2000 — 2004年中国自然灾害情况统计数据
|A【大][中][小]发布人:圣才学习网 发布日期:2010-08-14 14:45 共2606人浏览 指 标 Item Geological Disasters (time ) Landslide Collapse Mudflow Seismic Disasters (time ) Magnitude above 5 Richter Scale 海洋赤潮发生次 数(次) 森林火灾次数 (次) #2000 19653 2001 5793 2002 40246 2003 15489 2004 13555 发生地质灾害起 数(次) #滑坡 崩塌 泥石流 13431 2945 1958 3034 583 1539 31247 3097 4976 5 10240 2604 1549 9130 2593 1157 发生地震灾害次 数(次) #10 12 21 11 5. 0级以上 9 11 4 17 9 Occurrences of Red Tide (time ) Occurrences of Forest Fire (time ) Serious Extraordinarily Serious 28 77 79 119 96 5934 4933 7527 10463 13466 重大 特大 60 17 3 24 7 14 7 38 3 8 森林火灾受灾面 积 Fire — affected Forest Area 8. 8 4. 6 4. 8 45. 1 14. 2 (万公顷) 森林病虫鼠害发 生面积 (10 000 hectares ) Forest Area Affected by Diseases , 851. 9 839. 0 841 . 2 888 . 7 944. 8 Pests and Rats (万公顷) hectares ) 森林病虫鼠害防 治面积 (10 000 Forest Area Prevented and Cured 574. 2 587. 3 572. 0 582 . 9 639. 5 (万公顷) from Disease , Pests and Rats (10 000 hectares ) 森林病虫鼠害防 治率(% 环境污染与破坏 事故 Prevention and Cure Rate (% Incidents of Environmental 67 70 68 66 68 2411 1842 1921 1843 1441 次数 (次) Pollution and ( time) 1138 864 Destruction 水污染 大气污染 海洋污染 固体废物污 染 噪声与震动 危害 其他 污染事故直接经 济损失 Water Pollution Air Pollution Ocean Pollution Solid Wastes Pollution 1096 576 1097 597 1042 654 4 753 569 6 103 39 109 11 47 56 Noise and Vibration Pollution Other Direct Economic Loss Due to 266 80 97 50 36 40 17808 45 12272 21 4641 37 3375 25 36366 (万元) Pollution yuan) ( 10 000 污染事故赔款总 额 (万元) Reparations for Pollution 3144. 9 2948. 7 2629. 7 1999. 1 3487. 2 Incidents yuan) ( 10 000 污染事故罚款总 额 Penalty to Pollution Incidents 537. 7 315. 2 511 . 0 392 . 4 476. 7 (万元) (10 000 yuan )