. Five fingers, five fingers, turn, turn, turn, turn to a tiger. Now, let’s do it together. The third step: Presentation and 魔法袋里面装上Practice. Words Presentation 动物的模型,让学生通过触摸猜出以了。 Look at my magic bag. There are 是什么动物。 some interesting things in it. Who 通过魔法袋制造wants to take out them?
You please. Waa! A tiger. Read after me. ( touch and say) Waa! A rabbit. (升降调) Waa! A turtle. (快慢读) Waa! A monkey. (touch and say) Waa! A mouse. (升降调) 意力,让学生自己动手。依次导入其他单词并进行操练。 当然该部分也可以通过肢体语言直接导入。 Consolidation Let’s review. (Flash cards to review 在实施这个游戏 all the words.) Now, let’s play a game. The name is Who’s fast? 时,为了提高趣味性,教师可以略施小计,教师手势点Divide the students into five 到tiger组,却说的groups. Group 1 is the tiger group. 单词是mouse,通Group 2 is the rabbit group……. 过这样让游戏更When I say “tiger”, tiger group 有意思。 should stand up and say “ tiger”. The second class Teaching Revision 第二节课的一开procedures: Hello, everyone. Say “hello” to 始,教师要把第一Stella. Great! First, let’s review. Read after me.
Now, let’s have a match. Who is 分来进行。如果发fast, who is the winner. 现学生个别单词(教师将卡片放身后,进行闪卡,还不会的话,就要看谁最先说出) What’s this? 单独拿出来巩固一下。 在学习句子的时候,教师一开始多重复几遍,如果学生不知道意思,教师要进行讲解,之后多举例子进行练习。 给学生5分钟时 Sentences Presentation I have a rabbit. (我有一只小兔子。) I have a tiger. I have a turtle. I have a monkey. I have a mouse. Let’s play a game. First, I give you 5minutes to draw 间,让他们画自己pictures. Next, you should make sentences. E.g. I have a cat. I have a dog. I have a rabbit. …… The third class 喜欢的小动物或者是任何东西。 之后让他们用“I have a ……”介绍自己的画。 Teaching
Class begins. 在第三节课刚开
procedures: One, two, three. Four, four, four. First, let’s review. What’s this? (Flash cards) Next, I say, you do. Well done! Next, I do, you say. 始,教师要对前两节课上学习的内容进行一个整体的复习。 Let’s review the sentences. I have a …… 教师先说一个例子,让学生举一反三操练句子。 Now, let’s chant. Finger Dance 这首儿歌是我们在热身运动的时One finger, one finger, turn, turn, 候已经接触过的,turn, turn to a mouse. 接下来教师要做Two fingers, two fingers, turn, turn, 的就是一句句教turn, turn to a rabbit. 给学生。让学生不Three fingers, three fingers, turn, 仅会做动作,而且turn, turn, turn to a cat. 会说,会大概了解Four fingers, four fingers, turn, 儿歌的意思。 turn, turn, turn to a monkey. Five fingers, five fingers, turn, turn, turn, turn to a tiger.