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QEI-I-0011 Supplier Quality Cost Claim供应商品质成本索赔指导

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TITLE: Supplier Quality Cost Claim Instruction 标题:供应商品质成本索赔指导 DOC No.: QEI-I-0011 REV:A Page 1 of 7 Revision History 更改记录 REV 版本 A Check & Approval 检查和批准栏 SIGNATURE DATE SIGNATURE DATE 签名 日期 签名 日期 GM Program/Project 总经理 N/A N/A 项目组 N/A N/A A Quality Dept. Material 质量部 xxx 05-10-17 物料部 A ENG. Dept. HR 工程部 N/A N/A 人事部 N/A N/A A MIS Originator 资讯部 N/A N/A 起案者 2 A CHANGE 更改内容 New File WRITTEN 编 写 DATE 日 期 10th Oct 2005 Checked by DCC: Date: 文控审核: A 日期: A Confidential & Proprietary Information of Xxx (Xxx)

TITLE: Supplier Quality Cost Claim Instruction 标题:供应商品质成本索赔指导 1. Purpose 目的 This instruction is a guideline for SQE/MQE to claim supplier about poor quality related cost. 本指导是SQE向供应商索赔不良品质所造成损失的准则。 2. Scope 范围 This instruction is applicable to Xxx Xxx. 此程序文件适用于xxxxxx。 3. Definitions 定义 SQE------Supplier Quality Engineer/供应商品质工程师 4. Responsibility 职责 4.1 SQE 4.1.1 Drive supplier to improve quality performance to prevents failure cost and low down inspection cost. 推动供应商改进品质,预防不良品质成本并降低检验成本。 4.1.2 To communicate with supplier for non-conformance incoming parts. 针对不良来料同供应商进行沟通. 4.1.3 Track and manage supplier quality cost log sheet. 跟进并维护供应商品质成本记录。 4.2 Program /Production/IQC Provide standard rework cost, line down cost, sorting/rework labor man-hours data. And relevant (indirect) materials scrap quantity. 提供标准返工,停线工时,挑选及返工工时。相关物料的报废的数量. 4.3 IE IE Count the sorting/rework cost, Line down cost base on Production line/IQC information, and relevant management cost. 工业工程师根据生产线/IQC的信息, 计算分选/返工成本, 停线费用和相关管理费用. 4.4 Buyer Provide relevant (indirect) material scrap cost. 提供相关物料报废成本。 Make sure supplier quality cost claim is paid by supplier once agreed by supplier. 确保收回供应商同意支付的品质成本索赔款项。 4.5 Finance/财务部 Finance is to issue debit note to charge supplier once received Quality Cost Claim Report from Buyer through email, and follow up the payment /财务部收到采购员的供应商品质成本索赔报告电子邮件后, 向供应商发收款通知, 并跟进付款. 5. Procedure程序 5.1 Any quality problem is confirmed as supplier’s problem, SQE is to work with supplier for failure analysis and improvement, once the problem is confirmed as supplier issue by supplier, SQE is to issue Supplier Quality Cost Claim Report to charge the related cost. 任何品质问题如被确认为供应商的问题,SQE 与供应商共同分析并改进,一旦问题被供应商确认,SQE 既向供应商发放供应商品质成本索赔报告。 5.2 SQE is to collect related cost data from Program/Production/IQC, IE, Buyer by using Supplier Quality Cost Claim Report, including: SQE用供应商品质成本索赔报告向商务部,生产部,IQC, IE,采购员收集数据,其中包括: Confidential & Proprietary Information of Xxx (Xxx) DOC No.: QEI-I-0011 REV:A Page 2 of 7

TITLE: Supplier Quality Cost Claim Instruction 标题:供应商品质成本索赔指导 DOC No.: QEI-I-0011 REV:A Page 3 of 7 ? Material Cost: including PCBA scrap cost, WIP material scrap cost. Buyer and Planner are to provide related data. 物料成本:包括PCBA报废成本,WIP物料报废成本, 由采购员和计划员提供相关数据. ? Inspection, sorting, testing, reworking labor cost, base on $5/hour for operators, $10/hour for Leader and Technician and $30/hour for (asst.) Engineer above. ? 检验,挑选,测试,返工人工成本, 收费标准为操作员每小时5美元, 组长和技术员每小时10美元, 助理工程师以上每小时30美元。 ? Rework Cost: including rework process cost and rework related extra material cost, Production and IE should evaluate the cost. 返工成本:包括返工工艺成本及相应额外物料成本,由生产部和工业工程师评估此项成本。 ? Line down, low productivity cost, Production and IE should evaluate the cost. 停线,降低生产率成本,由生产部和工业工程师评估此项成本。 ? Overhead cost: internal managing, communication, paper work cost, minimum charge $500 by case. 额外管理成本:内部管理,通讯,文书工作, 每项案例至少扣款500美元。 5.3 SQE negotiates with supplier to get the confirmation of claim, and get Buyer or SCM support if needed. If supplier refused the claim, escalate the issue to top management for disposition. SQE与供应商交涉取得扣款确认,需要时,寻求供应链管理或采购支持。 如供应商拒绝扣款,将此案提交高级管理层处置。 5.4 Once get suppliers confirmation, SQE forward the claim report to Buyer and input the related info into Supplier Quality Claim Summary report. 得到供应商确认后,SQE将索赔报告转交给采购员,并将相关信息输入供应商品质索赔一览表。 5.5 Buyer is to work with Finance to charge supplier. 采购员与财务部进行扣款。 6. Reference 参考 N/A(无) 7. Records 记录 All quality records mentioned in this work instruction will be reserved as per below table: 本指引所提及的质量记录须按下表保存: Description Storage Location Storage Index By # Minimum Maintained Retention Period by 1 Year Clerk Obsolete disposal Delete file Supplier Quality Cost Claim Report Network Share folder (QEI-I-0011-F001) Supplier Quality Claim Summary Network Share folder Confidential & Proprietary Information of Xxx (Xxx) By year 2 years Clerk Delete file

TITLE: Supplier Quality Cost Claim Instruction 标题:供应商品质成本索赔指导 8. Attachments 附录 Attachment 1. Flow Chart. 附录1,流程图。 Attachment 2. Supplier Quality Cost Claim Report. 附录2 供应商质量成本索赔报告。 Attachment 3. Supplier Quality Claim Summary. 附录3供应质量索赔概要 9. Training reqirements(培训要求) All SQE, Sourcing and buyer must be training about the instruction. 所有的供应商质量工程师、供应商开发人员和采购人员须经过此文件的培训。 Confidential & Proprietary Information of Xxx (Xxx) DOC No.: QEI-I-0011 REV:A Page 4 of 7

TITLE: Supplier Quality Cost Claim Instruction 标题:供应商品质成本索赔指导 Attachment 1. Flow Chart. DOC No.: QEI-I-0011 REV:A Page 5 of 7 Confidential & Proprietary Information of Xxx (Xxx)

QEI-I-0011 Supplier Quality Cost Claim供应商品质成本索赔指导


