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Unit 9

Task 1

【答案】 Panel Opinions 1st penallist: Philip Computers have already changed our lives. Barnes 2nd penallist: Miss Computers have changed our lives, but I don't want my Anderson life changed. 3rd penallist: Arthur The computer will affect everyone in the world. Records Haines can be kept of everything we do. Records will be kept of all our private lives. The computer is the greatest disaster of the 20th century. 4th penallist: Phyllis The computer is a machine. It was invented by people; it is Archer used by people. If the computer is a disaster, then people are a disaster. 【原文】

Compere: And now for our first question. It comes from Mrs. June Moore. Mrs. Moore?

Mrs. Moore: Does the panel think that computers will change our lives?

Compere: Mrs. Moore wants to know if computers will change our lives. Philip Barnes?

Philip Barnes: Computers have already changed our lives. Business is more efficient.

Planes and trains provide a better service...

Miss Anderson: Just a moment, Mr. Barnes. You may be right about business, but how

many people have lost their jobs because of computers? Computers have changed our lives, but I don't want my life changed.

Arthur Haines: Excuse me, Miss Anderson. We're talking about our lives, not your life.

The computer will affect everyone in the world. Records can be kept of everything we do. Records will be kept of all our private lives. In my opinion, the computer is the greatest disaster of the 20th century.

Phyllis Archer: Could I interrupt? Arthur Haines says the computer is a disaster, but

the computer is a machine. It was invented by people; it is used by people. If the computer is a disaster, then people are a disaster.

Compere: Thank you, Phyllis Archer. Thank you, panel. And thank you, Mrs. Moore.

Task 2

【答案】 A.

1) It includes a 9-inch TV screen, a keyboard with 46 numbers and characters on it, a printer, and two disk drives.

2) It's all contained right on the floppy disk.

3) It’s much better than a typewriter in that one can move words or sentences from place to place or make corrections or changes right on the screen, and never have to erase on paper.

4) It can help him make a monthly budget for his household with electronic


spreadsheet software. B.

1) loads your program into the machine 2) typewriter, typewriter,

3) turning the computer on and loading a program 4) the different things the program can do 【原文】

Narrator: For Harvey Van Runkle, it was love at first sight, or should we say, love at

first byte? Really, it is 64,000 bytes—that's the size of the memory on his new BANANA-3 personal computer. It all happened by accident. His wife, Charlotte, had sent him out to buy a new toaster, when he found himself standing in front of a computer display at the BANANA Computer Store.

Salesman: Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this little computer is going to change your lives.

Just consider the hardware: You have a 9-inch TV screen. That’s your video display terminal. You have a keyboard with 46 numbers and characters on it. You have a printer that will give you paper printouts of your work in three colors. You have two disk drives—one inside the computer terminal and one outside. This computer can do anything! Now let’s have a little demonstration. Who would like to try the new BANANA-3 computer? You, sir. You look interested. Step right up and try the BANANA-3.

Harvey: What's a d-disk drive?

Salesman: That's the part of the computer that loads your program into the machine. Harvey: Oh. What's a program?

Salesman: The program? That's your software. That's the instructions. It's all

contained right on this floppy disk here. The instructions on this disk tell the computer what to do.

Harvey: Oh, you mean like my wife. She always tells me what to do.

Salesman: Exactly. Now what type of program would you like? I have word

processing, I have electronic spreadsheet...

Harvey: What's word processing?

Salesman: Word processing is using the computer like a typewriter. But it's much

better than a typewriter. You can move words or sentences from place to place or make corrections or changes right on the screen. You never have to erase on paper. It's a wonderful little program! Would you like to try it, Mr...

Harvey: Van Runkle. Harvey Van Runkle. I've never used a computer before... Salesman: It's easy. First we start up the machine, and then boot up a program. Harvey: Boot up?

Salesman: That's computer talk for turning the computer on and loading a program.

There. Now we look at the menu.

Harvey: Menu? But I just had lunch. I'm not hungry.

Salesman: No, no. This is a program menu, not a restaurant menu. It shows the

different things the program can do. For example, here we have \you select file, you can choose which of your documents you want to work on. And here’s “edit”. This gives you ways to correct your document.

Harvey: Gee, this is great! There's only one problem. Salesman: What's that?

Harvey: I don't have any documents. I'm a plumber. Salesman: But you have bills, don't you?


Harvey: Yeah, but...

Salesman: Well, with our electronic spreadsheet software, you can make a monthly budget for your household.

Harvey: No. My wife, Charlotte, does that. Salesman: Well, now you can do it, Harvey. Harvey: I don't know...

Salesman: And you have friends, don't you?

Harvey: Yeah, well there's my brother-in-law Bob...

Salesman: Great! You can write letters to Bob on your new BANANA-3 computer! Harvey: Okay. How much is it?

Salesman: Never mind. Do you have a credit card? Harvey: Well, sure...

Salesman: Great. Joe, get Harvey here signed up, will you? He wants a BANANA-3

with a printer and software. Okay, step right up, ladies and gentlemen. This computer can do anything!

Task 3

【答案】 A.

1) They are important because they are able to measure quantities such as electricity and temperature. 2) Digital computers.

3) Only one person at a time can use them.

4) It is because their owners do not spend enough time learning how to operate them efficiently.

5) Each person who uses a minicomputer has a computer terminal that is connected to the minicomputer by interface wires. With the help of the operating system, the CPU is able to divide its time and perform for all the users. B.

Similarities and Differences between Microcomputers and

Minicomputers 1.They are two kinds of common digital computers. Similarities 2.Both of them can be used in small businesses. 3.Each computer has only one CPU. 1. Minicomputers are larger than microcomputers. Differences 2. Microcomputers are used more frequently in large offices and businesses than in small businesses. 3. More than one person can use a minicomputer at the same time. 【原文】 There are two primary kinds of computers: analog computers and digital computers. Unless you are a scientist, you probably will not use analog computers. These computers are important because they are able to measure quantities such as electricity and temperature.

In contrast, digital computers perform their tasks by counting. Some digital computers are built to help solve only a specific kind of problem. For example, digital computers that monitor airplanes flying in and out of airports are built only for that task. Most digital computers, though, can be used to help solve many kinds of problems. Among them, microcomputers and minicomputers are two kinds of common digital computers.




