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① We can laugh ha-ha We can sing la-la-la-la 我们可以笑哈哈,我们可以唱啦啦啦啦啦 We can make anything我们可以做任何事情 Hold my hand 拉着我的手

Make a magical land创造一片神奇的土地

When letters get together we go alakazam当字母聚在一起,我们去 We can run, we can slide We can hide in a box 我们可以跑,我们可以滑动我们可以藏在一个盒子里

Are you ready for some fun with the Alphablocks? Alphablocks! 你准备好用字母表玩了吗?

Alphablocks字母积木讲解(所有字母介绍) Ah. Ah! Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh Buh-buh-buh. Ca! Ca!

Duh-duh-duh-duh, duh-duh-duh-duh, duh-duh-duh DUH-DUH! - Eh! - ECHOES: 回声 - Eh-eh-eh! Ffff! Ffffff! Ff! Ff! Ffffffff! Guh-guh-guh-guh-guh-guh. - PANTING: 喘气的

- Hah-hah-hah-hah. Haaaah. Haaaah. I-I-iy-iy-iy!

Juh! Juh! JU-JU-JU-JU-JU-JU-JU-JU! Kuh! Kuh! Kuh! KUH! Kuh! Luh-luh-lu-uh-uh! Llll. Llll.

Mmmm! Mm-mm-mm-mm! Mmm-mm! Nn-hn. Nuh. Nnnnn!

Oh? Oh! Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh.

Puh-puh. Puh-puh. Puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh. Kwu-kwu-kwu-kwu-kwu! Kwu-kwu-kwu!

Arrrrrrr! Rrrrr? Rrrrr! Sssssssss.... Ss-ss-ss-ss-ss-ss! Tuh-tuh-tuh-tuh!

U-UGH! Uh? Uh!

Vvvvvvv! Vvv-vvv-vvv! Vvvvvv... Wuh-wuh-wuh... Waaaah! Xs! Xs-xs! XS! Yee.... Eee-yuh!

Zzzzzz. Zzzz. Zz? Zzz? Zzz... Zz!

② Bee 元音e及其组合 Alphablocks Bee字母积木讲解(元音e及其组合) Eh! Eh! Eh! ECHOING回声 Look at me, 看我my name is E

Bet you haven't met a better letter yet我打赌你还从来没有遇到一个更好的字母 I'm the busiest letter in the alphabet我是字母表中最忙的一个字母。 E - that's me!

Buh, buh, buh, buh Duh [表示犹豫、不快或轻蔑等]咄duh-duh de duh-duh We can make a B-E-D Bed床!

B! R! He can make it R-E-D Red红色!

Eh! Look at me No, look at me!

- He's another E - He's just the same 完全相同的as me! BOTH: We can live together in harmony我们可以一起和谐相处 Double E - you and me 两个E,你和我

E ECHOING回声 Buh! E! Let's make a... B-EE! ALL: Bee!小蜜蜂

Everybody - one, two... T-R-EE! ALL: Tree!树 One, two, tree? - PANTING喘气: - Huh, huh, huh... Sorry! One, two, TH-R-EE! ALL: Three!

Another E A brother E

He's the quiet one in the family他是家里很安静的人。 He doesn't say much He does it silently他说不多,默默做 E number three

And with three Es We can make you

S-N-EE-ZE. ALL: Sneeze! 喷嚏、打喷嚏

Ah, ah, ah, ah-choo! Bee!

Eek! Eep! Er! We need more Es! More Es? More Es? Yes, quickly. 马上

Eeee! B-EE-K-EE-P-ER ALL: Beekeeper养蜂人!

Did you ever see So many Es? 你看到过这么多的E吗?

You've really never met A better letter yet你真的从来没有遇到过更好的字母

We're the busiest letter in the alphabet我们是字母表中最繁忙的字母 E - that's me! Ehh!

③ Top 元音aiou Alphablocks Tea字母积木讲解(元音aiou) Tuh, tuh, tuh.

I was hoping to find a place for a nice cup of tea. 我想找个地方好好的喝喝杯茶 Oh! Somewhere with a view. 找个风景好的地方。 Oh! - Puh! Perhaps或许 - I - can help.

- Tuh! - Oh! - Puh! ALL: Top! 高耸、顶上、山顶 Perfect! 极好的 - Oh! - Tuh! Be careful. 当心,小心 Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Tuh! Typical特有的或特别的. Now we're stuck. 现在我们两个被困住了 I'm not. I'm puffing off. 我会喷着气离开 Puh!

Tuh. Ahh. Ehh. - Eee. - Ohh.

What's going on? 怎么回事;发生什么事

- I know! I know! I... - What is it, then? 然后怎么了 Don't know. Ohh! Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh.

ALL: T is stuck on top of a mountain? T被困在山顶上

Oh! Oh! I know! I know! T is...stuck on top of a mountain.

T needs help. Vowels(元音字母) to the rescue!元音字母去营救 ALL: A, E, I, O, U, vowels know what to do! 元音知道怎么做 U, E, A, I, O, rescue营救T, off we go! 我们出发

He's up there. We need to help! 他在那里。我们应该帮助他

But how? 但是 怎么 I know! I know!

