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√ Chemical Safety

Data Sheet


Product Name: Propene Cas NO: 115-07-1 Telephone:0534-4263456

File No:008

Company :Shandong Yinuo Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd Effective Date: Mar 1,2013

Zip Code:251500


Component:Propene CAS No.:115-07-1 . Purity: >99.5%


Class:2.1 Inflammable Gas Invasive ways: suction

Health Hazard: This product is a simple asphyxiant and mild anesthetic.

Acute Poisoning: Inhaled propylene can cause loss of consciousness, when the concentration is 15%, need 30 minutes; 24% when, should be 3 minutes; When 35% ~ 40%, to 20 seconds; When more than 40%, only 6 seconds, and lead to vomiting.

Chronic Effects: Long-term exposure can cause dizziness, fatigue, concentration, whole body discomfort, thinking individuals gastrointestinal function disorders.

Environmental Hazards: Has harm to the environment, water, soil and air can cause pollution.

Combustion Hazard: Flammable, the steam can form explosive mixtures with air, flame is burning explosion hazard.


Skin Contact: no data. Eye contact: no data.

Sucked Into: quickly from the scene to fresh air place. Keep the airway open. Such as the breath is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing stops, immediately to people or to breathe. Go to a doctor. Eat: nonsense.


Dangerous Features: Flammable, mixed properties can form explosive mixtures with air, with heat and open flame is in danger of burning explosion, and carbon dioxide, nitrogen tetroxide, nitrous oxide and other chemical combination, contact with other antioxidant violent reaction, the gas is heavier than air and can be spread in the low to very far place, meet fire can cause burning back. Hazardous Combustion Products: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide.

Fire Extinguishing Method And Agent: Cut off the gas source, if not immediately cut off the gas source, are not allowed to put out the burning gas, water spray cooling container, possible move container from fire to open.

Agent: water fog, foam, carbon dioxide, dry powder.

Fire Precautions: water spray cooling combustion cans and near tanks, until the end of fire extinguishing. Tank in case of changes in a fire or abnormal sound, should be evacuated immediately. Put out the fire with water is invalid.


Emergency Treatment: Leave quickly leak contaminated area personnel to windward, and isolation and strict restrictions in and out, cut off the fire, suggested that the emergency response personnel wear self-contained breathing apparatus, fire protective clothing, cut off the leak source as far as possible, in industrial coating or adsorption/absorption agent cover near the leak place such as sewer, prevent gas entering. Reasonable ventilation, accelerate the diffusion, spray water dilution, dissolve, constructing dike or dig a pit for produce the large amount of waste water, if possible, use leakage gas exhaust fan sent to the empty place or furnish appropriate nozzle burned, leak container to properly handle, repairing, inspection before use.


Operation Note: Airtight operation, the comprehensive ventilation. Operators must receive special training, strictly abide by the operation procedures. Away from fire and heat source, workplace smoking is strictly prohibited. Use explosion-proof ventilation systems and equipment. Prevent gas leakage in the air of workplace. Avoid contact with oxidant, acid type. In the process of transmission, the cylinder and the container must be grounded and jumper, prevent to produce static electricity. Light light discharge when handling to prevent damage to the cylinder and accessories. Equipped with corresponding varieties and number of fire equipment and spill contingency processing equipment.

Storage precautions: flammable compressed gas. Store in a cool, dry and ventilated good non-combustible warehouse. Warehouse temperature should not exceed 30 ℃. Away from fire, heat source, prevent direct sunlight. Should work with oxygen, compressed air, halogen () of fluorine, chlorine, bromine, antioxidant, etc. Storage room lighting, ventilation facilities should use explosion-proof type, switch is located in outside warehouse. When tank storage should have technical measures for fire and explosion prevention.

SECTION 8 CONTACT CONTRO/LINDIVIDUAL PROTECTION The Highest Permissible Concentration: The MAC (mg/m3) standards The former Soviet union MAC (100 mg/m3) The United States TVL - TWA ACGIH asphyxiation

Us the TLV - STEL formulated standards Methods: gas chromatography

Engineering Control: closed production process, comprehensive ventilation. Provide a good natural ventilation. Respiratory Protection: generally don't need special protection, high concentrations of contact can be self-priming filter type gas mask (half mask).

