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一、 长元音/i:/ 外号“长衣音”

词汇拓展:we /wi:/ she /? i:/ meet /mi:t/ each/i: t?/ eat /i:t/ me /mi:/ green /gri:n/

对应的字母:e-Chin○ese ei-rec○eive ie-bel○ieve ee-f○eeling ea-pl○ease 实用操练:1.Speaking English is a piece of cake. 2.Seeing is believing.

3.Please feel free to visit anytime. 二、短元音/?/ 外号“短衣音”

词汇拓展:sit [s?t] big [b?g] visit [?v?z?t] six [s?ks] list [l?st] trip [tr?p]

对应的字母:i-v○is○it u-b○usy y-prett○y e-English ui-b○uild

实用操练:1. Where there is a will, there is a way. 2.I’m pretty busy. 三、元音/e/ 外号“45度”音

词汇拓展:bed /bed/ head /hed/ many /men?/ any/en?/ pen /pen/ egg /eg/ let/let/ 对应的字母: e- b○ed ea- h○ead a-m○any 实用操练:1.Better late than never. 2.East or west, home is best.

四、音标/?/ 外号“90度大嘴音”

词汇拓展:plan /pl?n/ glad /gl?d/ stand /st?nd/

bag/b?g/ cat /k?t/ hat /h?t/

对应的字母: a-○apple

实用操练:1.I have a happy family. 2. Not bad.

五、音标/?:/ 外号“重读卷舌音”

词汇拓展:her /h?:/ girl /g?:l/ nurse /n?:s/

worker/?w?:k?(r)/ first /f?:st/ learn /l?:n/

对应的字母: er-pref○er ir-d○irty or-w○orld ur-h○urt 实用操练:1. Nobody is perfect.

2.The early bird catches the worm. 六、音标/?/ 外号“短鹅音”

词汇拓展:teacher [?ti:t??(r)] driver [?dra?v?(r)]

doctor [?d?kt?(r)] actor [??kt?(r)] sister [?s?st?(r)] brother [?br?e?(r)]

对应的字母: er-dinn○er or-doct○or u-s○uppose

a-○Alone o-intr○oduce

实用操练:1. The faster, the better. 2.What’s the matter with you? 七、音标/ɑ:/

词汇拓展:car /kɑ:/ start/stɑ:t/ father/?fɑ:e?(r)/

farm/fɑ:m/ half /hɑ:f/

对应的字母: a-watch ear-heart ar-far uar-guard ar-car 实用操练:1. So far, so good. 2.Times are hard. 八、元音/ ?/ 外号 “短啊音”

词汇拓展:cup [k?p] brother [?br?e?(r)] young [j??] us [?s] fun [f?n] mother [?m?e?(r)] 对应的字母:o-l○ove u-f○un oo-bl○ood ou-en○ough 实用操练:1.Seven is my lucky number. 2. Something is better than nothing. 九、音标/?:/ 外号“中嘴卷舌音”

词汇拓展:short [??:t] more [m?:] four[f?:] floor [fl?:]

call[k?:] sport[sp?:t]

对应的字母:or-sh○ort ore-more our-four oor-door ar-w○arm

实用操练:1.It’s important to practice more. 2.Force yourself to do more. 十、音标/?/ 外号“中嘴短元音”

词汇拓展:dog [d?g] wrong [r??] watch [w?t?] hot [h?t] boss [b?s] shop [??p] 对应的字母: o-d○og a-watch

实用操练:1.My boss feels hot and goes to the shop.

十一、音标/U:/ 外号“长乌音”

词汇拓展:zoo [zu:] who [hu:] ruler [?ru:l?(r)] blue [blu:] you [ju] room [ru:m]

对应的字母:oo-z○oo u-r○uler oe-sh○oe ue-bl○ue o-impr○ove ui-fr○uit ou-r○oute 实用操练:1. You look cool.

2. The color of the room is blue. 十二、音标/?/ 外号“短乌音”

词汇拓展:put [p?t] book [b?k] would [w?d]

woman [?w?m?n] good [g?d] could [k?d]

对应的字母:u-p○ut oo-b○ook o-w○oman ou-c○ould 实用操练:1.You mother is a good woman. 十三、音标/e?/ 外号“嘴角咧到耳朵上音”

词汇拓展:face [fe?s] cake [ke?k] play [ple?] they [ee?] eight [e?t] great [gre?t] game [ge?m] 对应的字母:a-am○Azing ay-p○ay ai-afr○aid 实用操练:1.No pain, no gain.

2. Don’t make the same mistakes. 十四、音标/a?/ 外号“大嘴阿姨音”

词汇拓展:hi [ha?] my [ma?] bye [ba?] eye [a?]

high [ha?] like [la?k]

对应字母:a-l○ife y-cr○y ie-p○ie uy-b○uy 实用操练:1.Never say die! Try! Try! Try! 2. Don’t be shy. Just try. 十五、音标/??/ 外号“中嘴短衣音”

词汇拓展:boy [b??] toy [t??] coin[k??n] join [d???n]

noise [n??z] enjoy [?n?d???]

对应的字母:oy-b○oy oi-c○oin

实用操练:1. The boy hopes you join the club and enjoy it. 十六、音标/??/ 外号“舀水音”

词汇拓展:no [n??] know [n??] coat[k??t] only[???nli] old [??ld] photo [?f??t??]

对应的字母:o-h○ope oa-g○oal ow-know ou-s○oul 实用操练:1.You are my only hope. 2.There is no place like home.

十七、音标/a?/ 外号“鬼哭狼嚎合口双元音” 词汇拓展:out [a?t] now [na?] brown [bra?n]

house [ha?s] found [fa?nd]

对应的字母: ow-how ou-h○ouse 实用操练:1.There is no doubt about it. 2. Get out of my house right now. 十八、音标/??/ 外号“短衣卷舌音”



