基于Linux QT技术的空间环境模拟器控制系统组态软件的
【期刊名称】《航天器环境工程》 【年(卷),期】2011(028)005
【摘要】文章主要介绍如何在Linux系统下建立一套空间环境模拟器控制系统组态软件.首先给出该软件设计的整体结构与基本原理,软件架构基于QT平台搭建;研发了一套针对Linux操作系统的OPC驱动,成功地实现了硬件设备和上位软件之间的多对多通信;针对该驱动提出了扫描优先级算法,这种算法相对于Windows下的顺序扫描逻辑方式更加优化而高效.该组态软件已通过现场实际应用,控制效果良好,达到预期的结果.%This paper proposes a configuration software solution under the Linux operation system for the control of the space environment simulator,including the structure,the basic principle,a QT software frame and the dynamic data exchange scheme between the PLC and the computer. The OPC driver oriented for Linux is also developed for many-to-many communications between the hardware devices and the SCADA software. An algorithm named Scan PRI is then developed for the driver. This algorithm is optimized and is shown to be more efficient as compared with the \in sequence\approach in Windows. This configuration software enjoys a good control effect in practical projects. 【总页数】6页(471-476)
基于Linux QT技术的空间环境模拟器控制系统组态软件的开发