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Cold Dish Half/半只 北京烤鸭 128.00 Roast Beijing Duck Standard /例 卤水拼盘 128.00 Marinated Combination 风味叉烧肉 48.00 Baked Barbecued Pork 手撕牦牛肉 48.00 *Beef with Cumin and Chili Sauce 醋浇红蛰头 48.00 Jellyfish in Vinegar Sauce

野生烤子鱼 Roast River Fish with Soy Sauce

咸瓜芥辣螺片 Sliced Whelk with Mustard

思语牛肋条 Beef Rib with Hot Pepper 香辣牛蹄花 Beef Tendon with Chili Sauce 茶树菇拌银鱼 Whitebait with Mushroom 鲜椒美人鸡 Chicken with Bell Peppers

腊肉核仁脆卷 Preserved Sausage with Walnut and Green Bean

苦味佳肴 Bitter Gourd Stuffed with Pork Knuckle

木瓜香色冰肉 Pork in Papaya Sauce with Chili 雪菜鲜芦笋 Asparagus and Pickled Cabbage

紫薯肉松 Purple Yam with Minced Pork

雨后春笋 Bamboo Shoots with Green Bean

江南菇菌素食 Bean Curd with Bamboo Shoots and Mushroom 山胡椒油拌丝瓜尖 Gourd with Chopped Chili Pepper 桂花莲藕 Steamed Lotus Roots Stuffed with Glutinous Rice 酱卤黄金瓜 Marinated Crispy Turnip 开胃金丝菜 Pot Herb with Sweet Pepper


46.00 46.00 46.00 42.00 38.00 38.00 38.00 38.00 38.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 凉拌白菜心 22.00 Sour and Salted Chinese Cabbage

生猛海鲜 Seafood

桂鱼(请选择烹饪方式) Seasonal Price 时价 Mandarin Fish (Please Select Cooking Style) 鲜椒爆

Fried with Hot Pepper 清蒸

Steamed with Soya Sauce 干烧

Dry-fried with Soya Sauce 水煮

Poached in Hot Chili Oil 豉汁

Steamed with Black Bean Paste 剁椒

Steamed with Chili 松鼠

Deep-fried with Sweet and Sour Sauce

石斑鱼(请选择烹饪方式) Garoupa (Please Select Cooking Style) 清蒸

Steamed with Soya Sauce 干烧

Dry-fried with Soya Sauce 豉汁

Steamed with Black Bean Paste 剁椒

Steamed with Chili 鲜菌煮

Boiled with Mushroom

多宝鱼(请选择烹饪方式) Plaice (Please Select Cooking Style) 清蒸

Steamed with Soya Sauce 干烧

Dry-fried with Soya Sauce 水煮

Poached in Hot Chili Oil 豉汁

Steamed with Black Bean Paste 剁椒

Steamed with Chili


Seasonal Price 时价 Seasonal Price 时价 红烧

Stewed with Soya Sauce

左口鱼(请选择烹饪方式) Seasonal Price 时价 Flounder (Please Select Cooking Style) 清蒸

Steamed with Soya Sauce 干烧

Dry-fried with Soya Sauce 水煮

Poached in Hot Chili Oil 豉汁

Steamed with Black Bean Paste 剁椒

Steamed with Chili 红烧

Stewed with Soya Sauce

鲈鱼(请选择烹饪方式) Perch (Please Select Cooking Style) 清蒸

Steamed with Soya Sauce 干烧

Dry-fried with Soya Sauce 豉汁

Steamed with Black Bean Paste 剁椒

Steamed with Chili 松鼠

Deep-fried with Sweet and Sour Sauce 鲜菌煮

Boiled with Mushroom

笋壳鱼(请选择烹饪方式) Marble Goby Fish (Please Select Cooking Style) 清蒸

Steamed with Soya Sauce 干烧

Dry-fried with Soya Sauce 豉汁

Steamed with Black Bean Paste 剁椒

Steamed with Chili 鲜菌煮

Boiled with Mushroom

基围虾(请选择烹饪方式) Shrimp (Please Select Cooking Style)


Seasonal Price 时价 Seasonal Price 时价 Seasonal Price 时价 白灼

Boiled Shrimp 椒盐

Deep-fried with Salt and Pepper 蒜蓉蒸

Steamed with Garlic

龙虾(请选择烹饪方式) Seasonal Price 时价 Lobster (Please Select Cooking Style) 上汤焗

Baked in Superior Soup 刺身 Sashimi 蒜蓉蒸

Steamed with Garlic 香草焗

Baked with Herb Sauce 芝士牛油焗

Baked with Cheese and Butter 煲粥

Boiled in Congee

龙虾仔(请选择烹饪方式) Baby Lobster (Please Select Cooking Style)上汤焗

Baked in Superior Soup 蒜蓉蒸

Steamed with Garlic 香草焗

Baked with Herb Sauce 芝士牛油焗

Baked with Cheese and Butter 煲粥

Boiled in Congee

白鳝(请选择烹饪方式) White Eel (Please Select Cooking Style) 豉汁

Steamed with Black Bean Paste 红烧

Stewed with Soya Sauce


Abalone & Sea Cucumber



Seasonal Price 时价 Seasonal Price 时价 Per Person 每位


*South African Premium Dried Abalone 鲍汁南非干鲍(8头) 568.00 South African Superior Dried Abalone 至尊佛跳墙 258.00 Buddha Jumps Over the Wall 鲍鱼三宝 198.00 Braised Abalone with Sea Cucumber and Goose Web 松茸炖辽参 168.00 Stewed Sea Cucumber with Chinese Truffle 酸汤金针辽参 168.00 Sea Cucumber with Mushroom in Hot and Sour Soup 京葱烧辽参 168.00 Braised Sea Cucumber with Shallots 鲍汁扣辽参 Braised Sea Cucumber with Abalone Sauce 金米炖辽参 *Braised Sea Cucumber with Wheat Grain Congee 鸡汤炖辽参 Stewed Sea Cucumber in Chicken Soup 花菇扣鲍片 Braised Sliced Abalone with Mushroom

鲍汁扣鹅掌 Braised Goose Web with Abalone Sauce


Shark 's Fin

红烧海虎翅 Braised Superior Shark’s Fin 干捞海虎翅 Superior Shark’s Fin in Soy Sauce 黄焖金钩翅 Braised Jinggou Shark's Fin in Chicken Soup 红烧大鲍翅 Braised Shark’s Fin in Superior Soup 皇宫鱼翅捞饭 *Braised Shark’s Fin with Rice, Imperial Style 果皇炖鲍翅 Double Boiled Shark’s Fin with Papaya 乾隆四宝翅 Shark’s Fin with Abalone and Bamboo Shoots in Chicken Broth 黄焖霸王翅 Shark’s Fin with Abalone and Fish Skin in Soy Sauce 黄焖竹笙翅 Braised Shark’s Fin with Bamboo Shoots


168.00 168.00 168.00 168.00 68.00 Per Person 每位

588.00 588.00 380.00 380.00 348.00 298.00 258.00 188.00 168.00



