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【期刊名称】《中国继续医学教育》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)021

【摘要】Objective To discuss the application of permanent deep venous indwelling catheter in hemodialysis effect evaluation and nursing method. Methods Our hospital in March 2013 to March 2015 permanent deep venous indwelling catheter to maintain a sex of hemodialysis patients with clinical data were analyzed, a total of 54 cases of patients, randomly divided into observation group and control group, the 27 people, control group patients applied way for routine care, observation group of indwelling catheter applied correctly, must be targeted in nursing intervention policy, strengthen health education, to observe nursing care after the last of hemodialysis. Results 54 cases were successful, through carries on the care, have been recovered, blood flow for ml/min (220.23±20.28), the average indwelling time was (17.42±12.31) months, postoperative tunnel bleeding phenomenon, poor blood flow, catheter infections phenomenon and catheter thrombosis patients group is lower than the control group, the average indwelling catheter time did not differ between the two groups. Conclusion Permanent deep venous indwelling catheter is mainly effective supplement autogenous arteriovenous internal flag, set up the

strong self-confidence, the operation technology, to be perfect for clinical observation and nursing of reinforced, so to complications can be found in time, and for targeted treatment, and can also increase the service time of the pipe.%目的探讨论血液透析中应用永久性深静脉留置导管的效果评价及护理方法。方法对本院2013年3月~2015年3月收治的永久性深静脉留置导管维持持性血液透析患者的临床资料进行了分析,其中患者共有54例,将其随机的分成观察组和对照组,各27人,对照组患者应用的护理方式为常规,观察组对留置导管正确应用,对护理的干预政策一定要具有针对性,加强健康教育,对护理进行观察,最后
对血液透析之后加以护理。结果54例患者置管均成功,通过对其进行护理,都得到痊愈,血流量为(220.23±20.28)ml/min,平均留置时间为(17.42±12.31)个月,术后出现隧道出血现象、血流不畅现象、导管感染现象和导管血栓形成现象的患者观察组低于对照组,导管的平均留置时间两组没有差异。结论永久性深静脉留置导管主要就是有效的补充自体动静脉内萎,树立强大的自信心,对操作技术加以完善,对临床的观察和护理加以强化,这样对并发症就可以及时发现,并且对其进行针对性治疗,并且还可以使导管的使用寿命增强。 【总页数】2页(226-227)

【关键词】血液透析;永久性;深静脉留置导管;效果评价;护理 【作者】杨梅芳

【作者单位】353000 福建医科大学附属南平第一医院 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】R473


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