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(附表三 编号 No:ME1B2338K00-2 REV: A 开发案号 Project No: 9013 厂 商:创意 评估次数:▓ 1 st □ 2 nd □ ___________ Vendor No. of times 品 名:电池盖开关卡钩 外包制程:电抛 检验记录: N/A 试模记录: N/A Product . No. No. 料 号:1B2338K00 版次: A ▓ 新 品 ▓ 新开发厂商 Part No REV First Article New Suppliers 模 号:N/A 执行单号:N/A □ 修 正 品 □ 其 他:_____________ Tooling No. Executed No Modified Other 结 果(Result): ▓ 完全认可 Fully Approved 如有疑议者, 请於二日内向原评估单位提出。若无异议, 本单据将为制定检验规范依据。 In case of doubt, please submit your comment to the original Evaluation Dept. within 3 Days. Should there be no comment, this Evaluation Shall be the basis for Inspection Specification. □ 条件认可 Conditional Approval 限 时 (Time Limit / Deadline)__________/__________/__________ 限 量 (Quantity Limitation) ________________________________ pcs. □ 样品不合格 Disqualified 请於_________日内再送样,若无法改善,请与 □设计单位 □企划单位 □制造工程单位 联系,以解决对策之道,否则超过期限,视同放弃供应权论。 Please resubmit your sample within _______ days. Should improvement not be possible, please contact following Dept. to work out solution, otherwise it will be regarded as waiver for the right to supply, if solution could not be provided within the time limit. □ Design Dept. □ Production Planning Dept. □ Manufacture Engineering Dept. TEL:28128988---23174 评估目的(Evaluation Purpose): 开发9013专案电池盖开关卡钩电抛供应商 评估单位:工程 Department 分发单位:□产发 □制工品工工程□品管□资材□LH_DCC ▓ 厂商〈外包〉□其它〈备 注(Remark): 经 经过工程,外包和品保共同验证,该外包商所做的产品结构和外观均能达到要求,具体的产能和价格参管〉照报价单。 评估单位: 工程 核 定:___________ QE确 认:___________ 承 办:__________ Department: Approved Checked Initiator ▓ ▓NRM



