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沪教版牛津英语小学三年级第一学期3A M4U2知识点

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3AM4U2 Class__________ Name___________ 一.单词

1. 小鸡 chick 2. 母鸡 hen 3.鸭子 duck 4.猪 pig 5. 狗 dog 6. 猫 cat 7.羊 sheep 8.动物animal 9.农场farm 10 .农民farmer 11.多少many 12.数count 13. 鞋子Shoe 14.门door 15.大门 gate 16.放 put 17.结束 end 18.梦 dream 19.朋友 friend 20.他们they 21.怎样 how 22. 颜色what colour 23. 谁who 24. 什么what

25. 哪里where 26.价钱how much 27. 年龄how old 28.多少 how many 二.词组,句子:

1. 在农场 on the farm 2.凯蒂的梦 Kitty’s dream 3.他们是什么?What are they? 4.他们是猪。They are pigs.

5.他们是什么?What are they? 6.他们是羊。They are sheep.

7.数一数母鸡。Count the hens. 8.八只母鸡。Eight hens. 9.数一数小鸡。Count the chicks.10.一只小鸡。One chick.

11.多少只猫?How many cats? 12. 十二只猫。Twelve cats.

13.多少只鸭子?How many ducks? 14.五只鸭子。Five ducks.

15.穿上我的鞋子。Put on my shoe. 16.戴上这顶帽子。Put on the hat.

17.打开门。Open the door. 18.关上大门。Close the gate. 19.结束了。That’s the end. 三作文

Animals on the farm They are chicks. They can walk. They are yellow. I can see chicks on the farm. They are small.

沪教版牛津英语小学三年级第一学期3A M4U2知识点


