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自考英美文学选读_重点总结【英国】Chapter 5 .

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【英国】Chapter 5 The Modern Period现代时期

1. The once sun-never-set Empire finally collapsed.日不落帝国终于日薄西山了。 2. Arthur Schopenhauer, a pessimistic philosopher, started a rebellion against rationalism, stressing the importance of will and intuition.德国哲学家亚瑟.叔本华的悲观主义与反理性哲学强调了人的意愿与直觉的重要性。

3. Friedrich Nietzsche advocated the doctrines of power and superman and by completely rejecting the Christian morality.尼采继承了叔本华的理论后,更进一步的反叛理性主义与基督教精神,推崇强权与霸权。

4. Henry Bergson established his irrational philosophy, which put the emphasis on creation, intuition, irrationality and unconsciousness.亨利.伯格森在前人基础上创立了非理性哲学,强调创造力,直觉,非理性与无意识。

5. The appalling shock of the First World War severely destroyed people’s faith in the Victorian values.一战的毁灭性灾难摧垮了人们对维多利亚道德标准的信奉。

6. The French symbolism, appearing in the late 19th century, heralded modernism.19世纪晚期法国的象征主义预示了现代主义的诞生。

7. literary trends of modernism: expressionism, surrealism, futurism, Dadaism, imagism and stream of consciousness.一战后,所有的现代主义文学潮流都产生了:表现主义(强调自我表现,反对艺术的目的性,超现实主义,未来主义,达达主义(颓废派文艺,意象主义以及意识流等等。

8. The major figures were Kafka, Picasso, Pound, Webern, Ts Eliot, Joyce and Virginia Woolf.这场运动的杰出代表人物有卡夫卡,毕加索,庞德,韦伯恩,T.S.埃略特,乔伊斯及费洛尼亚.沃尔夫。

9. After the Second World War, a variety of modernism, or post-modernism, like existentialist literature, theater of the absurd, new novels and black humor, rose with the

spur of the existentialist idea that “the world was absurd, and the human life wa s an agony.”二战后,另一种形式的现实主义,即后现代主义,比如存在主义文学,荒诞派戏剧,新小说及黑色幽默,如雨后春笋涌现出来,其理论基础便是存在主义所讲的“世界是荒谬的,人生则是巨大的痛苦”。

10. Modernism takes the irrational philosophy and the theory of psycho-analysis as its theoretical base.现代主义以非理性哲学和精神分析原理作为理论基础。

11. The major themes of the modernist literature are the distorted, alienated and ill relationships between man and nature, man and society, man and man, and man and himself.现代派文学的主题便是反映人与自然,人与社会,人与人,人与自我之间被扭曲的,渐渐疏远的,病态的关系。

12. As a result, the works created by the modernist writers are often labeled as anti-novel, anti-poetry and anti-drama.这样一来,现代主义作品常被称为反小说,反诗歌与反戏剧。13. With the coming of the 1950s, there was a return of realistic poetry again.50年代,现实主义诗歌又开始回溯。

14. D.H.Lawrence is regarded as revolutionary as Joyce in novel writing. His interest lay in his tracing of the psychological development of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist Industrialization on human nature. In his best novels like The Rainbow and Women in Love, he made a bold psychological exploration of various human relationships. D.H.劳伦斯被认为和乔伊斯一样大胆改革小说创作手法,与乔伊斯不同,劳伦斯对写作技巧的改革不感兴趣,依然沿袭传统的完整的故事情节,但他极力展现角色的心


15. by the whole capitalist mechanical civilization, which turned men into inhuman machines.资本主义机器工业文明将人变成了无性的机器。

16. Oscar Wilde, his masterpiece, The importance of Being Earnest.奥斯卡.王尔德的代表作是《认真的重要性》。

17. Shaw is considered to be the best-known English dramatist since Shakespeare.萧伯纳在戏剧方面被公认为自莎士比亚后,英国最优秀的戏剧大师。

18. The Silver Box and Strife are such examples, in which Galsworthy presents not only realistic picture of social injustice, but also the workers’heroic struggles against their employers.《银盒》与《抗争》便是很好的例子,其中高尔斯华绥不仅真实地展示了社会的不公平,还生动描写了工人与资本家的英勇抗争。

19. The 1930s witnessed a revival of poetic drama in England. One of the early experimenters was T.S.Eliot who regarded drama as the best medium of poetry.30年代,英国的戏剧复兴了,最早的改革试验者T.S.埃略特说,戏剧是诗歌传播与普及的最佳媒介。

20. This revolution developed in two directions: the working-class drama and the Theater of Absurd.(The English dramatic revolution戏剧发展为两派:工人阶级戏剧与荒诞派戏剧。21. The most original playwright of the Theater of Absurd is Samuel Beckett, who wrote about human beings living a meaningless life in an alien, decaying world. He first play, Waiting fro Godot.荒诞派戏剧代表人物是塞缪尔.贝克特。他擅长描写生活在孤立腐朽的世界里的人与毫无意义的人生。

(I. George Bernard Shaw乔治..萧伯纳

22. Shaw held that art should serve social purposes by reflecting human life, revealing social contradictions and educating the common people.萧主张艺术应该为社会服务,应该反映人的生活与社会矛盾并教育广大人民。

自考英美文学选读_重点总结【英国】Chapter 5 .


