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1.演出地点、时间及参加人员; 2.介绍艺术节主题:弘扬传统文化,促进文化交流. 参考词汇:中学生文化艺术节the Middle School Art Festival 承办 host 弘扬 carry forward Dear Peter,

How is everything going?I'm honored and happy,hearing you are a fan of traditional Chinese Art and Culture.ere comes a piece of good news appealing to you.The Middle School Art Festival hosted by our school is drawing near.

The festival is to carry forward traditional culture and promote cultural exchange.And it provides audience with a stage where they can sample different forms of traditional Chinese and foreign culture while putting on performance.Next Friday,on the 30th of June,the festival will be held in the Shiyu Building.All of us students will take part in it.I sincerely hope that you can join us in our performance.By the way,it will be nicer of you to show us something from your country,since it will satisfy our curiosity about Britain.

All of us will feel graced with the presence of you and your family. 二:假如你是新华中学的学生会主席李华,你校学生会应英国Westminster School邀请,下星期将到该校进行交流访问,向该校学生介绍中国传统文化。请你给该校联系人Mr. Smith写一封邮件,信的要点如下: 1.感谢对方的邀请 2.询问食宿、活动安排和说明要介绍的传统文化内容3.祝愿交流活动成功 Dear Mr. Smith,

I am Li Hua, chairman of the Student Union of Xin Hua High School. Thank you for inviting us to visit your school next week, for which we do feel honored. Now I am writing for more detailed information.

Since it will be our first trip to Britain, we would like to know details about our accommodation arrangement. If possible, we prefer to live in host families to experience British culture. Besides, could you please e-mail our schedule to me at your convenience? Finally, in terms of Chinese traditional culture, considering that there is growing interest in Tang Poems, we plan to introduce this great cultural treasure. For better interaction, fellow students of your school can prepare some relative questions beforehand.

I'd appreciate it if you could give us an early reply. Wish our interaction activity a great success!

Thank you for your attention! Best wishes!

三:假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Jack想学习汉语,你推荐他去孔子学院,请给他写封邮件,内容包括: 1.推荐理由;2.相关课程,如中国历史,传统文化等。参考词汇:孔子学院Confucius Institute Dear Jack,

I'm more than pleased to know that you are eager to learn Chinese. Confucius Institute may be a good choice, which is intended for the Chinese learners who are not native.

Confucius Institute provides various interesting subjects. You will learn Chinese history and traditional culture as well as Chinese writing. Also, you have more chances to talk with classmates in Chinese. Besides, teachers will introduce some Chinese traditional festivals, such as the Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Day and


Mid-Autumn Day. Some relevant activities will be held during different festivals, such as making dumplings or eating zongzi, where you can not only enjoy delicious meals but also have a good knowledge of Chinese life.

I hope you will find my recommendation helpful and attractive.

四:假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,介绍在“传统文化进校园”活动中,向面人艺术家学习捏面人的过程,并以“A Day with a Craftsman”为题,给校刊“英语角”写一篇英文稿件。

注意:词数不少于60。 提示词:一个面团a piece of dough 面人dough figurine

Last Tuesday, our class invited an old craftsman to teach us how to make dough figurines.

When the craftsman came into the classroom, we gave him a warm welcome and two boys helped him with the tool box. First, he showed us the basic steps and skills of making dough figurines. We stood around him and watched attentively. Then we started to have a try ourselves. The old man walked around and helped us patiently. Finally, we put the figurines we made on the table and took pictures with the old craftsman. Looking at the figurines, we were all very excited.

We hope we can have more activities of this kind!


1.你认为最能代表中国文化的是什么?请说明理由; 2.我们应该如何更好地推广中国文化? (至少两点) Dear Peter,

Your letter reached me with pleasure. I'm so happy that the “Foreign Cultures” section in our newspaper will recommend Chinese traditional culture.

From my perspective, there is no denying that Confucius is the most representative symbol of Chinese culture. As a philosopher, Confucius not only represents the traditional Chinese culture, but has been influencing us Chinese people since ancient times. Nowadays we can find lots of Confucius institutes around the world, which provide platforms for the foreigners to learn about Chinese culture.

Undoubtedly, culture is a decisive factor for social development. As a country with a long history, China is rich in civilization and culture. To promote Chinese culture, we are supposed to provide various cultural exchange activities. What's more, establishing Confucius institutes all over the world is also a good idea. Meanwhile, attracting more foreign visitors to China to experience Chinese culture will have a far--reaching impact. I'll be glad if I could help you.

Yours, Li Hua



暑假将为外国学生举办一场汉语夏令营活动(Chinese Summer Camp),请你给他发一封电子邮件,内容包括: 1.时间和地点; 2.内容:学习日常汉语、了解中国历史和传统文化、参观博物馆等; 3. 报名方式和截止时间。 Dear Tom,

Here comes a piece of good news. Chinese Summer Camp, which is intended for international students, is going to be held in our school this summer vacation. Since you are obsessed with Chinese culture, I'd like to invite you to join it.

The Camp is scheduled to last 11 days, from July 18 to July 28. It covers a wide variety of cultural activities, ranging from studying Chinese daily expressions to attending some lectures on Chinese history and traditional culture. As we all know, language is closely related to culture, so I'm convinced that you can dig out Chinese cultural features from language study. In addition, the Camp provides a chance for you to visit some famous museums, which is the best way to learn about the country. By admiring the historical relics, you will definitely gain a better understanding of the country.

If you want to be part of it, please sign up for it before July 2nd at our school website. Looking forward to your early reply.

Yours, Li Hua

七:.你的美国朋友Chris目前在北京学习汉语,他对中国传统文化非常感兴趣。本周五下午你校将要举办一个文化讲座,请你根据以下提示给他写一封电子邮件,邀请他来参加。 1.农业大学张教授讲解中国茶文化的历史和传播; 2.讲座后有交流和品茶活动; 3.你将陪同Chris并帮其翻译讲解。 Dear Chris,

Good news! There will be a lecture in our school this Friday afternoon. Professor Zhang from University of Agriculture will tell us about the history and Spread of Chinese tea. This will be followed by a tea party and you can taste different kind of tea. I wonder if you want to participate in it. Don't worry about the language. I'll be with you and explain what you don't understand.

If you don't have any prior appointment then, I am looking forward to your coming. 八:最近有新闻报道称,武汉某学校取消了女子3000米和男子5000米两个校运会项目。请结合此新闻与漫画,写一篇英语短文。 短文应包括以下内容:

1. 简单描述漫画内容以及反映出的问题。

2. 分析造成此问题的原因(1. 学习压力过大;2. 电脑、网络的普及;3. ……) 你认为该如何解决这一问题

It is recently reported that a school in Wuhan

cancelled the school sports programs of the women’s 3000 meters and the men’s 5000




