General DescriptionThe low-voltage serial-peripheral interface (SPI?)DS1390/DS1391/DS1394 and the low-voltage 3-wireDS1392/DS1393 real-time clocks (RTCs) are clocks/cal-endars that provide hundredths of a second, seconds,minutes, hours, day, date, month, and year information.The date at the end of the month is automaticallyadjusted for months with fewer than 31 days, includingcorrections for leap year. The clock operates in eitherthe 24-hour or 12-hour format with an AM/PM indicator.One programmable time-of-day alarm is provided. Atemperature-compensated voltage reference monitorsthe status of VCCand automatically disables the businterface and switches to the backup supply if a powerfailure is detected. On the DS1390, a single open-drainoutput provides a CPU interrupt or a square wave atone of four selectable frequencies. The DS1391replaces the SQW/INTpin with a RSToutput/debounced input.
The DS1390, DS1391, and DS1394 are programmedserially through an SPI-compatible, bidirectional bus.The DS1392 and DS1393 communicate over a 3-wireserial bus, and the extra pin is used for either a sepa-rate interrupt pin or a RSToutput/debounced input.
All five devices are available in a 10-pin μSOP package,and are rated over the industrial temperature range.
ApplicationsHand-Held DevicesGPS/Telematics DevicesEmbedded Time StampingMedical Devices
FeaturesoReal-Time Clock Counts Hundredths of Seconds,Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Day, Date, Month, andYear with Leap-Year Compensation Valid Up to2100oOutput Pin Configurable as Interrupt or SquareWave with Programmable Frequency of32.768kHz, 8.192kHz, 4.096kHz, or 1Hz(DS1390/DS1393/DS1394 Only)oOne Time-of-Day Alarm
oPower-Fail Detect and Switch Circuitry
oReset Output/Debounced Input (DS1391/DS1393)oSeparate SQW and INT Output (DS1392)oTrickle-Charge Capability
oSPI Supports Modes 0 and 2 (DS1394)oSPI Supports Modes 1 and 3 (DS1390/DS1391)o3-Wire Interface (DS1392/DS1393)o4MHz at 3.0V and 3.3Vo1MHz at 1.8V
oThree Operating Voltages: 1.8V ±5%, 3.0V ±10%,and 2.97 to 5.5V (DS1394: 3.3V ±10%)oIndustrial Temperature Range: -40°C to +85°CoUnderwriters Laboratories (UL) Recognized
Ordering InformationTYP PARTOPERATING PIN-TOP MARK?VOLTAGE (V)PACKAGEDS1390U-18+ 1.8 10 μSOP 1390 rr-18 DS1390U-3+ 3.0 10 μSOP 1390 rr-3 DS1390U-33+ 3.3 10 μSOP 1390 rr-33 DS1391U-18+ 1.8 10 μSOP 1391 rr-18 DS1391U-3+ 3.0 10 μSOP 1391 rr-3 DS1391U-33+ 3.3 10 μSOP 1391 rr-33 DS1392U-18+ 1.8 10 μSOP 1393 rr-18 DS1392U-3+ 3.0 10 μSOP 1392 rr-3 DS1392U-33+ 3.3 10 μSOP 1392 rr-33 DS1393U-18+ 1.8 10 μSOP 1393 rr-18 DS1393U-3+ 3.0 10 μSOP 1393 rr-3 DS1393U-33+ 3.3 10 μSOP 1393 rr-33 DS1394U-33+ 3.3 10 μSOP 1394 rr-33 Note:All devices are rated for the -40°C to +85°C operatingtemperature range.+Denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package.?A “+” anywhere on the top mark denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package.rr = Revision code on second line of top mark.Typical Operating Circuits and Pin Configurations appear atend of the data sheet.DS1390–DS1394Low-Voltage SPI/3-Wire RTCs withTrickle ChargerABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS
Voltage Range on VCCPin Relative to Ground.....-0.3V to +6.0VVoltage Range on Inputs Relative
to Ground...............................................-0.3V to (VCC+ 0.3V)Operating Temperature Range...........................-40°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-55°C to +125°CSoldering Temperature...........................Refer to the IPC/JEDEC
J-STD-020 Specification.
