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2020九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Growing up练习 (新版)牛津版

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Unit 4 Growing up(一)

on one’s mind 挂在心上;惦念 time /ta?m/ n. 时期,时代

whenever /wen'ev?(r)/ conj. 无论何时 through /θru?/ prep. 以,凭借

as soon as —…就 deal /di?l/ n. 很多

a great deal (of) 大量,许多

A Mr. Wu is asking the Class 1, Grade 9 students to do a survey on how they learn 1

about the world. Tick (√ ) three boxes that you think are the most important ways you learn about the world.

Make a report about your answers as following:

We can learn about the world through many ways, such as parents and relatives, teachers, friends, travelling, books, TV and films and the Internet. To my classmates, ________, _________ and _______ are the most important ways to learn about the world. B Simon and Millie are talking about how they like to learn about the world. Simon: How do you learn about the world, Millie? Millie: I like to learn about the world from books. Simon: Why do you like to learn that way?

Millie: Books allow me to learn about people in different times and places, and I can read them whenever I want to. What about you?

Simon: I like to learn about the world through the Internet. Millie: Is that so?

Simon: Yes. It’s quick. As soon as you click the mouse, there’s a great deal of information.

Millie: That’s true. 题一:填表格。 Name How does he/ Why does she learn he/she like about the to learn world? that way? Millie Simon 题二:根据汉语及提示翻译下列句子。

1. 萨拉,你看起来很焦虑。有什么事吗?(on one’s mind) __________________________________ _______________________________ 2. 我一见到他就告诉他。(as soon as) __________________________________ 3. 我需要很多钱。(a great deal of) __________________________________


Unit 4 Growing up(二) junior high /,d?u?ni?(r) 'ha?/ n.<美>初级中学 try out for sth. 参加…选拔(或试演)

lose heart 泄气,灰心 score /sk??(r)/ vt. & vi.得分

senior /'si?ni?(r)/ high n.<美>髙级中学 stand /st?nd/ n.看台

change one’s mind 改变主意 leader /'li?d?(r)/ n.领导者 name /ne?m/ vt. 命名 university /,ju?n?'v??s?ti/ n. 大学 simply /'s?mpli/ adv. 仅仅;简直 junior college n. <美>两年制专科学校 national /'n??n?l/ adj.国家的 championship /'t??mpi?n??p/ n. 锦标赛,大赛 succeed /s?k'si?d/ vi. 成功 succeed in doing sth. 成功地做某事 scholarship /'sk?l???p/ n. 奖学金 although /??l'e??/ conj. 尽管,虽然 graduate /'gr?d?ue?t/ vi. 毕业 force /f??s/ vt. 强迫,迫使 league /li?g/ n. 联盟,社团 remain /r?'me?n/ vi.逗留;保持不变

take notice of 注意,察觉 achievement /?'t?i?vm?nt/ n.成就,成绩 prove /pru?v/ vt. 证明 matter /'m?t?(r)/ vi.要紧,有重大影响

The shortest player in the NBA

Spud Webb was born in Texas, the USA, in 1963. He was very small—much smaller than the other kids at school. However, he had a big dream — he wanted to play in the NBA.

While attending junior high, Spud tried out for the school team, but he was refused to play at first because he was too small. He did not lose heart. When he finally got the chance, he scored 20 points in his first game. From then on, he was the star of the team.

In senior high, Spud often had to sit in the stands because of his height. He practised even harder and got the coach to change his mind. Spud went on to become leader of the team. In his last year of senior high, he was named Player of the Year in Texas.

However, no university would invite him to play basketball simply because he was only 170 cm tall. He decided to play at a junior college. There he led his team to the national championship. This brought him to the attention of North Carolina State University. As a result, he succeeded in getting a scholarship.

Although he was a great player at university, the NBA was not interested in him


because all its players were more than 20 cm taller than he was. After he graduated, he was forced to play in another basketball league. He remained there for about a year before the NBA took notice of him. In 1985, he joined the Atlanta Hawks and became the shortest player in the NBA at that time. He had many great achievements, but his proudest moment came in 1986 — he won the Slam Dunk Contest.

Through hard work, Spud Webb proved that size and body type does not matter — you can do almost anything if you never give up. 题一:Match. 1. stand 2. national 3. succeed 4. scholarship 5. prove 6. matter a. achieve something that you have been trying to do b. use facts to show that something is true c. a place where people stand or sit to watch sports d. be important e. of a whole country f. money given to somebody so that he or she continue study 题二:There is some important information on Spud Webb’s basketball career. Read the article and write the correct letters in the blanks. a Spud was named Player of the Year b Spud got a scholarship from a university c Spud scored 20 points in his first game d Spud became an NBA player in 1985 e small Spud had a big dream

Paragraph 1 _________ Paragraph 2 _________ Paragraph 3 _________ Paragraph 4 _________ Paragraph 5 _________ 题三:Simon wants to know more about Spud Webb. He is asking David some questions. Complete their conversation with the information in the article. Simon: When was Spud Webb born? David: He was born in (1) _______.


Simon: Was he very tall?

David: No. he was (2) _____________ than the other kids at school. Simon: When did he become an NBA player? David: He (3) ________ the Atlanta Hawks in 1985 and became the (4) __________ player in the NBA at that time.

Simon: What was his proudest moment?

David: He (5) ________ the Slam Dunk Contest in 1986.

Simon: Great! Spud proved that size and body type really doesn’t (6) ________. We can do almost anything if we never (7) ________. career /k?'r??(r)/ n. 生涯,职业 against /?'genst; ?'ge?nst/ prep.对抗;与…相反;违反

break out 爆发 record /'rek??d/ n. 记录 symbol /'s?mbl/ n. 象征 victory /'v?kt?ri/ n. 胜利 spirit /'sp?r?t/ n. 精神;幽灵;灵魂 go into hiding /'ha?d??/ 躲藏起来 die of/from 死于 German /'d???m?n/ adj. 德国(人)的

thought /θ??t/ n. 想法,看法,主意 Jew /d?u:/ n. 犹太人

Unit 4 Growing up(三) Nazi /'nɑ:tsi/ n. 纳粹分子 survive /s?'va?v/ vt.&vi. 幸存;生存 admire /?d'ma??(r)/ vt. 钦佩,羡慕 courage /'k?r?d?/ n. 勇气

in fear of one’s life 为生命安全担忧 unusual /?n'ju??u?l; ?n'ju???l / adj. 不寻常的 cell /sel/ n. 细胞 cancer /'k?ns?(r)/ n. 癌症 surprise /s?'pra?z/ n. 惊奇,诧异 to one’s surprise 令某人惊奇的是 research /r?'s??t?/ n. 研究;调查 death /deθ/ n. 死,死亡

Speak up: I hope war never happens again.

Millie and Simon are talking about World War II. Millie: Have you read any other stories about children in the war?

Simon: Yes. I’ve just finished the book I Am David, a story about a 12-year-old boy and his journey to Copenhagen after he got away from a Nazi camp.

Millie: The book A Small Free Kiss in the Dark is also about a young homeless boy and how he survived the war with his friends.

Simon: I admire these children for their courage. However, it’s a pity that they couldn’t enjoy a happy life just as we do.


2020九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Growing up练习 (新版)牛津版


