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Mr. Swales was talking about what people do all day. He also wanted to find out what his students wanted to be when they __1__. He called on Billy Mitzer first.

〝My daddy works in a bank,〞 Billy Mitzer said. 〝I guess I want to work in a bank too. There's lots of __2__ in the bank.〞

〝My parents have a grocery store,〞 Emmy Disalvo said. 〝Papa's behind the __3__ and Mama keeps the cash register. But I want to be an airline pilot.〞

Jodie liked it when Mr Swales asked them __4__ like this. He was about to call on Jodie __5__ the girls in the back row burst out __6__.

Shirley Danes shouted, 〝Jodie's Daddy is a __7__! Pee-yoo! 〞 Everybody in the class laughed out loud. Everybody except Jodie, that is. She felt her face turn bright __8__. She looked around the whole __9__. Everyone was laughing. Some kids were __10__ holding their noses.

Jodie looked at Mr. Swales. He was __11__. He almost never raised his voice, but now he did.

〝Silence! I want everybody quiet this instant.〞

The laughter stopped __12__. The sound of cars and people going by out on the street came __13__ the windows. 〝You should be __14__ of yourselves,〞 Mr Swales said. 〝Being a garbageman is a(n) __15__ and very useful job. We should all be __16__ to Mr. Harris.〞

〝Garbage is a serious matter. I think you all owe Jodie a(n) __17__.〞 Mr. Swales went on. 〝And after that, you're all going to write Jodie's father, Mr Harris, a nice __18__ to tell him how much you appreciate what he does for all of us.〞

Mr. Swales came to Jodie's desk and __19__ her on the shoulder. 〝I'm sorry this happened,〞 he said. 〝But remember, hard work done well is something to be __20__ of. There's nothing wrong with being a garbageman, absolutely not.〞

1. A. brought up B. got up C. made up D. grew up 2. A. information B. money C. equipment D. business 3. A. counter B. shelf C. door D. goods 4. A. chances B. problems C. questions D. suggestions 5. A. while B. when C. before D. because 6. A. complaining 7. A. garbageman 8. A. blue B. white C. yellow D. red

9. A. hospital B. classroom C. school D. market 10. A. even B. ever C. still D. just 11. A. curious C. friendly

B. anxious D. angry

B. talking B. driver

C. laughing D. quarrelling C. salesman D. doctor

12. A. carefully B. slowly C. immediately D. completely 13. A. across B. from

C. through C. worried

D. under

B. ashamed D. disappointed

14. A. excited

15. A. difficult B. dangerous C. strange D. easy 16. A. polite B. similar C. grateful C. promise C. note

D. familiar D. explanation

17. A. requirement B. apology 18. A. report B. article

D. letter

19. A. patted B. touched C. struck D. attacked 20. A. tired B. aware C. afraid D. proud 答案与解析

【文章大意】 本文主要讲述了Swales先生想知道他的学生长大后想做什么工作,于是他就开始提问大家。有人想做银行家,有人想做宇航员。当问到Jodie时,同学们哄堂大笑,因为她的爸爸是一名垃圾工。Swales先生严肃地批评了嘲笑的学生,并教导他们垃圾工很辛苦,应该受到大家的尊敬和感谢。

1. 答案 D

解析 学生们将来要做什么工作,是他们长大后发生的事情。bring up〝养育; 提出〞;get up〝起床;起身〞;make up〝化妆;编造〞;grow up〝长大〞。故答案选D项。

2. 答案 B

解析 根据常识可知,银行里有很多钱,因此答案选B项。 3. 答案 A

解析 根据上文语境,父母开了一家杂货店。父亲站在 ________ 后,母亲管理收银机。此题可采用排除法解题。将四个选项分别代入空格中可知,父亲在柜台后符合句意。其他三项排除。

4. 答案 C

解析 根据上文可知,Swales先生是在问学生们长大后想做什么工作这一问题,再根据asked可知,此题答案是questions。

5. 答案 B

解析 be about to do sth. when ...为固定句式,意为〝正准备做某事,这时……〞。应选B项。

6. 答案 C

解析 根据下文中的〝Everybody in the class laughed out loud.〞以及文章后半部分内容可知,同学们是因为知道Jodie的爸爸是个垃圾工而嘲笑她。complain〝抱怨〞;quarrel〝争吵〞。

7. 答案 A

解析 根据下文Swales先生说的话〝Being a garbageman〞可知,此处是说Jodie的爸爸是个垃圾工。

8. 答案 D

解析 根据常识可知,害羞的时候脸会变红。因此答案选D项。 9. 答案 B

解析 本文的故事是发生在教室里,因此,这里是指Jodie环顾了教室一圈,看到所有同学都在笑。

10. 答案 A

解析 上句意思为〝大家每个人都在笑〞,本句讲到有些孩子还捏住了鼻子,在语意上是递进关系。even〝甚至〞,符合句意。ever〝曾经〞;still〝仍然〞;just〝仅仅〞。

11. 答案 D

解析 根据下文〝He almost never raised his voice, but now he did.〞可知, Swales先生突然提高了说话的嗓门,且根据他说话的内容可知,Swales先生生气了。

12. 答案 C

解析 Swales先生生气了,要求大家安静,所以学生们的笑声很快停止了。carefully〝小心地〞;slowly〝缓慢地〞;immediately〝马上〞;completely〝完全地〞。 C项符合句意。

13. 答案 C

解析 句意:外面大街上汽车和人流经过的声音穿过窗户(传进来)。across是指从物体的表面上掠过;from指〝来自于〞; through指从立体空间中穿过;under〝在……下方〞。故答案选C项。

14. 答案 B

解析 根据上下文语境可知,垃圾工是很辛苦又很重要的工作,我们应该心怀感激,因此学生们的嘲笑是不应该的,是应感到羞愧的。

15. 答案 A

解析 根据常识及下文中〝Garbage is a serious matter.〞及〝hard work done well ...〞可知,做垃圾工很辛苦。其他三项不符合句意。

16. 答案 C

解析 由上文老师说的话,垃圾工很辛苦又很重要可知,同学们要对Harris先生心存感激。

17. 答案 B

解析 由上下文可知,Jodie的爸爸是垃圾工,同学们都嘲笑她,这是不对的,因此应该向Jodie道歉。requirement〝要求〞; apology〝道歉〞; promise〝承诺〞; explanation〝解释〞。

18. 答案 D

解析 根据语境可知,这里表示让学生们每人给Harris先生写封信,以表达对他的欣赏和感激。report〝报道〞;article〝文章〞;note〝笔记〞;letter〝信件〞。故D项符合句意。

19. 答案 A

解析 pat sb. on the shoulder〝拍某人的肩膀〞,为固定用法,且此处为拍拍肩膀以示安慰的意思,因此答案选A项。

20. 答案 D



