健康是指一个人在身体、精神和社会等方面都处于良好的状态。下面一起来看看 为大家精心推荐的关于健康的英语句子,希望对您有所帮助。
1、生命在于运动。 Life is movement. 2、要健脑,把绳跳。 To brain, the jump rope. 3、立如松,行如风。
Line, standing like a pine wind. 4、吃得巧,睡得好。
Eat smart, have a good sleep. 5、先睡心,后睡眼。 After sleep, sleep. 6、饭前便后要洗手。
Before the rice then empress to wash your hands. 7、哭一哭,解千愁。
Cry cry, solution thousand sorrow. 8、清洁仅次于圣洁。 Clean after holiness.
9、节饮食而后得健康。 Food and healthily. 10、指甲常剪,疾病不染。
Disease often cut nails, don't dye. 11、饭前喝汤,胜过药方。
Drink the soup before meals, and is better than medicine. 12、健康是人生第一财富。 The first wealth is health. 13、好人健康,恶人命短。
Good health, and the wicked life short. 14、汗水没干,冷水莫沾。
Don't touch sweat didn't dry, cold water.
15、笑口常开,青春常在。 Laugh often, youth often in. 16、甜言夺志,甜食坏齿。
Sweetness from tzu chi, sweet bad teeth. 17、健康是人生的第一财富。 Life the first wealth is health. 18、保持健康是做人的责任。
To keep healthy is the responsibility of the person. 19、健康凭健商,锻炼靠毅力。
Health in national health quotient, exercise perseverance. 20、要想生活好,洁净离不了。 If you want to live a good, clean from. 21、科学的基础是健康的身体。
Science is the foundation of a healthy body. 22、体弱病欺人,体强人欺病。
Weak disease deceives people, body strongman deceives. 23、吃面多喝汤,免得开药方。
Eat noodles soup more, lest a prescription. 24、每餐留一口,活到九十九。 Every meal for, live to be ninety-nine. 25、三天不吃青,两眼冒金星。 Three days without stone, eyes stars.
健康的英语句子精选:26、白水沏茶喝,能活一百多。 White tea to drink, can live more than one hundred. 27、天下有千种疾病,却只有一种健康。
The world has one thousand kinds of disease, but only a kind of health.
28、大蒜是个宝,常吃身体好。 Garlic is a treasure, often eat healthy. 29、尽量少喝酒,病魔绕道走。
Drink less as far as possible, make a detour.