You don't, though, do you? 你愿意吗 I do, I DO! You do, don't you, U? Oh, me? Uh... Uh! - Buh! - Uh! - Guh! ALL: Bug! 小昆虫;虫子 Brilliant很成功的, a bug! Go on继续; 向前走, save解救T, little bug小虫子!

I know! I KNOW! Is it my turn? 轮到我了吗?是不是轮到我了? - Buh! - Ah! - Guh! ALL: Bag袋子!

Great, maybe there's something useful inside. 也许袋子里会有一些有用的东西 - Buh! - Ah! - Guh!

I said I know what to do! 我说我知道该怎么办 Go on, then, show us. 展示给我们看 I will. 我会的

- Buh! - Ihh! - Guh! ALL: Big! 大

- Ihh! - Brilliant! - Go on, - get on top. - Tuh!

A terrific view. A truly terrific view! 风景棒极了,风景真的太棒了。

④ Why 半元音y Alphablocks Sky字母积木讲解(半元音y) A, E, I, O, U...

Yay!开心Yay. Yah! Eeek嘿. In harmony和谐, please. 声音要注意协调 Y, why are you here? Why not?

Sorry, this group is vowels元音only. 我们这里只有元音才可以参加 Sorry. One more time再来一次, then, vowels.

Why, I, I, I, I Can't I be more like you? 我为什么不能像你们一样? I, I, I, I, I I just don't know what to do我不知道该怎么做 O, E, A, they all know what to say 他们都是到应该说什么

Bug拥抱 win嬴、获胜 pot锅pet宠物pat轻拍,爱抚

But I'm much too shy to even try但我太害羞,甚至不敢尝试 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I Yes, I'm OK at the start开始of yellow黄色, yo-yo or yacht游艇 But I'd like to be heard at the end of a word 但是我希望能够在一个单词的末尾能够被听到

Am I trying试图 to be something了不起,很重要 I'm not? Why, I, I, I... 我是不是想做一个我不应该做的东西呢?

Why, my little Y

Don't let your dreams pass you by不要放弃你的梦想 All you have to do is tr... Tr...

Tut, tut, tut, we need a vowel. Vowel needed! 需要元音! Huh. You called?

ALL: T-R-A, tra. ALL: T-R-E, tre. ALL: T-R-O, tro.

GROANS抱怨;呻吟 I don't think so. 我不这么认为 All you have to do is try... I! 你所要做的就是尝试 What did you say? 你说什么

- I. - All you have to do is... 你所要做的就是 ALL: T-R-Y, try! I don't believe it. 我真不敢相信 I, I, I, I, I, I can do it我能做到 I, I, I, I, I, I'm not too shy我不太害羞 shy害羞的

I, I, I, I, I, I'm so happy I could cry 我都高兴的快要哭出来了 cry I feel like I could fly我觉得我可以飞翔 fly

Up into the... 上到 I get the idea! 我明白了 Sky! 天空 A, E, I, O, U Y.

⑤Key C和K crack和kick Alphablocks Lock字母积木讲解(c和k) C. C... K. K. >

- 81. - K. - 82. - K. - 83. - K. - 84...- 85... - K. - Hey! That's my sound. - Stop copying me. - I'm not.

I'm kicking my football to... K. ..keep it in the air... K.不让它掉下来 Well, can't you make a different sound? No! You can't k-keep it for yourself. - K! - ..96, 97, 98... - 99... - Copycat! - Oh!

- Rrrr! - HISSING发嘶嘶声,蔑视

- Crumbs(表示惊讶)哎呀! Sorry.

- This alphabet isn't big enough for the two of 'CKs'.容不下两个'CKs' There's only one way to sort this out.

- You mean...? 你的意思是? - Correct. 对的 A contest! 一个比赛!

C versus(表示两队或双方对阵)K. c和k的对决赛

OK. Beat this... 打败这个 'EY' - Key!钥匙 Oh!

C - that's nothing! I can make... - C. - A. - G. ALL: CAGE. 笼子 Clearly, my 'C' is the best. Lovely, could you let us out now? Lucky I've got the key then. 幸好我有钥匙 So get us out!

Looks like I'm the King of the Ks. K! No keyhole锁眼,钥匙孔! This is not cool.

You two got us into this mess混乱; 搞砸.你们两个造成了这个乱糟糟的局面。 S-S-S... Now you can both get us out! CK!

- S. - O. - CK! ALL: SOCK袜子! Oh! - SNIFFS - Oh, rrrrr! What's that rotten 恶臭的 smell气味?哪里来的臭烘烘的味道? Worry not, shipmates同船水手! 船员 - Rrrr! - O. - CK. ALL: Rock岩石! 摇晃、摇滚 ALL: Oh! GIGGLING咯咯地笑A-aaah!

Listen, leave交托 this to me. 把这个交给我吧 - L. - O. - CK. ALL: LOCK锁! Oh-ho!

Maybe two 'CKs' are better than one. Hey, C, catch! 接住



