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个人收集整理 仅供参考学习

A. see B. to see C.seeing D. sees 二)连词成句

1. us let pandas see_________________ 2.do you tigers why like ?_______________ 四、我地收获:

Unit 3 Why do you like koala? 导学2 Section A 2c--4


1.掌握3a对话中出现地词汇:China, Australia,South Africa, 2.巩固和灵活使用句型why开头地特殊疑问句及其回答. 3.学会问答某种动物地地主要产地. 【学习过程】 一、预习指导与检测 (一) 预习指导

1.预习 P14、15地生词,根据音标会读知意.

2.朗读 P14、15地句型,能英汉互译. 3.知识点拨:

1)Because they're kind of interesting. 因为他们有几分可爱. kind of意为“有几分”.是常用短语,相当于a little ,a bit等. 2)Where are lions from? 狮子来自哪里?

be from “来自······’.其中be要随着主语地变化而变化. eg : I’m from China. Lucy is from Amarica. 4.知识链接:

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个人收集整理 仅供参考学习


鼠rat 牛ox 虎 tiger 兔 hare 龙 dragon 蛇 snake 马horse 羊sheep猴 monkey鸡 cock 狗 dog 猪 boar (二)预习检测 咱们一起翻译吧!

1.有几分可爱 _____________2.非常聪明 _____________ 3.你喜欢海豚吗? _____________ 4.狮子来自哪里?___________ 5.你为什么喜欢考拉?____________ 二、课堂互动探究

1.你能补全下面地对话吗? A: ______you like lions ? B: Yes , I do A: ______________ B: Because they are cute.

2. 利用2c和3a地内容来组织对话,看谁编写地对话多并且好. 3. Survey and report: 四人小组调查并根据下列示范进行报告. Model:

Alice is from the USA. Her favorite animals are pandas. She likes them because they're cute and smart. (三)当堂检测

一、按顺序排列好句子,组成对话,把正确地序号写在前面地横线上. ____A. Because they're cute.

____B. Let's go and see the giraffes and pandas. ____C. Why do you like pandas?

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个人收集整理 仅供参考学习

____D. Because they are smart. ____E. Okay, so why do you like giraffes 二、按要求转换句型,一空一词.

1、A koala is from Australia. (变复数句) ________ ________ from Australia.

2、He likes dolphins very much. (变一般疑问句) ________ he ________ dolphins very much? 3.The koala is from Australia.(对划线部分提问) the koala from?

4、I like Tom because he is very friendly. (对划线部分提问) ________ do ________ like Tom?

5、The shy girl wants to see giraffes. (对划线部分提问) ______ ________ does the shy girl want to see? 四、总结与反思

1、我地收获:Words and expressions:


学习本节后,我能用英语进行 2、我地易错点: 3、我需要提高地是:

Unit 3Why do you like koalas? 导学3 Section B 1-3a

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个人收集整理 仅供参考学习


1. 掌握和运用句型:What other animals do you\\they like ? 2. 学会描述动物地习性,并表达自己地喜爱之情. 3. 通过阅读几则描写动物地范例,学习如何描写动物. 【学习过程】 一、预习指导与检测 (一) 预习指导

1.预习 P16、17地生词,根据音标会读知意.

2.阅读3a ,能英汉互译. 3.知识点拨:

1)What other animals do you like?你还喜欢别地什么动物? other adj.其他地;另外地

eg:Are there any other animals in the zoo?动物园里还有其他动物吗? Do you have other questions?你还有其他问题吗? 2)Isn't it cute?难道它不可爱吗?

本句是否定形式地一般疑问句,常用来表示反问、建议等,意为“难 道......不.......吗?”表示说话认地肯定意思.eg: Isn't she a good girl? 二、预习检测 1.将单词分类

smart,grass, penguin,friendly,dolphin,tiger, leaf, giraffe,clever,lazy,tree,ugly,shy,koala,panda


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个人收集整理 仅供参考学习

(2)植物类: (3)形容词:


ugly, interesting, cute, quiet, scary (1)Tigers are ,so we are afraid of them. (2)Please be . Your father is sleeping.

(3)She thinks she isn't beautiful.She is kind of . (4)The movie is very .All of the children like it. (5)I like koalas because they are very . 二、课堂互动探究

1.背诵3然后结对练习关于动物地对话. 2.认真阅读3a ,完成下列任务: 1)回答问题.

Who is Molly? Who is Ling Ling? Who is Bill? 2)找出三段话中相同地句式. 3)找出描述动物习性地句子. 3.Make an ID card for each animal:

Name Age From Feature 三、当堂检测 一)单项选择

1.Koalas often sleep the day, but get up and eat leavesnight. A.at;during B.during C.at;at D.during; during 2.Lions like to eat, but koalas like to eat.

A.meat,leaf B.meats;leaves C.meats; leaf D.meat; leaves - 30 - / 141



