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I. Spelling

Directions: Complete the following words according to the Chinese correspondence.

1. A c_____ (牛仔) is a person who looks after cattle in the Western parts of the U S.

2. “Never give up” is my favorite m_____ (座右铭).

3. I don’t like an o_____ (过亮的) classroom. Too many lights may be bad for our eyes.

4. “Two things happened s_____ (同时的)” means they took place at the same time.

5. At around 1 . we reached our final d_____ (目的地) where we had a good rest.

6. I c_____ (紧抓) to my mother’s hand and cried: “Don’t leave me alone!”

7. Any teachers who r_____ (诉诸于,使用) to physical punishment should be criticized.

8. Now we are college students. We have no other a_____ (选择) but to learn hard and achieve our goal.

9. Now farmers use to much chemical f_____ (肥料) to grow grains. It’s very bad for our health.

10. It was warmer now, and the snow was beginning to m_____ (融化).

II. Multiple Choice

Directions: There are four choices marked A, B, C or D for each question. Choose one and write it on the answer sheet.

1. He returned to his hometown after twenty years pretending to have made his fortune, but the villagers soon saw ______ him. A. off

B. through

C. out

D. to

2. All of these security check points can only handle so many people ______. A. at a time

B. at one time

C. in time

D. on time

3. The steak was so barely cooked that it was left ______. A. eaten

B. untouched

C. untouchable

D. eating

4. I would rather ______ at home than ______ out with you. A. stay, go go

5. ______, he can now only watch it on TV at home. A. Obtaining not a ticket for the match B. Not obtaining a ticket for the match

C. Not having obtained a ticket for the match D. Not obtained a ticket for the match

6 Arriving at the bus stop, ______ waiting there. A. a lot of people were C. a lot of people

B. he found a lot of people D. people were found

B. to stay, to go

C. staying, going D. to stay,

7. ______ I don’t understand is how the thief broke into my house. A. What

B. That

C. Which

D. \\

8. Either Mary or her sisters ______ us secretly since our father went away.

A. have been helping C. were helping

B. has been helping

D. was helping

9. It is my great honor ______ the award to you on behalf of the company. A. presenting presented

10. He tried to pretend to be a gentleman, but his manner ______ him ______. A. gave … in away

III. Word Formation

B. take … in

C. take … away

D. gave …

B. to present

C. presented

D. having

Directions: Complete the sentences with the proper form of the words in the brackets.

1. My concern for their well-being was misunderstood as _______ (interfere).

2. The voice at the other end of the line was serious and _______ (command). 3. These statements are accompanied by a series of _______ (explain) notes 4. The children in our family are always _______ (respect) to their elders. 5. It was astonishing that she could have become so _______ (recognize) in such a short time.

6. It took years for Einstein’s theory of relativity to gain _______ (accept).

7. The boy made several_______ (withdraw) from his savings account in a single week.

8. The problem with video games is that they’re _______ (addict). 9. Take into account your own _______ (strong) and weaknesses... 10. Her class teacher made a special _______ (arrange) to discuss her

progress at school once a month. IV. Blank Filling

Directions: Complete the sentences, using the proper form of the expressions listed below.

on one’s own see to sth. turn out resort to be empty of be aware of call for hear of read into consist of lose track of dawn on move in on take pride in reflect on think twice be grateful to compete with cling to grasp at 1. I don’t know her personally, but I do ______ her. I believe she is some kind of writer.

2. The generation gap is a big problem and ______ serious attention. 3. Both sides are willing to sit down and talk because they know it is stupid to ______ force.

4. He thinks we should ______ before we agree with the plan to build more water power stations on that river.

5. It suddenly ______ us that in case the whole polar ice cap should melt into water, many of our coastal cities would disappear under the sea. 6. Whenever two nations quarrel, people tend to put all the blame on the other side. But if they can ______ the issue and everything in relation to it objectively and rationally, they will find that sometimes it calls for compromise.

7. I decided to walk home as it was almost midnight. The street ______ traffic, and I found myself quite alone.

8. Are you _____ the problems in our education system now waiting to be


9. Our scientists have every reason to ______ being able to produce all these new seeds through trial and error.

10. The message of this essay is simple and obvious. I don’t think you should ______ too much ______ it.

11. Peking University is regarded as the most important school of higher learning in China. It ______ some of the best faculties in our country. 12. Unlike high school students who have many classes to go to, university students should spend most of their time studying ______.

13. The two men began to ______ me when they saw I was alone. Luckily a police officer happened to pass by just at the same time.

14. When he was in England, he ______ every opportunity to improve his spoken English.

15. It had suddenly started raining when he returned home, wet all over and trembling with his clothes ______ his body. V. Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section, each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. You should decide on the best answer for each question and write it on Answer Sheet.

Passage One

Apparently everyone knows that global warming only makes climate more extreme. A hot, dry summer has triggered another flood of such claims. And, while many interests are at work, one of the players that benefits the most from this story are the media: the notion of “extreme” climate simply makes for more compelling news.

Consider Paul Krugman writing breathlessly in the New York Times about the “rising incidence of extreme events,” He claims that global warming



