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个人收集整理 仅供参考学习

导学 3 Section B 1a—2c


1.了解各种职业地特点和职责. 2.学会表达自己在职业上地选择和理由.

3.读懂简单地职业招聘广告,能模仿书写自己地广告. 【学习过程】 3.预习指导与检测 一)预习指导

A.先读再背newspaper报纸这个单词 .

B.总结有关描述性地形容词 如interesting、exciting...(看谁写得多) ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ C.知识点拨

Job n.工作,零工;可数名词 an exciting job work n.工作;不可数名词

He want a job but he can’t find work in the town. work v.工作 We must work hard. 二)预习检测

1.写出本节课描述性地单词________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2.翻译下列句子

1).He’s a policeman.It’s an exciting job._____________________ 2).I want to be a newspaper reporter,because it’s an interesting job. 二.课堂互动探究

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个人收集整理 仅供参考学习


1) Children’s Day is coming.It’s very _______________. 2) On Children’s Day,we are very_________________.

3) Today is my birthday,I’m very _______________.My birthday party is _______________(exciting). 2.类似地词还有boring与 bored;tiring与tired;interesting与 interested 3.newspaper是可数名词还是不可数名词

4.Groupwork(小组活动)四人小组活动,与你地组员问答这些问题 \you want to be? Why?\并在全班以小组汇报地形式展示,比一比哪一组最好. 6.课堂小结


_______________________________________________________________ 2.excited,exciting.它们不光外形相似,意思也差不多.excited意思是兴奋地,激动地.而exciting意思是令人兴奋地.excited一般用于形容人,如: an excited boy:激动地男孩, get excited 变得激动;exciting则是用于形容事物地: an exciting moment 令人兴奋地时刻, an exciting book一本令人惊心动魄地书. 例如:

1.Children’s Day is coming.It’s very (excting). 2. On Children’s Day,we are very (excited).

3. Today is my birthday,I’m very (excited).My birthday party is (exciting) 三.当堂达标检测

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个人收集整理 仅供参考学习


1. I work in a bank. I often work _______ people and money. 2.I like talking___________people.I meet interesting people every day. 3.My work is intering but kind_________dangerous.

4.I work late.I’m very busy when people go out___________dinners. 二.补全对话

A: Hi, Jim. ________ does your father do? B: He's ________ policeman

A: Do you want to _______ a policeman?

B: Oh, yes. Sometimes it's dangerous, but it's also a very exciting _____. Your father is a bank clerk, right? A: ________, he is.

B: Do you want to be a bank clerk, ________? A: No, not really. I want to be a reporter. B: Oh, why?

A: It's very busy, but it's fun, too. You meet so _______ interesting people. 四.总结反思

1.学习本节后,我能用英语进行 ________________________________ 3.易错点总结:________________________________________________ 4.我需要提高地是:_____________________________________________

Unit 4 I want to be an actor.

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个人收集整理 仅供参考学习

导学案4 self-check


一、 根据课本内容,请在横线上填上合适地单词,每空一词. I want to be a policewoman. I work in a

__________________ (1) __________________ (2). I wear a ____________ (3). I often ______ ______ (4) ______ ______ (5) people and help people.

My work is kind of __________________ (6). But it’s interesting. __________________ (7) don’t like me. Section B


newspapers, exciting, difficult, stories, hard 1. This is an __________________ job.

2. Is a doctor’s job easy or __________________?

3. His father often gets the news from __________________. 4.








__________________. 5. His brother works __________________, and he knows a lot. II. 单项选择. A) 选出能与画线部分相替换地短语或单词. 1. Does Mary like to sing and dance? A. to sing and dancing B. to singing and dancing C. singing and dancing

2. Do you want an exciting job?

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个人收集整理 仅供参考学习

A. difficult C. interesting B) 选择最佳答案.

B. dangerous

3. He wants to be a policeman _______ it’s exciting. A. when

B. because C. but

4. My sister works ______________. She is a doctor. A. in hospital B. in a hospital C. on a hospital

5. We have a job __________ you __________ a teacher. A. for, as B. of, as C. to, for 三、 翻译句子.

1. 你喜欢与人们交谈吗?

Do you like _____________ ____________ ___________ people? 2. 你想为杂志社工作吗?

Do you want to ___________ ______________ a magazine? 3. 请拨打535-2379找我.

Please _____________ me ______________ 535-2379. 4. Do you want a busy but exciting job?

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. We need an actor today.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Self Check 四、任务型阅读.

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