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[Abstract] Objective To investigate the clinical effects of interventional therapy for patients with thyroid surgery. Methods Eighty-eight patients with thyroid surgery admitted to our hospital from December 2016 to October 2018 were convenient selected as experimental subjects. The digital parity method was used to identify the nursing strategies of each group. The control group (44 cases): the traditional nursing countermeasures were used to conduct nursing intervention. Observation group (44 cases): taking the traditional nursing countermeasures + personalized nursing countermeasures to carry out nursing intervention; compare the SAS score results and the total satisfaction of nursing at each time point. Results The SAS scores of the thyroid surgery patients on the day of admission were not statistically significant different from those of the control group (t=1.382 2, P0.05). The results of the SAS scores of the thyroid surgery patients in the observation group were lower than those of the control group 1 d before and 2 d after surgery(t=9.203 7, 13.570 4, P0.05); the satisfaction rate of the thyroid surgery patients in the observation group (63.64%) and the total satisfaction rate (97.73%) were higher than those in the control group (34.09%) and (70.45%) (χ2=7.685 8, 12.231 7, P0.05). Conclusion During the nursing of patients with thyroid surgery, the effective application of personalized nursing methods has a significant effect on the reduction of the preoperative 1 d and postoperative 2 d SAS scores and the improvement of the nursing satisfaction rate. Finally, the anxiety of the patients with thyroid surgery is relieved, the operation is successful, and the rehabilitation accelerated and laid the foundation.

[Key words] Personalized nursing measures; Thyroid surgery; Nursing effect

甲状腺作为内分泌系统器官之一,极为重要,并且发病率增加程度尤为明显,其诱因主要为患者身体在碘吸收方面较为缺乏造成。此外,高碘、基因突变以及激素合成障碍等系列因素也会导致患有甲状腺疾病。在此类患者医护需求不断增加的同时,护理工作难度也呈现出显著增加,传统护理对策的应用,难以对患者的系列要求加以满足,对此有必要探讨更为有效模式展开甲状腺疾病患者的临床护理。该次研究方便选择该院2021年12月—2021年10月收治的88例甲状腺手术患者作为实验对象,将针对甲状腺疾病患者探讨最佳护理对策,以通过个性化护理对策的应用,促进甲状腺疾病患者的康复加快,现报道如下。 1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料

方便选择该院收治的88例甲状腺手术患者作为实验对象;数字奇偶法分组后明确各组护理对策。对照组(44例):男11例,女33例;年龄分布范围为21~66岁,平均年龄为(45.39±2.39)岁;属于甲亢、甲状腺癌、地方性甲状腺增生以及甲状腺腺瘤患者例数分别为5例、6例、31例以及2例。观察组(44例):男12例,女32例;年龄分布范围为22~67岁,平均年龄为(45.45±2.43)岁;属于甲亢、甲状腺癌、地方性甲状腺增生以及甲状腺腺瘤患者例数分别为6例、7例、30例以及1例。观察对比两组甲状腺手术患者的性别、年龄以及疾病类型,结果均差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。该研究所选病例经过伦理委员会批准,患者或家属知情同意。 1.2 方法



1.2.1 合理做好心理护理工作 对于甲状腺手术而言,诸多患者内心呈现出一定程度的担忧,对该研究有效方案展开心理护理,并且要求具有针对性意义显著。此外,对于甲状腺疾病患者的系列疑问,护理人员在解答期间需要确保耐心认真并且和蔼亲切,就甲状腺手术安全性、必要性与系列注意事项予以告知,以保证患者可以在了解甲状腺手术知识基础上,保持平稳心态接受手术治疗。

1.2.2 合理做好术中护理工作 在准备对甲状腺手术患者开展手术前40 min,护理人员需要就患者的血压以及心率予以测量以及记录。手术期间,就手术过程护理人员同患者认真沟通,将患者安全感以及信心感显著提升。

1.2.3 合理做好术后检测工作 手术后,护理人员针对患者在进行生命体征监管期间需要严格进行,对于手套以及气管切开包等系列急救装备需要认真准备;尤其手术前几天,需要充分加强巡视工作力度,就患者的系列不适感以及异常感予以检测,如发现异常,需要研究针对性对策予以干预;此外,对于患者全程跟踪工作需要认真进行,对于患者每次体征变化需要耐心记录。 1.3 观察指标

观察对比两组甲状腺手术患者入院当天、术前1 d以及術后2 dSAS评分结果以及护理总满意度。 1.4 判断标准


②对于两组甲状腺手术患者的护理总满意度,采用自制问卷,于护理技能、服务态度、操作技术以及护理质量几方面展开评定,评价级别分别判定为非常满意(85~100分)、基本满意(60~84分)与不满意(≤59分)两方面。 1.5 统计方法