Eye Protection: generally don't need special protection, high concentrations of contact can be wear chemical safety goggles

Body Protection: wear anti-static overalls. Hand protection: wear protective gloves.

Other Protection: work site no smoking. Avoid high suction. Into the cans, restrictive space or other high concentration area, must be watched.

SECTION 9 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance and properties: colorless, scents of hydrocarbon gases. PH: no data

Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient: no data

Melting point (℃). The relative density of 191.2 (water = 1) : 0.5 Boiling point (℃) : the relative density of 47.7 (air = 1) : 1.48

Saturated vapor pressure (kPa) : 602.88 (0 ℃) heat of combustion (kJ/mol) : 2049 Critical temperature (℃) : 91.9 critical pressure (MPa) : 4.62 Flash point (℃) : - 108 explosive limit % (V/V) : 15.0

Ignition temperature (℃) : 455 lower explosive limit % (V/V) : 1.0 Solubility: soluble in water, ethanol. Minimum ignition energy (mj) : 0.282 Main USES: the main acrylonitrile, propylene oxide, acetone, etc.

Other physical and chemical properties: the maximum explosion pressure (MPa) 0.843

SECTION 10 the STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability: stable prohibited content: strong oxidant, acid. Avoid contact with the condition: heat, open flame. Polymerization: polymerization

Hazardous combustion products: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide


Acute Toxicity: LD50 mg/kg through the mouth (mice) LC50 mg/m3, 2 hours (suction) in mice

Subacute And Chronic Toxicity: mice inhaling this product concentration was 35%, 20 times, causing mild fatty liver soaks.

Stimulus: no data Allergenic: no data Respectively: no data Teratogenicity: no data Carcinogenic effects: no data Other: no data


Ecological Toxicity: this material has harm to the environment, to give special attention to the fish and water. Should also pay special attention to surface water, soil, air and water pollution.

Biodegradability: no data The Biodegradability: no data

Biological Enrichment Or Cumulative: no data Other Harmful Effects: no data


Waste Material Properties:√ Dangerous waste □Industrial solid waste

Waste Disposal Method: before disposal shall refer to the national and local relevant laws and regulations. Proposal with incinerating disposal.

Scrap Notice: before disposal shall refer to state and local relevant laws and regulations, waste storage, see \


Dangerous Goods Number: 21018 The UN NO. : 1077

Packing Mark: flammable gas Packaging categories: Ⅱ class wrapping Packing Method: steel cylinders.

Transportation Note: this product use railway transport time pressure liquefied gas enterprise should bring along their own tanker shipment, need to be submitted to the relevant departments for approval before shipment. Using just bottle transport must wear a good helmet on the cylinder. General flat cylinder, and the bottle should be in the same direction, do not cross; Fencing height shall not exceed the vehicle plate, with triangle wood mat card, to prevent rolling. Transport transport vehicles should be equipped with corresponding varieties and number of fire equipment. Shipment the goods vehicle exhaust pipes must be equipped with fire equipment, mechanical equipment and tools to ban the use of easy to produce sparks loading and unloading. It is strictly prohibited during mixed with oxidant, acid, etc. Summer should be transport in the morning and evening, to prevent exposure to the sun. Stopover should be far away from fire and heat source. When highway transportation route, according to the rules, don't stay in residential areas and densely populated area. Railway transportation should prohibit humping.


Hazardous chemical materials safety management regulations (January 9, 2002, 52 times under the state council executive meeting, released on January 26, since March 15, 2002), in view of the hazardous chemicals safety in production, use, storage, transportation, loading and unloading, etc, have made the corresponding provisions; Commonly used the classification of dangerous chemicals and mark (GB 13690-92), the material is divided into class 2.1 flammable gases.


Reference: 1. The list of dangerous chemicals (2002)

2. The commonly used the classification of dangerous chemicals and mark (GB 13690-92) 3. Safety net in China

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5. The hazardous chemical materials safety technical specifications \Time to fill out a form: on March 1, 2013 Department of filling: the security office Data audit units: security office Modify description: second, unmodified.