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functionaloperation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure toabsolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS
(VCC= VCC(MIN)to VCC(MAX), TA= -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at nominal supply voltage and TA= +25°C,unless otherwise noted.) (Note 1)PARAMETERSupply Voltage (Note 2) SYMBOLVCCCONDITIONSDS139x-33 DS139x-3 DS139x-18 Logic 1 Logic 0 Supply Voltage, Pullup SQW/INT, SQW, INT, VCC = 0V VBACKUP Voltage (Note 2) VIH (Note 2) VIL (Note 2) VPU (Note 2) -33VBACKUP-3-18-33Power-Fail Voltage (Note 2) VPF-3-18Trickle-Charge Current-Limiting Resistors Input Leakage I/O Leakage RST Pin I/O Leakage DOUT Logic 1 Output DOUT Logic 0 Output Logic 0 Output (DS1390/DS1393/DS1394 SQW/INT; DS1392 SQW, INT;DS1391/DS1393 RST)VCC Active Supply Current (Note 10) R1 (Notes 3, 4)R2 (Notes 3, 5) R3 (Notes 3, 6) ILI (Note 7) ILO (Note 8) ILORST (Note 9) IOHDOUTIOHDOUT-33, -3 (VOH = 0.85 x VCC)-18 (VOH = 0.80 x VCC)-33, -3 (VOL = 0.15 x VCC)-18 (VOL = 0.20 x VCC)VCC > 1.71V; VOL = 0.4V IOLSIR1.3V < VCC < 1.71V; VOL = 0.4V -33ICCA-3-18250 22μA mA 1.3 MINTYPMAXUNITS92.7 3.3 5.50 2.7 3.0 3.3 V1.71 1.8 1.89 0.7 x VCC-0.3VCC + 0.5+0.3 xVCCVV5.5 V 3.0 VCC(MAX)1.3 3.0 3.7 V1.3 3.0 3.7 2.70 2.88 2.97 2.45 2.6 2.70 V1.51 1.6 1.71 250 2000 4000-1-1-200+1+1+10-1μA μA μA ??mA 0.750 3mA 23.0 mA 500μADS1390–DS1394Low-Voltage SPI/3-Wire RTCs withTrickle ChargerRECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS (continued)
(VCC= VCC(MIN)to VCC(MAX), TA= -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at nominal supply voltage and TA= +25°C,unless otherwise noted.) (Note 1)PARAMETERVCC Standby Current (Note 11) VBACKUP Leakage Current (VBACKUP = 3.7V, VCC = VCC(MAX))SYMBOL-33ICCS-3-18IBACKUPLKG CONDITIONSMINTYP115806015 MAX175125100100 nA UNITSμA DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VCC= 0V, VBACKUP= 3.7V, TA= -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 1)PARAMETERVBACKUP Current OSC On,SQW OffVBACKUP Current OSC On,SQW On (32kHz)VBACKUP Current OSC On,SQW On, VBACKUP = 3.0V,TA = +25°CVBACKUP Current, OSC Off(Data Retention)SYMBOLIBACKUP1IBACKUP2(Note 12)(Note 12)CONDITIONSMINTYP500600MAX10001150UNITSnAnAIBACKUP3(Note 12)6001000nAIBACKUPDR(Note 12)25100nAAC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—SPI INTERFACE(VCC= VCC(MIN)to VCC(MAX), TA= -40°C to +85°C,unless otherwise noted.) (Note 1)PARAMETERSCLK Frequency (Note 13) Data to SCLK Setup SCLK to Data Hold SCLK to Data Valid (Notes 13, 14, 15) SCLK Low Time (Note 13) SCLK High Time (Note 13) SCLK Rise and Fall CS to SCLK Setup (Note 13) SCLK to CS Hold (Note 13) CS Inactive Time (Note 13) CS to Output High Impedance SYMBOLCONDITIONMIN0 TYPMAX4 UNITS2.7V ?? VCC?? 5.5V fSCLK91.71V ?? VCC??1.8VtDC (Notes 13, 14) tCDH (Notes 13, 14) tCDDtCLtCHtR, tFtCCtCCHtCWH2.7V ?? VCC?? 5.5V 1.71V ?? VCC?? 1.89V 2.7V ?? VCC?? 5.5V 1.71V ?? VCC?? 1.89V 2.7V ?? VCC?? 5.5V 1.71V ?? VCC?? 1.89V 2.7V ?? VCC?? 5.5V 1.71V ?? VCC?? 1.89V MHz 0 130 30 80 160 110 400 110 400 400 100 400 500 40 ns ns ns ns ns 200 ns ns ns ns ns tCDZ (Notes 13, 14) DS1390–DS1394Low-Voltage SPI/3-Wire RTCs withTrickle ChargerPOWER-UP/POWER-DOWN CHARACTERISTICS
(TA= -40°C to +85°C) (Figures 5, 6)
(TA= +25°C)PARAMETERCapacitance on All Input PinsCapacitance on All Output Pins(High Impedance)SYMBOLCINCIOCONDITIONSMINTYPMAX1010UNITSpFpFWARNING:Negative undershoots below -0.3V while the part is in battery-backed mode can cause loss of data.
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